| Organizer Approval Required to Participate Open to teams and individual competitors Individual scores will be derived from team scores 4 person teams. Teams are defined by score - top shooters are the team Fee: $11.50 per person, teams are free
This competition is closed | | Rules:
The 92nd Annual Rifle Postal Tournament and the 69th Annual Pistol Tournament of the IER&PA will begin firing the month of December 2012 and continue firing for ten consecutive weeks.
The tournament is open to any rifle or pistol club in the Inland Empire, or by invitation provided, they are affiliated with the National Rifle Association. Clubs may enter one or more four-person teams. No individual may fire more than the ten matches and may only fire on one team Except for Junior Rifle who may shoot for a Junior and Senior team. Two clubs may combine to form one team. Some clubs have found it to their advantage to have a score or two fired ahead of the due date and into the Secretary in order to take care of unforeseen occurrences such as inclement weather, sickness, holidays, mail delays, non working fax or phone lines complications, etc. (Remember how typical winters can be!)
ARMS: Any smallbore .22 caliber rifle, NRA rule 3.2 (any safe trigger). Any .22 caliber pistol or revolver, NRA rule: 3.4 (no less than 2 lb. trigger).
SIGHTS: Any sights for Pistol and Senior Rifle. Juniors must use iron sights for the Junior Rifle Division.
COURSE OF FIRE: All firing will be done in the presence of at least one club officer of the participating club. All scores will be certified by such officer as being fired in accordance to the NRA Gallery Rifle & Pistol Rules. Being an NRA regulated Match, once a set of targets is started, they have to be shot at that event not spread out over days or shot randomly for convenience. The club officer in charge may use bullet gauges. Mark every shot on the target where the gauge is used. Targets may not be mailed to a shooter in another city except in the case when two clubs combine to form one team. It is permissible for a team member to take their targets to another range and fire them when they travel to another club for a shoulder to shoulder match.
Senior Rifle: A-17 targets. Ten shots in each of the four positions. Ten minutes for each prone, sitting and kneeling position. Fifteen minutes for standing. (Juniors exception: If a junior team wishes to shoot with or without a scope and A-17 targets they may enter as a senior rifle team. NRA smallbore rifles rule 3.2 will prevail, which may include hook butt plates and palm rests.
Pistol: B2 and B3 targets. Two five shot strings for each of slow, timed and rapid fire. Ten shots per target. Slow fire timing is ten minutes for ten shots. Timed fire is 20 seconds for each five shot string. Rapid fire is ten seconds for each five shot string.
Junior Rifle: NRA/USA 50 targets. Regulation quarter course of fire, three position. Ten minutes for prone. Fifteen minutes for kneeling. Twenty minutes for standing. NRA rules will apply. Iron sights only.
****Any Person may compete as a Junior through December 31st of the calendar year in which his or her 20th birthday occurs. Any Junior that begins the competition as a Junior may finish as a Junior recognizing that this competition officially begins on January 2nd each year, regardless of when the first targets are shot.****
SIGHTING SHOTS: Sighting shots allowed for rifle, using allotted time for that position. Handguns may use practice targets for sighting. The numbered targets are for record only.
CLASSIFICATION: All teams will be classified after three weeks. This will enable the teams to be classified on their shooting ability this year, as clubs may lose or pick-up shooters during the summer months. The first two weeks the teams will not be broken into classes. The third week the teams will be listed with their classification for the year. This had been discussed and voted on by the membership at the Columbia State meeting held spring of 1996.
TARGETS: ****All****targets must have the (Official NRA Competition Seal” and have the “Official Sticker Label of Inland Empire Rifle & Pistol Association” placed on the backside of the Bull (Pistol) or #1 Bull (rifle). and numbered numerically. Range officers will issue targets in numbered sequence to their teams and any break in the sequence will be subject to question. It is the prerogative of the assigned Association Officer to call any or all targets of a match for inspection.
All labels must be placed on the backside of the targets before they are shot: For Pistol targets place the labels in the center back behind the 10 ring. For rifle targets place the label on the back behind the #1 bull (not the sighter!).
If a club is using official IER&PA labels instead of official IER&PA targets, please follow these guidelines: All labels must be placed on the backside of the targets before they are shot: For Pistol targets place the labels in the center back behind the 10 ring. For rifle targets place the label on the back behind the #1 bull (not the sighter!).
*** "Remember, place the label on the backside before the target is shot at." *** It should be noted that additional care must be exercised to keep the targets in a consecutive numbered order for each week. This is often done in advance by setting up the targets in a block for each week with the names of the individuals and the match numbers filled in to avoid confusion at a later date. All targets must be kept for two weeks after the final publication in the Spokesman-Review newspaper.
FOR OFFICIAL IER&PA STICKERS CONTACT: Scott Lorenz, P.O. Box 2303, Lynnwood, WA 98036-2303 (tel: 1-425-971-4151, leave message)
(e-mail: [email protected]) Stickers: $10 per roll of 250 stickers each. Advance payment is necessary for stickers— If Priority shipping is needed, please include $5.15. NO COD orders will be accepted. (Checks made out to: IER&PA) Turnaround time is about 1 ½ weeks. You may order official NRA targets from: American Target CO., 1328 So. Jason St., Denver, CO 80223. (1-303-733-0433) (Fax: 1-303-777-0311) (www.americantargetcompany.com)
SCORING: *****Report All Xs on Score Sheets*****
List the shooters: beginning with the highest score first and continue listing in descending order on the score sheet. Calculate the team score. Fill in the area to report the team name and class. Also, include Extra shooters results as their results will be submitted to the NRA records, but not calculated into a team score. DOUBLE and TRIPLE check your addition for the total team score. If the addition is in error and you have under scored, then your score will remain as reported. If the addition is in error and you have over scored, then the correction will be made. Please report scores for all positions shot so tiebreakers may be determined correctly. "SCORES MUST include the number of Xs for both rifle and pistol." (Scoring X’s refer to NRA Rule 14.3b and Center shots NRA Rule 14.3e)
Scores must be mailed or e-mailed to the Match Director (Form provided by the Association). Those scores arriving late will be forfeited. SCORES for the FIRST Week must be in the hands of the Match Director NO LATER THAN NOON TUESDAY, January 8th, 2013. It is "VERY" important that all scores are in on time in order to be published. The Match Director will make NO exceptions. The scores shall continue to be mailed each week thereafter until the ten matches are completed. Scores submitted early are welcome and encouraged. The results begin appearing tentatively January 13, 2013 on the Spokesman-Review web site: http://www.spokesman.com/pistolrifle and the association’s web site: http://www.ierpa.org .
(Don’t hesitate to consider shooting and sending results in early.)
HANDICAP: If a team is short a member then the team may be handicapped one shooter. This shooters score will be calculated at 80% of the average of the other members’ scores on the team. A team can only be handicapped the maximum of one shooter and only on the lowest team entered in the postal for a discipline.
ENTRY FEES: $20.00 per each four person team, plus include $5.00 for NRA (FLAT FEE) registration required for each individual entered from the club to cover all disciplines. If a participant chooses to shoot both rifle and pistol, or both junior and senior rifle only $5.00 is required for that one shooter. (Entry Fee ex: A club enters two teams with 10 shooters on the roster; the entry fee would be $90.00.) Mail entries to: Inland Empire Rifle and Pistol Association, c/o Bernice McKinney, 1470 Circulo Sombrero, Rio Rico, AZ 85648-7600. The entry fees must be in the hands of the Match Director no later than December 4th, 2012.
ALL CLUBS MUST INCLUDE A ROSTER OF ALL SHOOTERS: THEIR FULL NAMES, ADDRESSES, BIRTHDATES, and NRA ID NUMBERS for the purpose of submitting the scores to the NRA for classification as this is a registered league. Clubs that do not submit the required information forfeit awards; yet must still pay the $5.00 NRA shooter’s fee. The tentative roster is to be included with the first week’s scores. Clubs which participated in the postal last season may have a roster sheet included with this bulletin, if so, please update and return by snail mail or email, as this list shows the current information in the Association records.
Awards will be given to top junior shooters in both pistol and rifle disciplines. A junior is classified as stated in the Course of Fire section of this bulletin. Please highlight any junior shooter on your roster. Thanks!
All ties in the final AGGREGATE standings will be broken by the scores fired in the tenth weeks match. Remember to report the X count, it is important!
CHALLENGE: Protests must be made within two weeks after the publication of the score that is being challenged. All targets in protest from the challenged team and the protesting team will be reviewed. Challenge fee is $3.00 per week challenged. Only up to three protests will be allowed from any one club or its members per season.
BULLETIN: Because the Spokesman-Review is the sponsor of this tournament, the publication of the weekly results on the Spokesman-Review web site is the official bulletin. Sometimes printing errors do occur, because of this, the scores turned into the Spokesman by the Secretary will hold the final decision in any dispute. Results will appear on the www.spokesman.com website and the association’s web site http://www.ierpa.org. The weekly results can be mailed for an additional $5.00 to cover postage. Also, results can be emailed in Excel.
AWARDS: The winning team will be determined by the total team aggregate for the ten weeks. It is important to not miss a week of firing. Get your scores in on time!!!!
Winning teams name will be engraved on the following challenge trophies; The Inland Empire Rifle & Pistol Association trophy for class AA and class D Rifle; The IER&PA trophy for class A Rifle; The Jensen-Byrd trophy for class B and the Marshall Wells trophy for class C Rifle. Pistol winners challenge trophies are as follows; The IER&PA trophy for class A Pistol; The Bill Hatch trophy for class B; The IER&PA trophy for class C: the Holt Memorial trophy for class D, and the Inland Empire Pistol Trophies for Class E, EE, G, H and possibly I. Other awards will be as follows: each class with 3 through 5 teams will be given 1st and 2nd place awards. Classes with 6 through 11 teams will be given 1st, 2nd and 3rd places. Pistol groups are to be limited to 9 teams per group. (Match director will make judgment call per 2009 minutes) There will also be an award for High man & High lady in Rifle and Pistol. High Junior girl and boy in Rifle and Pistol will also receive awards. Two Perpetual trophies for Junior Rifle Class A and B teams: Bill Havercroft and Warren Ratcliffe. Class F & G pistol trophy to be announced. If over two junior pistol teams participate, top team will be recognized. Challenge trophies are displayed at the Sandpoint Gun Club, Sandpoint, Idaho - sponsors of the Annual Columbia State Match.
| Targets:
| Organizer Approval Required to Participate Open to teams and individual competitors Individual scores will be derived from team scores 4 person teams. Teams are defined by score - top shooters are the team Fee: $11.50 per person, teams are free
This competition is closed | | Rules:
The 93rd Annual Rifle Postal Tournament and the 70th Annual Pistol Tournament of the IER&PA will begin firing the month of January 2014
and continue firing for ten consecutive weeks.
The tournament is open to any rifle or pistol club in the Inland Empire, or by invitation provided, they are affiliated with the National Rifle Association. Clubs may enter one or more four-person teams. No individual may fire more than the ten matches and may only fire on one team Except for Junior Rifle who may shoot for a Junior and Senior team. Two clubs may combine to form one team. Some clubs have found it to their advantage to have a score or two fired ahead of the due date and into the Secretary in order to take care of unforeseen occurrences such as inclement weather, sickness, holidays, mail delays, non working fax or phone lines complications, etc. (Remember how typical winters can be!)
ARMS: Any smallbore .22 caliber rifle, NRA rule 3.2 (any safe trigger). Any .22 caliber pistol or revolver, NRA rule: 3.4 (no less than 2 lb. trigger).
SIGHTS: Any sights for Pistol and Senior Rifle. Juniors must use iron sights for the Junior Rifle Division.
COURSE OF FIRE: All firing will be done in the presence of at least one club officer of the participating club. All scores will be certified by such officer as being fired in accordance to the NRA Gallery Rifle & Pistol Rules. Being an NRA regulated Match, once a set of targets is started, they have to be shot at that event not spread out over days or shot randomly for convenience. The club officer in charge may use bullet gauges. Mark every shot on the target where the gauge is used. Targets may not be mailed to a shooter in another city except in the case when two clubs combine to form one team. It is permissible for a team member to take their targets to another range and fire them when they travel to another club for a shoulder to shoulder match.
Senior Rifle: A-17 targets. Ten shots in each of the four positions. Ten minutes for each prone, sitting and kneeling position. Fifteen minutes for standing.
(Juniors exception: If a junior team wishes to shoot with or without a scope and A-17 targets they may enter as a senior rifle team. NRA smallbore rifles rule 3.2 will prevail, which may include hook butt plates and palm rests.
Pistol: B2 and B3 targets. Two five shot strings for each of slow, timed and rapid fire. Ten shots per target. Slow fire timing is ten minutes for ten shots. Timed fire is 20 seconds for each five shot string. Rapid fire is ten seconds for each five shot string.
Junior Rifle: NRA/USA 50 targets. Regulation quarter course of fire, three position. Ten minutes for prone. Fifteen minutes for kneeling. Twenty minutes for standing. NRA rules will apply. Iron sights only.
****Any Person may compete as a Junior through December 31st of the calendar year in which his or her 20th birthday occurs. Any Junior that begins the competition as a Junior may finish as a Junior recognizing that this competition officially begins on January 2nd each year, regardless of when the first targets are shot.****
SIGHTING SHOTS: Sighting shots allowed for rifle, using allotted time for that position. Handguns may use practice targets for sighting. The numbered targets are for record only.
CLASSIFICATION: All teams will be classified after three weeks. This will enable the teams to be classified on their shooting ability this year, as clubs may lose or pick-up shooters during the summer months. The first two weeks the teams will not be broken into classes. The third week the teams will be listed with their classification for the year. This had been discussed and voted on by the membership at the Columbia State meeting held spring of 1996.
TARGETS: ****All****targets must have the (Official NRA Competition Seal” and have the “Official Sticker Label of Inland Empire Rifle & Pistol Association” placed on the backside of the Bull (Pistol) or #1 Bull (rifle). and numbered numerically. Range officers will issue targets in numbered sequence to their teams and any break in the sequence will be subject to question. It is the prerogative of the assigned Association Officer to call any or all targets of a match for inspection.
All labels must be placed on the backside of the targets before they are shot: For Pistol targets place the labels in the center back behind the 10 ring. For rifle targets place the label on the back behind the #1 bull (not the sighter!).
If a club is using official IER&PA labels instead of official IER&PA targets, please follow these guidelines: All labels must be placed on the backside of the targets before they are shot: For Pistol targets place the labels in the center back behind the 10 ring. For rifle targets place the label on the back behind the #1 bull (not the sighter!).
*** "Remember, place the label on the backside before the target is shot at." *** It should be noted that additional care must be exercised to keep the targets in a consecutive numbered order for each week. This is often done in advance by setting up the targets in a block for each week with the names of the individuals and the match numbers filled in to avoid confusion at a later date. All targets must be kept for three weeks after the last Tuesday of the posted scheduled session – see published schedule.
FOR OFFICIAL IER&PA STICKERS CONTACT: Scott Lorenz, P.O. Box 2303, Lynnwood, WA 98036-2303 (tel: 1-425-971-4151, leave message)
(e-mail: [email protected]) Stickers: $10 per roll of 250 stickers each. Advance payment is necessary for stickers— If Priority shipping is needed, please include $5.15. NO COD orders will be accepted. (Checks made out to: IER&PA) Turnaround time is about 1 ½ weeks. You may order official NRA targets from: American Target CO., 1328 So. Jason St., Denver, CO 80223. (1-303-733-0433) (Fax: 1-303-777-0311) (www.americantargetcompany.com)
SCORING: *****Report All Xs on Score Sheets*****
List the shooters: beginning with the highest score first and continue listing in descending order on the score sheet. Calculate the team score. Fill in the area to report the team name and class. Also, include Extra shooters results as their results will be submitted to the NRA records, but not calculated into a team score. DOUBLE and TRIPLE check your addition for the total team score. If the addition is in error and you have under scored, then your score will remain as reported. If the addition is in error and you have over scored, then the correction will be made. Please report scores for all positions shot so tiebreakers may be determined correctly. "SCORES MUST include the number of Xs for both rifle and pistol." (Scoring X’s refer to NRA Rule 14.3b and Center shots NRA Rule 14.3e)
Scores are now being posted through the web site http://www.netcompetitor.com/. The test log in and password should be current. If assistance is needed, email the Match Director. Scores must be posted to the web site, mailed, or e-mailed to the Match Director (Form provided by the Association). Those scores arriving late will be forfeited. SCORES for the FIRST Week must be in the hands of the Match Director NO LATER THAN NOON TUESDAY, January 7th, 2014. It is "VERY" important that all scores are in on time in order to be published. The Match Director will make NO exceptions. The scores shall continue to be mailed each week thereafter until the ten matches are completed. Scores submitted early are welcome and encouraged. The results begin appearing tentatively January 12, 2014 on the Spokesman-Review web site: http://www.spokesman.com/pistolrifle and the association’s web site: http://www.ierpa.org .
(Don’t hesitate to consider shooting and sending results in early.)
HANDICAP: If a team is short a member then the team may be handicapped one shooter. This shooters score will be calculated at 80% of the average of the other members’ scores on the team. A team can only be handicapped the maximum of one shooter and only on the lowest team entered in the postal for a discipline.
ENTRY FEES: $20.00 per each four person team, plus include $5.00 for NRA (FLAT FEE) registration required for each individual entered from the club to cover all disciplines. If a participant chooses to shoot both rifle and pistol, or both junior and senior rifle only $5.00 is required for that one shooter. (Entry Fee ex: A club enters two teams with 10 shooters on the roster; the entry fee would be $90.00.) Mail entries to: Inland Empire Rifle and Pistol Association, c/o Craig Speirs PO Box 806, Medical Lake, WA 99022. The entry fees must be in the hands of the Match Director no later than December 3rd, 2013.
ALL CLUBS MUST INCLUDE A ROSTER OF ALL SHOOTERS: THEIR FULL NAMES, ADDRESSES, BIRTHDATES, and NRA ID NUMBERS for the purpose of submitting the scores to the NRA for classification as this is a registered league. Clubs that do not submit the required information forfeit awards; yet must still pay the $5.00 NRA shooter’s fee. The tentative roster is to be included with the first week’s scores. Clubs which participated in the postal last season may have a roster sheet included with this bulletin, if so, please update and return by snail mail or email, as this list shows the current information in the Association records.
Awards will be given to top junior shooters in both pistol and rifle disciplines. A junior is classified as stated in the Course of Fire section of this bulletin. Please highlight any junior shooter on your roster. Thanks!
All ties in the final AGGREGATE standings will be broken by the scores fired in the tenth weeks match. Remember to report the X count, it is important!
CHALLENGE: Protests must be made within two weeks after the publication of the score that is being challenged. All targets in protest from the challenged team and the protesting team will be reviewed. Challenge fee is $3.00 per week challenged. Only up to three protests will be allowed from any one club or its members per season.
BULLETIN: Because the Spokesman-Review is the sponsor of this tournament, the publication of the weekly results on the Spokesman-Review web site is the official bulletin. Sometimes printing errors do occur, because of this, the scores turned into the Spokesman by the Secretary will hold the final decision in any dispute. Results will appear on the www.spokesman.com website and the association’s web site http://www.ierpa.org. The weekly results can be mailed for an additional $5.00 to cover postage. Also, results can be emailed in Excel.
AWARDS: The winning team will be determined by the total team aggregate for the ten weeks. It is important to not miss a week of firing. Get your scores in on time!!!!
Winning teams name will be engraved on the following challenge trophies; The Inland Empire Rifle & Pistol Association trophy for class AA and class D Rifle; The IER&PA trophy for class A Rifle; The Jensen-Byrd trophy for class B and the Marshall Wells trophy for class C Rifle. Pistol winners challenge trophies are as follows; The IER&PA trophy for class A Pistol; The Bill Hatch trophy for class B; The IER&PA trophy for class C: the Holt Memorial trophy for class D, and the Inland Empire Pistol Trophies for Class E, EE, G, H and possibly I. Other awards will be as follows: each class with 3 through 5 teams will be given 1st and 2nd place awards. Classes with 6 through 11 teams will be given 1st, 2nd and 3rd places. Pistol groups are to be limited to 9 teams per group. (Match director will make judgment call per 2009 minutes) There will also be an award for High man & High lady in Rifle and Pistol. High Junior girl and boy in Rifle and Pistol will also receive awards. Two Perpetual trophies for Junior Rifle Class A and B teams: Bill Havercroft and Warren Ratcliffe. Class F & G pistol trophy to be announced. If over two junior pistol teams participate, top team will be recognized. Challenge trophies are displayed at the Sandpoint Gun Club, Sandpoint, Idaho - sponsors of the Annual Columbia State Match.
| Targets:
| Organizer Approval Required to ParticipateOpen to teams Individual scores will be derived from team scores 4 person teams. Teams are defined by score - top shooters are the team Fee: $6.50 per person, teams are free
This competition is closed | | Rules:
The 94nd Annual Rifle Postal Tournament and the 71st Annual Pistol Tournament of the IER&PA will begin firing the month of January 2015 and continue firing for ten consecutive weeks.
The tournament is open to any rifle or pistol club in the Inland Empire, or by invitation provided, they are affiliated with the National Rifle Association. Clubs may enter one or more four-person teams. No individual may fire more than the ten matches and may only fire on one team Except for Junior Rifle who may shoot for a Junior and Senior team. Two clubs may combine to form one team. Some clubs have found it to their advantage to have a score or two fired ahead of the due date and into the Secretary in order to take care of unforeseen occurrences such as inclement weather, sickness, holidays, mail delays, non working fax or phone lines complications, etc. (Remember how typical winters can be!)
ARMS: Any smallbore .22 caliber rifle, NRA rule 3.2 (any safe trigger). Any .22 caliber pistol or revolver, NRA rule: 3.4 (no less than 2 lb. trigger).
SIGHTS: Any sights for Pistol and Senior Rifle. Juniors must use iron sights for the Junior Rifle Division.
COURSE OF FIRE: All firing will be done in the presence of at least one club officer of the participating club. All scores will be certified by such officer as being fired in accordance to the NRA Gallery Rifle & Pistol Rules. Being an NRA regulated Match, once a set of targets is started, they have to be shot at that event not spread out over days or shot randomly for convenience. The club officer in charge may use bullet gauges. Mark every shot on the target where the gauge is used. Targets may not be mailed to a shooter in another city except in the case when two clubs combine to form one team. It is permissible for a team member to take their targets to another range and fire them when they travel to another club for a shoulder to shoulder match.
Senior Rifle: A-17 targets. Ten shots in each of the four positions. Ten minutes for each prone, sitting and kneeling position. Fifteen minutes for standing.
(Juniors exception: If a junior team wishes to shoot with or without a scope and A-17 targets they may enter as a senior rifle team. NRA smallbore rifles rule 3.2 will prevail, which may include hook butt plates and palm rests.
Pistol: B2 and B3 targets. Two five shot strings for each of slow, timed and rapid fire. Ten shots per target. Slow fire timing is ten minutes for ten shots. Timed fire is 20 seconds for each five shot string. Rapid fire is ten seconds for each five shot string.
Junior Rifle: NRA/USA 50 targets. Regulation quarter course of fire, three position. Ten minutes for prone. Fifteen minutes for kneeling. Twenty minutes for standing. NRA rules will apply. Iron sights only.
****Any Person may compete as a Junior through December 31st of the calendar year in which his or her 20th birthday occurs. Any Junior that begins the competition as a Junior may finish as a Junior recognizing that this competition officially begins on January 2nd each year, regardless of when the first targets are shot.****
SIGHTING SHOTS: Sighting shots allowed for rifle, using allotted time for that position. Handguns may use practice targets for sighting. The numbered targets are for record only.
CLASSIFICATION: All teams will be classified after three weeks. This will enable the teams to be classified on their shooting ability this year, as clubs may lose or pick-up shooters during the summer months. The first two weeks the teams will not be broken into classes. The third week the teams will be listed with their classification for the year. This had been discussed and voted on by the membership at the Columbia State meeting held spring of 1996.
TARGETS: ****All****targets must have the (Official NRA Competition Seal” and have the “Official Sticker Label of Inland Empire Rifle & Pistol Association” placed on the backside of the Bull (Pistol) or #1 Bull (rifle). and numbered numerically. Range officers will issue targets in numbered sequence to their teams and any break in the sequence will be subject to question. It is the prerogative of the assigned Association Officer to call any or all targets of a match for inspection.
All labels must be placed on the backside of the targets before they are shot: For Pistol targets place the labels in the center back behind the 10 ring. For rifle targets place the label on the back behind the #1 bull (not the sighter!).
If a club is using official IER&PA labels instead of official IER&PA targets, please follow these guidelines: All labels must be placed on the backside of the targets before they are shot: For Pistol targets place the labels in the center back behind the 10 ring. For rifle targets place the label on the back behind the #1 bull (not the sighter!).
*** "Remember, place the label on the backside before the target is shot at." *** It should be noted that additional care must be exercised to keep the targets in a consecutive numbered order for each week. This is often done in advance by setting up the targets in a block for each week with the names of the individuals and the match numbers filled in to avoid confusion at a later date. All targets must be kept for three weeks after the last Tuesday of the posted scheduled session – see published schedule.
FOR OFFICIAL IER&PA STICKERS CONTACT: Scott Lorenz, P.O. Box 2303, Lynnwood, WA 98036-2303 (tel: 1-425-971-4151, leave message)
(e-mail: [email protected]) Stickers: $10 per roll of 250 stickers each. Advance payment is necessary for stickers— If Priority shipping is needed, please include $5.15. NO COD orders will be accepted. (Checks made out to: IER&PA) Turnaround time is about 1 ½ weeks. You may order official NRA targets from: American Target CO., 1328 So. Jason St., Denver, CO 80223. (1-303-733-0433) (Fax: 1-303-777-0311) (www.americantargetcompany.com)
SCORING: *****Report All Xs on Score Sheets*****
List the shooters: beginning with the highest score first and continue listing in descending order on the score sheet. Calculate the team score. Fill in the area to report the team name and class. Also, include Extra shooters results as their results will be submitted to the NRA records, but not calculated into a team score. DOUBLE and TRIPLE check your addition for the total team score. If the addition is in error and you have under scored, then your score will remain as reported. If the addition is in error and you have over scored, then the correction will be made. Please report scores for all positions shot so tiebreakers may be determined correctly. "SCORES MUST include the number of Xs for both rifle and pistol." (Scoring X’s refer to NRA Rule 14.3b and Center shots NRA Rule 14.3e)
Scores are now being posted through the web site http://www.ierpa.postalleague.com/. The test log in and password should be current. If assistance is needed, email the Match Director. Scores must be posted to the web site, mailed, or e-mailed to the Match Director (Form provided by the Association). Those scores arriving late will be forfeited. SCORES for the FIRST Week must be in the hands of the Match Director NO LATER THAN NOON TUESDAY, January 6th, 2015. It is "VERY" important that all scores are in on time in order to be published. The Match Director will make NO exceptions. The scores shall continue to be mailed each week thereafter until the ten matches are completed. Scores submitted early are welcome and encouraged. The results begin appearing tentatively January 11, 2015 on the Spokesman-Review web site: http://www.spokesman.com/pistolrifle and the association’s web site: http://www.ierpa.org .
(Don’t hesitate to consider shooting and sending results in early.)
HANDICAP: If a team is short a member then the team may be handicapped one shooter. This shooters score will be calculated at 80% of the average of the other members’ scores on the team. A team can only be handicapped the maximum of one shooter and only on the lowest team entered in the postal for a discipline.
ENTRY FEES: $20.00 per each four person team, plus include $1.00 for NRA (FLAT FEE) registration required for each individual entered from the club to cover all disciplines. If a participant chooses to shoot both rifle and pistol, or both junior and senior rifle only $1.00 is required for that one shooter. (Entry Fee ex: A club enters two teams with 10 shooters on the roster; the entry fee would be $50.00.) Mail entries to: Inland Empire Rifle and Pistol Association, c/o Craig Speirs PO Box 806, Medical Lake, WA 99022. The entry fees must be in the hands of the Match Director no later than December 2rd, 2014.
ALL CLUBS MUST INCLUDE A ROSTER OF ALL SHOOTERS: THEIR FULL NAMES, ADDRESSES, BIRTHDATES, and NRA ID NUMBERS for the purpose of submitting the scores to the NRA for classification as this is a registered league. Clubs that do not submit the required information forfeit awards; yet must still pay the $1.00 NRA shooter’s fee. The tentative roster is to be included with the first week’s scores. Clubs which participated in the postal last season may have a roster sheet included with this bulletin, if so, please update and return by snail mail or email, as this list shows the current information in the Association records.
Awards will be given to top junior shooters in both pistol and rifle disciplines. A junior is classified as stated in the Course of Fire section of this bulletin. Please highlight any junior shooter on your roster. Thanks!
All ties in the final AGGREGATE standings will be broken by the scores fired in the tenth weeks match. Remember to report the X count, it is important!
CHALLENGE: Protests must be made within two weeks after the publication of the score that is being challenged. All targets in protest from the challenged team and the protesting team will be reviewed. Challenge fee is $3.00 per week challenged. Only up to three protests will be allowed from any one club or its members per season.
BULLETIN: Because the Spokesman-Review is the sponsor of this tournament, the publication of the weekly results on the Spokesman-Review web site is the official bulletin. Sometimes printing errors do occur, because of this, the scores turned into the Spokesman by the Secretary will hold the final decision in any dispute. Results will appear on the www.spokesman.com website and the association’s web site http://www.ierpa.org. The weekly results can be mailed for an additional $7.00 to cover postage. Also, results can be emailed in Excel.
AWARDS: The winning team will be determined by the total team aggregate for the ten weeks. It is important to not miss a week of firing. Get your scores in on time!!!!
Winning teams name will be engraved on the following challenge trophies; The Inland Empire Rifle & Pistol Association trophy for class AA and class D Rifle; The IER&PA trophy for class A Rifle; The Jensen-Byrd trophy for class B and the Marshall Wells trophy for class C Rifle. Pistol winners challenge trophies are as follows; The IER&PA trophy for class A Pistol; The Bill Hatch trophy for class B; The IER&PA trophy for class C: the Holt Memorial trophy for class D, and the Inland Empire Pistol Trophies for Class E, EE, G, H and possibly I. Other awards will be as follows: each class with 3 through 5 teams will be given 1st and 2nd place awards. Classes with 6 through 11 teams will be given 1st, 2nd and 3rd places. Pistol groups are to be limited to 9 teams per group. (Match director will make judgment call per 2009 minutes) There will also be an award for High man & High lady in Rifle and Pistol. High Junior girl and boy in Rifle and Pistol will also receive awards. Two Perpetual trophies for Junior Rifle Class A and B teams: Bill Havercroft and Warren Ratcliffe. Class F & G pistol trophy to be announced. If over two junior pistol teams participate, top team will be recognized. Challenge trophies are displayed at the Sandpoint Gun Club, Sandpoint, Idaho - sponsors of the Annual Columbia State Match. | Targets:
| Organizer Approval Required to ParticipateOpen to teams Individual scores will be derived from team scores 4 person teams. Teams are defined by score - top shooters are the team Fee: $6.50 per person, teams are free
This competition is closed | | Details: IER&PA MEMBERSHIP IS REQUIRED TO PARTICIPATE
Please contact Craig Speirs at [email protected] about becoming a member.
72nd Annual Pistol Tournament of the IER&PA will begin firing the month of January 2016 and continue firing for ten consecutive weeks.
The tournament is open to any rifle or pistol club in the Inland Empire, or by invitation provided, they are affiliated with the National Rifle Association. Clubs may enter one or more four-person teams. No individual may fire more than the ten matches and may only fire on one team Except for Junior Rifle who may shoot for a Junior and Senior team. Two clubs may combine to form one team. Some clubs have found it to their advantage to have a score or two fired ahead of the due date and into the Secretary in order to take care of unforeseen occurrences such as inclement weather, sickness, holidays, mail delays, non working fax or phone lines complications, etc. (Remember how typical winters can be!)
| | Rules:
ARMS: Any smallbore .22 caliber rifle, NRA rule 3.2 (any safe trigger). Any .22 caliber pistol or revolver, NRA rule: 3.4 (no less than 2 lb. trigger).
SIGHTS: Any sights for Pistol and Senior Rifle. Juniors must use iron sights for the Junior Rifle Division.
COURSE OF FIRE: All firing will be done in the presence of at least one club officer of the participating club. All scores will be certified by such officer as being fired in accordance to the NRA Gallery Rifle & Pistol Rules. Being an NRA regulated Match, once a set of targets is started, they have to be shot at that event not spread out over days or shot randomly for convenience. The club officer in charge may use bullet gauges. Mark every shot on the target where the gauge is used. Targets may not be mailed to a shooter in another city except in the case when two clubs combine to form one team. It is permissible for a team member to take their targets to another range and fire them when they travel to another club for a shoulder to shoulder match.
Senior Rifle: A-17 targets. Ten shots in each of the four positions. Ten minutes for each prone, sitting and kneeling position. Fifteen minutes for standing.
(Juniors exception: If a junior team wishes to shoot with or without a scope and A-17 targets they may enter as a senior rifle team. NRA smallbore rifles rule 3.2 will prevail, which may include hook butt plates and palm rests.
Pistol: B2 and B3 targets. Two five shot strings for each of slow, timed and rapid fire. Ten shots per target. Slow fire timing is ten minutes for ten shots. Timed fire is 20 seconds for each five shot string. Rapid fire is ten seconds for each five shot string.
Junior Rifle: NRA/USA 50 targets. Regulation quarter course of fire, three position. Ten minutes for prone. Fifteen minutes for kneeling. Twenty minutes for standing. NRA rules will apply. Iron sights only.
****Any Person may compete as a Junior through December 31st of the calendar year in which his or her 20th birthday occurs. Any Junior that begins the competition as a Junior may finish as a Junior recognizing that this competition officially begins on January 2nd each year, regardless of when the first targets are shot.****
SIGHTING SHOTS: Sighting shots allowed for rifle, using allotted time for that position. Handguns may use practice targets for sighting. The numbered targets are for record only.
CLASSIFICATION: All teams will be classified after three weeks. This will enable the teams to be classified on their shooting ability this year, as clubs may lose or pick-up shooters during the summer months. The first two weeks the teams will not be broken into classes. The third week the teams will be listed with their classification for the year. This had been discussed and voted on by the membership at the Columbia State meeting held spring of 1996.
TARGETS: ****All****targets must have the (Official NRA Competition Seal” and have the “Official Sticker Label of Inland Empire Rifle & Pistol Association” placed on the backside of the Bull (Pistol) or #1 Bull (rifle). and numbered numerically. Range officers will issue targets in numbered sequence to their teams and any break in the sequence will be subject to question. It is the prerogative of the assigned Association Officer to call any or all targets of a match for inspection.
All labels must be placed on the backside of the targets before they are shot: For Pistol targets place the labels in the center back behind the 10 ring. For rifle targets place the label on the back behind the #1 bull (not the sighter!).
If a club is using official IER&PA labels instead of official IER&PA targets, please follow these guidelines: All labels must be placed on the backside of the targets before they are shot: For Pistol targets place the labels in the center back behind the 10 ring. For rifle targets place the label on the back behind the #1 bull (not the sighter!).
*** "Remember, place the label on the backside before the target is shot at." *** It should be noted that additional care must be exercised to keep the targets in a consecutive numbered order for each week. This is often done in advance by setting up the targets in a block for each week with the names of the individuals and the match numbers filled in to avoid confusion at a later date. All targets must be kept for three weeks after the last Tuesday of the posted scheduled session – see published schedule.
FOR OFFICIAL IER&PA STICKERS CONTACT: Scott Lorenz, P.O. Box 2303, Lynnwood, WA 98036-2303 (tel: 1-425-971-4151, leave message)
(e-mail: [email protected]) Stickers: $10 per roll of 250 stickers each. Advance payment is necessary for stickers— If Priority shipping is needed, please include $5.15. NO COD orders will be accepted. (Checks made out to: IER&PA) Turnaround time is about 1 ½ weeks. You may order official NRA targets from: American Target CO., 1328 So. Jason St., Denver, CO 80223. (1-303-733-0433) (Fax: 1-303-777-0311) (www.americantargetcompany.com)
SCORING: *****Report All Xs on Score Sheets*****
List the shooters: beginning with the highest score first and continue listing in descending order on the score sheet. Calculate the team score. Fill in the area to report the team name and class. Also, include Extra shooters results as their results will be submitted to the NRA records, but not calculated into a team score. DOUBLE and TRIPLE check your addition for the total team score. If the addition is in error and you have under scored, then your score will remain as reported. If the addition is in error and you have over scored, then the correction will be made. Please report scores for all positions shot so tiebreakers may be determined correctly. "SCORES MUST include the number of Xs for both rifle and pistol." (Scoring X’s refer to NRA Rule 14.3b and Center shots NRA Rule 14.3e)
Scores are now being posted through the web site http://www.ierpa.postalleague.com/. The test log in and password should be current. If assistance is needed, email the Match Director. Scores must be posted to the web site, mailed, or e-mailed to the Match Director (Form provided by the Association). Those scores arriving late will be forfeited. SCORES for the FIRST Week must be in the hands of the Match Director NO LATER THAN NOON TUESDAY, January 6th, 2015. It is "VERY" important that all scores are in on time in order to be published. The Match Director will make NO exceptions. The scores shall continue to be mailed each week thereafter until the ten matches are completed. Scores submitted early are welcome and encouraged. The results begin appearing tentatively January 11, 2015 on the Spokesman-Review web site: http://www.spokesman.com/pistolrifle and the association’s web site: http://www.ierpa.org .
(Don’t hesitate to consider shooting and sending results in early.)
HANDICAP: If a team is short a member then the team may be handicapped one shooter. This shooters score will be calculated at 80% of the average of the other members’ scores on the team. A team can only be handicapped the maximum of one shooter and only on the lowest team entered in the postal for a discipline.
ENTRY FEES: $20.00 per each four person team, plus include $1.00 for NRA (FLAT FEE) registration required for each individual entered from the club to cover all disciplines. If a participant chooses to shoot both rifle and pistol, or both junior and senior rifle only $1.00 is required for that one shooter. (Entry Fee ex: A club enters two teams with 10 shooters on the roster; the entry fee would be $50.00.) Mail entries to: Inland Empire Rifle and Pistol Association, c/o Craig Speirs PO Box 806, Medical Lake, WA 99022. The entry fees must be in the hands of the Match Director no later than December 2rd, 2014.
ALL CLUBS MUST INCLUDE A ROSTER OF ALL SHOOTERS: THEIR FULL NAMES, ADDRESSES, BIRTHDATES, and NRA ID NUMBERS for the purpose of submitting the scores to the NRA for classification as this is a registered league. Clubs that do not submit the required information forfeit awards; yet must still pay the $1.00 NRA shooter’s fee. The tentative roster is to be included with the first week’s scores. Clubs which participated in the postal last season may have a roster sheet included with this bulletin, if so, please update and return by snail mail or email, as this list shows the current information in the Association records.
Awards will be given to top junior shooters in both pistol and rifle disciplines. A junior is classified as stated in the Course of Fire section of this bulletin. Please highlight any junior shooter on your roster. Thanks!
All ties in the final AGGREGATE standings will be broken by the scores fired in the tenth weeks match. Remember to report the X count, it is important!
CHALLENGE: Protests must be made within two weeks after the publication of the score that is being challenged. All targets in protest from the challenged team and the protesting team will be reviewed. Challenge fee is $3.00 per week challenged. Only up to three protests will be allowed from any one club or its members per season.
BULLETIN: Because the Spokesman-Review is the sponsor of this tournament, the publication of the weekly results on the Spokesman-Review web site is the official bulletin. Sometimes printing errors do occur, because of this, the scores turned into the Spokesman by the Secretary will hold the final decision in any dispute. Results will appear on the www.spokesman.com website and the association’s web site http://www.ierpa.org. The weekly results can be mailed for an additional $7.00 to cover postage. Also, results can be emailed in Excel.
AWARDS: The winning team will be determined by the total team aggregate for the ten weeks. It is important to not miss a week of firing. Get your scores in on time!!!!
Winning teams name will be engraved on the following challenge trophies; The Inland Empire Rifle & Pistol Association trophy for class AA and class D Rifle; The IER&PA trophy for class A Rifle; The Jensen-Byrd trophy for class B and the Marshall Wells trophy for class C Rifle. Pistol winners challenge trophies are as follows; The IER&PA trophy for class A Pistol; The Bill Hatch trophy for class B; The IER&PA trophy for class C: the Holt Memorial trophy for class D, and the Inland Empire Pistol Trophies for Class E, EE, G, H and possibly I. Other awards will be as follows: each class with 3 through 5 teams will be given 1st and 2nd place awards. Classes with 6 through 11 teams will be given 1st, 2nd and 3rd places. Pistol groups are to be limited to 9 teams per group. (Match director will make judgment call per 2009 minutes) There will also be an award for High man & High lady in Rifle and Pistol. High Junior girl and boy in Rifle and Pistol will also receive awards. Two Perpetual trophies for Junior Rifle Class A and B teams: Bill Havercroft and Warren Ratcliffe. Class F & G pistol trophy to be announced. If over two junior pistol teams participate, top team will be recognized. Challenge trophies are displayed at the Sandpoint Gun Club, Sandpoint, Idaho - sponsors of the Annual Columbia State Match. | Targets:
| Organizer Approval Required to ParticipateOpen to teams Individual scores will be derived from team scores 4 person teams. Teams are defined by score - top shooters are the team Fee: $6.50 per person, teams are free
This competition is closed | | Details: IER&PA MEMBERSHIP IS REQUIRED TO PARTICIPATE
Please contact Craig Speirs at [email protected] about becoming a member.
73rd Annual Pistol Tournament of the IER&PA will begin firing the month of January 2017 and continue firing for ten consecutive weeks.
The tournament is open to any rifle or pistol club in the Inland Empire, or by invitation provided, they are affiliated with the National Rifle Association. Clubs may enter one or more four-person teams. No individual may fire more than the ten matches and may only fire on one team Except for Junior Rifle who may shoot for a Junior and Senior team. Two clubs may combine to form one team. Some clubs have found it to their advantage to have a score or two fired ahead of the due date and into the Secretary in order to take care of unforeseen occurrences such as inclement weather, sickness, holidays, mail delays, non working fax or phone lines complications, etc. (Remember how typical winters can be!)
| | Rules:
ARMS: Any .22 caliber pistol or revolver, NRA rule: 3.4 (no less than 2 lb. trigger).
SIGHTS: Juniors must use iron sights.
COURSE OF FIRE: All firing will be done in the presence of at least one club officer of the participating club. All scores will be certified by such officer as being fired in accordance to the NRA Gallery Rifle & Pistol Rules. Being an NRA regulated Match, once a set of targets is started, they have to be shot at that event not spread out over days or shot randomly for convenience. The club officer in charge may use bullet gauges. Mark every shot on the target where the gauge is used. Targets may not be mailed to a shooter in another city except in the case when two clubs combine to form one team. It is permissible for a team member to take their targets to another range and fire them when they travel to another club for a shoulder to shoulder match.
Senior Rifle: A-17 targets. Ten shots in each of the four positions. Ten minutes for each prone, sitting and kneeling position. Fifteen minutes for standing.
(Juniors exception: If a junior team wishes to shoot with or without a scope and A-17 targets they may enter as a senior rifle team. NRA smallbore rifles rule 3.2 will prevail, which may include hook butt plates and palm rests.
Pistol: B2 and B3 targets. Two five shot strings for each of slow, timed and rapid fire. Ten shots per target. Slow fire timing is ten minutes for ten shots. Timed fire is 20 seconds for each five shot string. Rapid fire is ten seconds for each five shot string.
Junior Rifle: NRA/USA 50 targets. Regulation quarter course of fire, three position. Ten minutes for prone. Fifteen minutes for kneeling. Twenty minutes for standing. NRA rules will apply. Iron sights only.
****Any Person may compete as a Junior through December 31st of the calendar year in which his or her 20th birthday occurs. Any Junior that begins the competition as a Junior may finish as a Junior recognizing that this competition officially begins on January 2nd each year, regardless of when the first targets are shot.****
SIGHTING SHOTS: Sighting shots allowed for rifle, using allotted time for that position. Handguns may use practice targets for sighting. The numbered targets are for record only.
CLASSIFICATION: All teams will be classified after three weeks. This will enable the teams to be classified on their shooting ability this year, as clubs may lose or pick-up shooters during the summer months. The first two weeks the teams will not be broken into classes. The third week the teams will be listed with their classification for the year. This had been discussed and voted on by the membership at the Columbia State meeting held spring of 1996.
TARGETS: ****All****targets must have the (Official NRA Competition Seal” and have the “Official Sticker Label of Inland Empire Rifle & Pistol Association” placed on the backside of the Bull (Pistol) or #1 Bull (rifle). and numbered numerically. Range officers will issue targets in numbered sequence to their teams and any break in the sequence will be subject to question. It is the prerogative of the assigned Association Officer to call any or all targets of a match for inspection.
All labels must be placed on the backside of the targets before they are shot: For Pistol targets place the labels in the center back behind the 10 ring. For rifle targets place the label on the back behind the #1 bull (not the sighter!).
If a club is using official IER&PA labels instead of official IER&PA targets, please follow these guidelines: All labels must be placed on the backside of the targets before they are shot: For Pistol targets place the labels in the center back behind the 10 ring. For rifle targets place the label on the back behind the #1 bull (not the sighter!).
*** "Remember, place the label on the backside before the target is shot at." *** It should be noted that additional care must be exercised to keep the targets in a consecutive numbered order for each week. This is often done in advance by setting up the targets in a block for each week with the names of the individuals and the match numbers filled in to avoid confusion at a later date. All targets must be kept for three weeks after the last Tuesday of the posted scheduled session – see published schedule.
FOR OFFICIAL IER&PA STICKERS CONTACT: Scott Lorenz, P.O. Box 2243 Bothell, WA. 98041 (tel: 1-425-971-4151, leave message)
(e-mail: [email protected]) Stickers: $10.00 per roll of 250 stickers each. Advance payment is necessary for stickers— If Priority shipping is needed, please include $6.80. NO COD orders will be accepted. (Checks made out to: IER&PA) Turnaround time is about 1 ½ weeks. You may order official NRA targets from: American Target CO., 1328 So. Jason St., Denver, CO 80223. (1-303-733-0433) (Fax: 1-303-777-0311) (www.americantargetcompany.com)
SCORING: *****Report All Xs on Score Sheets*****
List the shooters: beginning with the highest score first and continue listing in descending order on the score sheet. Calculate the team score. Fill in the area to report the team name and class. Also, include Extra shooters results as their results will be submitted to the NRA records, but not calculated into a team score. DOUBLE and TRIPLE check your addition for the total team score. If the addition is in error and you have under scored, then your score will remain as reported. If the addition is in error and you have over scored, then the correction will be made. Please report scores for all positions shot so tiebreakers may be determined correctly. "SCORES MUST include the number of Xs for both rifle and pistol." (Scoring X’s refer to NRA Rule 14.3b and Center shots NRA Rule 14.3e)
Scores are now being posted through the web site http://www.ierpa.postalleague.com/. The test log in and password should be current. If assistance is needed, email the Match Director. Scores must be posted to the web site, mailed, or e-mailed to the Match Director (Form provided by the Association). Those scores arriving late will be forfeited. SCORES for the FIRST Week must be in the hands of the Match Director NO LATER THAN NOON TUESDAY, January 3rd, 2017. It is "VERY" important that all scores are in on time in order to be published. The Match Director will make NO exceptions. The scores shall continue to be mailed each week thereafter until the ten matches are completed. Scores submitted early are welcome and encouraged.
(Don’t hesitate to consider shooting and sending results in early.)
HANDICAP: If a team is short a member then the team may be handicapped one shooter. This shooters score will be calculated at 80% of the average of the other members’ scores on the team. A team can only be handicapped the maximum of one shooter and only on the lowest team entered in the postal for a discipline.
ENTRY FEES: $20.00 per each four person team, plus include $1.00 for NRA (FLAT FEE) registration required for each individual entered from the club to cover all disciplines. If a participant chooses to shoot both rifle and pistol, or both junior and senior rifle only $1.00 is required for that one shooter. (Entry Fee ex: A club enters two teams with 10 shooters on the roster; the entry fee would be $50.00.) Mail entries to: Inland Empire Rifle and Pistol Association, c/o Craig Speirs PO Box 806, Medical Lake, WA 99022. The entry fees must be in the hands of the Match Director no later than December 2rd, 2014.
ALL CLUBS MUST INCLUDE A ROSTER OF ALL SHOOTERS: THEIR FULL NAMES, ADDRESSES, BIRTHDATES, and NRA ID NUMBERS for the purpose of submitting the scores to the NRA for classification as this is a registered league. Clubs that do not submit the required information forfeit awards; yet must still pay the $1.00 NRA shooter’s fee. The tentative roster is to be included with the first week’s scores. Clubs which participated in the postal last season may have a roster sheet included with this bulletin, if so, please update and return by snail mail or email, as this list shows the current information in the Association records.
Awards will be given to top junior shooters in both pistol and rifle disciplines. A junior is classified as stated in the Course of Fire section of this bulletin. Please highlight any junior shooter on your roster. Thanks!
All ties in the final AGGREGATE standings will be broken by the scores fired in the tenth weeks match. Remember to report the X count, it is important!
CHALLENGE: Protests must be made within two weeks after the publication of the score that is being challenged. All targets in protest from the challenged team and the protesting team will be reviewed. Challenge fee is $3.00 per week challenged. Only up to three protests will be allowed from any one club or its members per season.
BULLETIN: Because the Spokesman-Review is the sponsor of this tournament, the publication of the weekly results on the Spokesman-Review web site is the official bulletin. Sometimes printing errors do occur, because of this, the scores turned into the Spokesman by the Secretary will hold the final decision in any dispute. Results will appear on the www.spokesman.com website and the association’s web site http://www.ierpa.org. The weekly results can be mailed for an additional $7.00 to cover postage. Also, results can be emailed in Excel.
AWARDS: The winning team will be determined by the total team aggregate for the ten weeks. It is important to not miss a week of firing. Get your scores in on time!!!!
Winning teams name will be engraved on the following challenge trophies; The Inland Empire Rifle & Pistol Association trophy for class AA and class D Rifle; The IER&PA trophy for class A Rifle; The Jensen-Byrd trophy for class B and the Marshall Wells trophy for class C Rifle. Pistol winners challenge trophies are as follows; The IER&PA trophy for class A Pistol; The Bill Hatch trophy for class B; The IER&PA trophy for class C: the Holt Memorial trophy for class D, and the Inland Empire Pistol Trophies for Class E, EE, G, H and possibly I. Other awards will be as follows: each class with 3 through 5 teams will be given 1st and 2nd place awards. Classes with 6 through 11 teams will be given 1st, 2nd and 3rd places. Pistol groups are to be limited to 9 teams per group. (Match director will make judgment call per 2009 minutes) There will also be an award for High man & High lady in Rifle and Pistol. High Junior girl and boy in Rifle and Pistol will also receive awards. Two Perpetual trophies for Junior Rifle Class A and B teams: Bill Havercroft and Warren Ratcliffe. Class F & G pistol trophy to be announced. If over two junior pistol teams participate, top team will be recognized. Challenge trophies are displayed at the Sandpoint Gun Club, Sandpoint, Idaho - sponsors of the Annual Columbia State Match. | Targets:
| Organizer Approval Required to ParticipateOpen to teams Individual scores will be derived from team scores 4 person teams. Teams are defined by score - top shooters are the team Fee: $1.00 per person $20.00, per team
This competition is closed | | Details: IER&PA MEMBERSHIP IS REQUIRED TO PARTICIPATE
Please contact Craig Speirs at [email protected] about becoming a member.
74th Annual Pistol Tournament of the IER&PA will begin firing the month of January 2018 and continue firing for ten consecutive weeks.
The tournament is open to any rifle or pistol club in the Inland Empire, or by invitation provided, they are affiliated with the National Rifle Association. Clubs may enter one or more four-person teams. No individual may fire more than the ten matches and may only fire on one team Except for Junior Rifle who may shoot for a Junior and Senior team. Two clubs may combine to form one team. Some clubs have found it to their advantage to have a score or two fired ahead of the due date and into the Secretary in order to take care of unforeseen occurrences such as inclement weather, sickness, holidays, mail delays, non working fax or phone lines complications, etc. (Remember how typical winters can be!)
| | Rules:
ARMS: Any .22 caliber pistol or revolver, NRA rule: 3.4 (no less than 2 lb. trigger).
SIGHTS: Juniors must use iron sights.
COURSE OF FIRE: All firing will be done in the presence of at least one club officer of the participating club. All scores will be certified by such officer as being fired in accordance to the NRA Gallery Rifle & Pistol Rules. Being an NRA regulated Match, once a set of targets is started, they have to be shot at that event not spread out over days or shot randomly for convenience. The club officer in charge may use bullet gauges. Mark every shot on the target where the gauge is used. Targets may not be mailed to a shooter in another city except in the case when two clubs combine to form one team. It is permissible for a team member to take their targets to another range and fire them when they travel to another club for a shoulder to shoulder match.
Senior Rifle: A-17 targets. Ten shots in each of the four positions. Ten minutes for each prone, sitting and kneeling position. Fifteen minutes for standing.
(Juniors exception: If a junior team wishes to shoot with or without a scope and A-17 targets they may enter as a senior rifle team. NRA smallbore rifles rule 3.2 will prevail, which may include hook butt plates and palm rests.
Pistol: B2 and B3 targets. Two five shot strings for each of slow, timed and rapid fire. Ten shots per target. Slow fire timing is ten minutes for ten shots. Timed fire is 20 seconds for each five shot string. Rapid fire is ten seconds for each five shot string.
Junior Rifle: NRA/USA 50 targets. Regulation quarter course of fire, three position. Ten minutes for prone. Fifteen minutes for kneeling. Twenty minutes for standing. NRA rules will apply. Iron sights only.
****Any Person may compete as a Junior through December 31st of the calendar year in which his or her 20th birthday occurs. Any Junior that begins the competition as a Junior may finish as a Junior recognizing that this competition officially begins on January 2nd each year, regardless of when the first targets are shot.****
SIGHTING SHOTS: Sighting shots allowed for rifle, using allotted time for that position. Handguns may use practice targets for sighting. The numbered targets are for record only.
CLASSIFICATION: All teams will be classified after three weeks. This will enable the teams to be classified on their shooting ability this year, as clubs may lose or pick-up shooters during the summer months. The first two weeks the teams will not be broken into classes. The third week the teams will be listed with their classification for the year. This had been discussed and voted on by the membership at the Columbia State meeting held spring of 1996.
TARGETS: ****All****targets must have the (Official NRA Competition Seal” and have the “Official Sticker Label of Inland Empire Rifle & Pistol Association” placed on the backside of the Bull (Pistol) or #1 Bull (rifle). and numbered numerically. Range officers will issue targets in numbered sequence to their teams and any break in the sequence will be subject to question. It is the prerogative of the assigned Association Officer to call any or all targets of a match for inspection.
All labels must be placed on the backside of the targets before they are shot: For Pistol targets place the labels in the center back behind the 10 ring. For rifle targets place the label on the back behind the #1 bull (not the sighter!).
If a club is using official IER&PA labels instead of official IER&PA targets, please follow these guidelines: All labels must be placed on the backside of the targets before they are shot: For Pistol targets place the labels in the center back behind the 10 ring. For rifle targets place the label on the back behind the #1 bull (not the sighter!).
*** "Remember, place the label on the backside before the target is shot at." *** It should be noted that additional care must be exercised to keep the targets in a consecutive numbered order for each week. This is often done in advance by setting up the targets in a block for each week with the names of the individuals and the match numbers filled in to avoid confusion at a later date. All targets must be kept for three weeks after the last Tuesday of the posted scheduled session – see published schedule.
FOR OFFICIAL IER&PA STICKERS CONTACT: Scott Lorenz, P.O. Box 2243 Bothell, WA. 98041 (tel: 1-425-971-4151, leave message)
(e-mail: [email protected]) Stickers: $10.00 per roll of 250 stickers each. Advance payment is necessary for stickers— If Priority shipping is needed, please include $6.80. NO COD orders will be accepted. (Checks made out to: IER&PA) Turnaround time is about 1 ½ weeks. You may order official NRA targets from: American Target CO., 1328 So. Jason St., Denver, CO 80223. (1-303-733-0433) (Fax: 1-303-777-0311) (www.americantargetcompany.com)
SCORING: *****Report All Xs on Score Sheets*****
List the shooters: beginning with the highest score first and continue listing in descending order on the score sheet. Calculate the team score. Fill in the area to report the team name and class. Also, include Extra shooters results as their results will be submitted to the NRA records, but not calculated into a team score. DOUBLE and TRIPLE check your addition for the total team score. If the addition is in error and you have under scored, then your score will remain as reported. If the addition is in error and you have over scored, then the correction will be made. Please report scores for all positions shot so tiebreakers may be determined correctly. "SCORES MUST include the number of Xs for both rifle and pistol." (Scoring X’s refer to NRA Rule 14.3b and Center shots NRA Rule 14.3e)
Scores are now being posted through the web site http://ierpa.postalleague.com/. If assistance is needed, email the Match Director. Scores must be posted to the web site, mailed, or e-mailed to the Match Director (Form provided by the Association). Those scores arriving late will be forfeited. SCORES for the FIRST Week must be in the hands of the Match Director NO LATER THAN NOON TUESDAY, January 2nd, 2018. It is "VERY" important that all scores are in on time in order to be published. The Match Director will make NO exceptions. The scores shall continue to be mailed each week thereafter until the ten matches are completed. Scores submitted early are welcome and encouraged.
(Don’t hesitate to consider shooting and sending results in early.)
HANDICAP: If a team is short a member then the team may be handicapped one shooter. This shooters score will be calculated at 80% of the average of the other members’ scores on the team. A team can only be handicapped the maximum of one shooter and only on the lowest team entered in the postal for a discipline.
ENTRY FEES: $20.00 per each four person team, plus include $1.00 for NRA (FLAT FEE) registration required for each individual entered from the club to cover all disciplines. If a participant chooses to shoot both rifle and pistol, or both junior and senior rifle only $1.00 is required for that one shooter. (Entry Fee ex: A club enters two teams with 10 shooters on the roster; the entry fee would be $50.00.) Mail entries to: Inland Empire Rifle and Pistol Association, c/o Craig Speirs PO Box 806, Medical Lake, WA 99022. The entry fees must be in the hands of the Match Director no later than December 5th, 2017.
ALL CLUBS MUST INCLUDE A ROSTER OF ALL SHOOTERS: THEIR FULL NAMES, ADDRESSES, BIRTHDATES, and NRA ID NUMBERS for the purpose of submitting the scores to the NRA for classification as this is a registered league. Clubs that do not submit the required information forfeit awards; yet must still pay the $1.00 NRA shooter’s fee. The tentative roster is to be included with the first week’s scores. Clubs which participated in the postal last season may have a roster sheet included with this bulletin, if so, please update and return by snail mail or email, as this list shows the current information in the Association records.
Awards will be given to top junior shooters in both pistol and rifle disciplines. A junior is classified as stated in the Course of Fire section of this bulletin. Please highlight any junior shooter on your roster. Thanks!
All ties in the final AGGREGATE standings will be broken by the scores fired in the tenth weeks match. Remember to report the X count, it is important!
CHALLENGE: Protests must be made within two weeks after the publication of the score that is being challenged. All targets in protest from the challenged team and the protesting team will be reviewed. Challenge fee is $3.00 per week challenged. Only up to three protests will be allowed from any one club or its members per season.
BULLETIN: Results will appear on the association’s web site http://www.ierpa.org. The weekly results can be mailed for an additional $7.00 to cover postage. Also, results can be emailed in Excel.
AWARDS: The winning team will be determined by the total team aggregate for the ten weeks. It is important to not miss a week of firing. Get your scores in on time!!!!
Winning teams name will be engraved on the following challenge trophies; The Inland Empire Rifle & Pistol Association trophy for class AA and class D Rifle; The IER&PA trophy for class A Rifle; The Jensen-Byrd trophy for class B and the Marshall Wells trophy for class C Rifle. Pistol winners challenge trophies are as follows; The IER&PA trophy for class A Pistol; The Bill Hatch trophy for class B; The IER&PA trophy for class C: the Holt Memorial trophy for class D, and the Inland Empire Pistol Trophies for Class E, EE, G, H and possibly I. Other awards will be as follows: each class with 3 through 5 teams will be given 1st and 2nd place awards. Classes with 6 through 11 teams will be given 1st, 2nd and 3rd places. Pistol groups are to be limited to 9 teams per group. (Match director will make judgment call per 2009 minutes) There will also be an award for High man & High lady in Rifle and Pistol. High Junior girl and boy in Rifle and Pistol will also receive awards. Two Perpetual trophies for Junior Rifle Class A and B teams: Bill Havercroft and Warren Ratcliffe. Class F & G pistol trophy to be announced. If over two junior pistol teams participate, top team will be recognized. Challenge trophies are displayed at the Sandpoint Gun Club, Sandpoint, Idaho - sponsors of the Annual Columbia State Match. | Targets:
| Organizer Approval Required to Participate Open to teams and individual competitors Individual scores will be derived from team scores 4 person teams. Teams are defined by score - top shooters are the team Fee: $11.50 per person, teams are free
This competition is closed | | Rules:
The 92nd Annual Rifle Postal Tournament and the 69th Annual Pistol Tournament of the IER&PA will begin firing the month of December 2012 and continue firing for ten consecutive weeks.
The tournament is open to any rifle or pistol club in the Inland Empire, or by invitation provided, they are affiliated with the National Rifle Association. Clubs may enter one or more four-person teams. No individual may fire more than the ten matches and may only fire on one team Except for Junior Rifle who may shoot for a Junior and Senior team. Two clubs may combine to form one team. Some clubs have found it to their advantage to have a score or two fired ahead of the due date and into the Secretary in order to take care of unforeseen occurrences such as inclement weather, sickness, holidays, mail delays, non working fax or phone lines complications, etc. (Remember how typical winters can be!)
ARMS: Any smallbore .22 caliber rifle, NRA rule 3.2 (any safe trigger). Any .22 caliber pistol or revolver, NRA rule: 3.4 (no less than 2 lb. trigger).
SIGHTS: Any sights for Pistol and Senior Rifle. Juniors must use iron sights for the Junior Rifle Division.
COURSE OF FIRE: All firing will be done in the presence of at least one club officer of the participating club. All scores will be certified by such officer as being fired in accordance to the NRA Gallery Rifle & Pistol Rules. Being an NRA regulated Match, once a set of targets is started, they have to be shot at that event not spread out over days or shot randomly for convenience. The club officer in charge may use bullet gauges. Mark every shot on the target where the gauge is used. Targets may not be mailed to a shooter in another city except in the case when two clubs combine to form one team. It is permissible for a team member to take their targets to another range and fire them when they travel to another club for a shoulder to shoulder match.
Senior Rifle: A-17 targets. Ten shots in each of the four positions. Ten minutes for each prone, sitting and kneeling position. Fifteen minutes for standing. (Juniors exception: If a junior team wishes to shoot with or without a scope and A-17 targets they may enter as a senior rifle team. NRA smallbore rifles rule 3.2 will prevail, which may include hook butt plates and palm rests.
Pistol: B2 and B3 targets. Two five shot strings for each of slow, timed and rapid fire. Ten shots per target. Slow fire timing is ten minutes for ten shots. Timed fire is 20 seconds for each five shot string. Rapid fire is ten seconds for each five shot string.
Junior Rifle: NRA/USA 50 targets. Regulation quarter course of fire, three position. Ten minutes for prone. Fifteen minutes for kneeling. Twenty minutes for standing. NRA rules will apply. Iron sights only.
****Any Person may compete as a Junior through December 31st of the calendar year in which his or her 20th birthday occurs. Any Junior that begins the competition as a Junior may finish as a Junior recognizing that this competition officially begins on January 2nd each year, regardless of when the first targets are shot.****
SIGHTING SHOTS: Sighting shots allowed for rifle, using allotted time for that position. Handguns may use practice targets for sighting. The numbered targets are for record only.
CLASSIFICATION: All teams will be classified after three weeks. This will enable the teams to be classified on their shooting ability this year, as clubs may lose or pick-up shooters during the summer months. The first two weeks the teams will not be broken into classes. The third week the teams will be listed with their classification for the year. This had been discussed and voted on by the membership at the Columbia State meeting held spring of 1996.
TARGETS: ****All****targets must have the (Official NRA Competition Seal” and have the “Official Sticker Label of Inland Empire Rifle & Pistol Association” placed on the backside of the Bull (Pistol) or #1 Bull (rifle). and numbered numerically. Range officers will issue targets in numbered sequence to their teams and any break in the sequence will be subject to question. It is the prerogative of the assigned Association Officer to call any or all targets of a match for inspection.
All labels must be placed on the backside of the targets before they are shot: For Pistol targets place the labels in the center back behind the 10 ring. For rifle targets place the label on the back behind the #1 bull (not the sighter!).
If a club is using official IER&PA labels instead of official IER&PA targets, please follow these guidelines: All labels must be placed on the backside of the targets before they are shot: For Pistol targets place the labels in the center back behind the 10 ring. For rifle targets place the label on the back behind the #1 bull (not the sighter!).
*** "Remember, place the label on the backside before the target is shot at." *** It should be noted that additional care must be exercised to keep the targets in a consecutive numbered order for each week. This is often done in advance by setting up the targets in a block for each week with the names of the individuals and the match numbers filled in to avoid confusion at a later date. All targets must be kept for two weeks after the final publication in the Spokesman-Review newspaper.
FOR OFFICIAL IER&PA STICKERS CONTACT: Scott Lorenz, P.O. Box 2303, Lynnwood, WA 98036-2303 (tel: 1-425-971-4151, leave message)
(e-mail: [email protected]) Stickers: $10 per roll of 250 stickers each. Advance payment is necessary for stickers— If Priority shipping is needed, please include $5.15. NO COD orders will be accepted. (Checks made out to: IER&PA) Turnaround time is about 1 ½ weeks. You may order official NRA targets from: American Target CO., 1328 So. Jason St., Denver, CO 80223. (1-303-733-0433) (Fax: 1-303-777-0311) (www.americantargetcompany.com)
SCORING: *****Report All Xs on Score Sheets*****
List the shooters: beginning with the highest score first and continue listing in descending order on the score sheet. Calculate the team score. Fill in the area to report the team name and class. Also, include Extra shooters results as their results will be submitted to the NRA records, but not calculated into a team score. DOUBLE and TRIPLE check your addition for the total team score. If the addition is in error and you have under scored, then your score will remain as reported. If the addition is in error and you have over scored, then the correction will be made. Please report scores for all positions shot so tiebreakers may be determined correctly. "SCORES MUST include the number of Xs for both rifle and pistol." (Scoring X’s refer to NRA Rule 14.3b and Center shots NRA Rule 14.3e)
Scores must be mailed or e-mailed to the Match Director (Form provided by the Association). Those scores arriving late will be forfeited. SCORES for the FIRST Week must be in the hands of the Match Director NO LATER THAN NOON TUESDAY, January 8th, 2013. It is "VERY" important that all scores are in on time in order to be published. The Match Director will make NO exceptions. The scores shall continue to be mailed each week thereafter until the ten matches are completed. Scores submitted early are welcome and encouraged. The results begin appearing tentatively January 13, 2013 on the Spokesman-Review web site: http://www.spokesman.com/pistolrifle and the association’s web site: http://www.ierpa.org .
(Don’t hesitate to consider shooting and sending results in early.)
HANDICAP: If a team is short a member then the team may be handicapped one shooter. This shooters score will be calculated at 80% of the average of the other members’ scores on the team. A team can only be handicapped the maximum of one shooter and only on the lowest team entered in the postal for a discipline.
ENTRY FEES: $20.00 per each four person team, plus include $5.00 for NRA (FLAT FEE) registration required for each individual entered from the club to cover all disciplines. If a participant chooses to shoot both rifle and pistol, or both junior and senior rifle only $5.00 is required for that one shooter. (Entry Fee ex: A club enters two teams with 10 shooters on the roster; the entry fee would be $90.00.) Mail entries to: Inland Empire Rifle and Pistol Association, c/o Bernice McKinney, 1470 Circulo Sombrero, Rio Rico, AZ 85648-7600. The entry fees must be in the hands of the Match Director no later than December 4th, 2012.
ALL CLUBS MUST INCLUDE A ROSTER OF ALL SHOOTERS: THEIR FULL NAMES, ADDRESSES, BIRTHDATES, and NRA ID NUMBERS for the purpose of submitting the scores to the NRA for classification as this is a registered league. Clubs that do not submit the required information forfeit awards; yet must still pay the $5.00 NRA shooter’s fee. The tentative roster is to be included with the first week’s scores. Clubs which participated in the postal last season may have a roster sheet included with this bulletin, if so, please update and return by snail mail or email, as this list shows the current information in the Association records.
Awards will be given to top junior shooters in both pistol and rifle disciplines. A junior is classified as stated in the Course of Fire section of this bulletin. Please highlight any junior shooter on your roster. Thanks!
All ties in the final AGGREGATE standings will be broken by the scores fired in the tenth weeks match. Remember to report the X count, it is important!
CHALLENGE: Protests must be made within two weeks after the publication of the score that is being challenged. All targets in protest from the challenged team and the protesting team will be reviewed. Challenge fee is $3.00 per week challenged. Only up to three protests will be allowed from any one club or its members per season.
BULLETIN: Because the Spokesman-Review is the sponsor of this tournament, the publication of the weekly results on the Spokesman-Review web site is the official bulletin. Sometimes printing errors do occur, because of this, the scores turned into the Spokesman by the Secretary will hold the final decision in any dispute. Results will appear on the www.spokesman.com website and the association’s web site http://www.ierpa.org. The weekly results can be mailed for an additional $5.00 to cover postage. Also, results can be emailed in Excel.
AWARDS: The winning team will be determined by the total team aggregate for the ten weeks. It is important to not miss a week of firing. Get your scores in on time!!!!
Winning teams name will be engraved on the following challenge trophies; The Inland Empire Rifle & Pistol Association trophy for class AA and class D Rifle; The IER&PA trophy for class A Rifle; The Jensen-Byrd trophy for class B and the Marshall Wells trophy for class C Rifle. Pistol winners challenge trophies are as follows; The IER&PA trophy for class A Pistol; The Bill Hatch trophy for class B; The IER&PA trophy for class C: the Holt Memorial trophy for class D, and the Inland Empire Pistol Trophies for Class E, EE, G, H and possibly I. Other awards will be as follows: each class with 3 through 5 teams will be given 1st and 2nd place awards. Classes with 6 through 11 teams will be given 1st, 2nd and 3rd places. Pistol groups are to be limited to 9 teams per group. (Match director will make judgment call per 2009 minutes) There will also be an award for High man & High lady in Rifle and Pistol. High Junior girl and boy in Rifle and Pistol will also receive awards. Two Perpetual trophies for Junior Rifle Class A and B teams: Bill Havercroft and Warren Ratcliffe. Class F & G pistol trophy to be announced. If over two junior pistol teams participate, top team will be recognized. Challenge trophies are displayed at the Sandpoint Gun Club, Sandpoint, Idaho - sponsors of the Annual Columbia State Match.
| Targets:
- Prone
- Sitting
- Kneeling
- Offhand
| Organizer Approval Required to Participate Open to teams and individual competitors Individual scores will be derived from team scores 4 person teams. Teams are defined by score - top shooters are the team Fee: $11.50 per person, teams are free
This competition is closed | | Rules:
The 93rd Annual Rifle Postal Tournament and the 70th Annual Pistol Tournament of the IER&PA will begin firing the month of January 2014
and continue firing for ten consecutive weeks.
The tournament is open to any rifle or pistol club in the Inland Empire, or by invitation provided, they are affiliated with the National Rifle Association. Clubs may enter one or more four-person teams. No individual may fire more than the ten matches and may only fire on one team Except for Junior Rifle who may shoot for a Junior and Senior team. Two clubs may combine to form one team. Some clubs have found it to their advantage to have a score or two fired ahead of the due date and into the Secretary in order to take care of unforeseen occurrences such as inclement weather, sickness, holidays, mail delays, non working fax or phone lines complications, etc. (Remember how typical winters can be!)
ARMS: Any smallbore .22 caliber rifle, NRA rule 3.2 (any safe trigger). Any .22 caliber pistol or revolver, NRA rule: 3.4 (no less than 2 lb. trigger).
SIGHTS: Any sights for Pistol and Senior Rifle. Juniors must use iron sights for the Junior Rifle Division.
COURSE OF FIRE: All firing will be done in the presence of at least one club officer of the participating club. All scores will be certified by such officer as being fired in accordance to the NRA Gallery Rifle & Pistol Rules. Being an NRA regulated Match, once a set of targets is started, they have to be shot at that event not spread out over days or shot randomly for convenience. The club officer in charge may use bullet gauges. Mark every shot on the target where the gauge is used. Targets may not be mailed to a shooter in another city except in the case when two clubs combine to form one team. It is permissible for a team member to take their targets to another range and fire them when they travel to another club for a shoulder to shoulder match.
Senior Rifle: A-17 targets. Ten shots in each of the four positions. Ten minutes for each prone, sitting and kneeling position. Fifteen minutes for standing.
(Juniors exception: If a junior team wishes to shoot with or without a scope and A-17 targets they may enter as a senior rifle team. NRA smallbore rifles rule 3.2 will prevail, which may include hook butt plates and palm rests.
Pistol: B2 and B3 targets. Two five shot strings for each of slow, timed and rapid fire. Ten shots per target. Slow fire timing is ten minutes for ten shots. Timed fire is 20 seconds for each five shot string. Rapid fire is ten seconds for each five shot string.
Junior Rifle: NRA/USA 50 targets. Regulation quarter course of fire, three position. Ten minutes for prone. Fifteen minutes for kneeling. Twenty minutes for standing. NRA rules will apply. Iron sights only.
****Any Person may compete as a Junior through December 31st of the calendar year in which his or her 20th birthday occurs. Any Junior that begins the competition as a Junior may finish as a Junior recognizing that this competition officially begins on January 2nd each year, regardless of when the first targets are shot.****
SIGHTING SHOTS: Sighting shots allowed for rifle, using allotted time for that position. Handguns may use practice targets for sighting. The numbered targets are for record only.
CLASSIFICATION: All teams will be classified after three weeks. This will enable the teams to be classified on their shooting ability this year, as clubs may lose or pick-up shooters during the summer months. The first two weeks the teams will not be broken into classes. The third week the teams will be listed with their classification for the year. This had been discussed and voted on by the membership at the Columbia State meeting held spring of 1996.
TARGETS: ****All****targets must have the (Official NRA Competition Seal” and have the “Official Sticker Label of Inland Empire Rifle & Pistol Association” placed on the backside of the Bull (Pistol) or #1 Bull (rifle). and numbered numerically. Range officers will issue targets in numbered sequence to their teams and any break in the sequence will be subject to question. It is the prerogative of the assigned Association Officer to call any or all targets of a match for inspection.
All labels must be placed on the backside of the targets before they are shot: For Pistol targets place the labels in the center back behind the 10 ring. For rifle targets place the label on the back behind the #1 bull (not the sighter!).
If a club is using official IER&PA labels instead of official IER&PA targets, please follow these guidelines: All labels must be placed on the backside of the targets before they are shot: For Pistol targets place the labels in the center back behind the 10 ring. For rifle targets place the label on the back behind the #1 bull (not the sighter!).
*** "Remember, place the label on the backside before the target is shot at." *** It should be noted that additional care must be exercised to keep the targets in a consecutive numbered order for each week. This is often done in advance by setting up the targets in a block for each week with the names of the individuals and the match numbers filled in to avoid confusion at a later date. All targets must be kept for three weeks after the last Tuesday of the posted scheduled session – see published schedule.
FOR OFFICIAL IER&PA STICKERS CONTACT: Scott Lorenz, P.O. Box 2303, Lynnwood, WA 98036-2303 (tel: 1-425-971-4151, leave message)
(e-mail: [email protected]) Stickers: $10 per roll of 250 stickers each. Advance payment is necessary for stickers— If Priority shipping is needed, please include $5.15. NO COD orders will be accepted. (Checks made out to: IER&PA) Turnaround time is about 1 ½ weeks. You may order official NRA targets from: American Target CO., 1328 So. Jason St., Denver, CO 80223. (1-303-733-0433) (Fax: 1-303-777-0311) (www.americantargetcompany.com)
SCORING: *****Report All Xs on Score Sheets*****
List the shooters: beginning with the highest score first and continue listing in descending order on the score sheet. Calculate the team score. Fill in the area to report the team name and class. Also, include Extra shooters results as their results will be submitted to the NRA records, but not calculated into a team score. DOUBLE and TRIPLE check your addition for the total team score. If the addition is in error and you have under scored, then your score will remain as reported. If the addition is in error and you have over scored, then the correction will be made. Please report scores for all positions shot so tiebreakers may be determined correctly. "SCORES MUST include the number of Xs for both rifle and pistol." (Scoring X’s refer to NRA Rule 14.3b and Center shots NRA Rule 14.3e)
Scores are now being posted through the web site http://www.netcompetitor.com/. The test log in and password should be current. If assistance is needed, email the Match Director. Scores must be posted to the web site, mailed, or e-mailed to the Match Director (Form provided by the Association). Those scores arriving late will be forfeited. SCORES for the FIRST Week must be in the hands of the Match Director NO LATER THAN NOON TUESDAY, January 7th, 2014. It is "VERY" important that all scores are in on time in order to be published. The Match Director will make NO exceptions. The scores shall continue to be mailed each week thereafter until the ten matches are completed. Scores submitted early are welcome and encouraged. The results begin appearing tentatively January 12, 2014 on the Spokesman-Review web site: http://www.spokesman.com/pistolrifle and the association’s web site: http://www.ierpa.org .
(Don’t hesitate to consider shooting and sending results in early.)
HANDICAP: If a team is short a member then the team may be handicapped one shooter. This shooters score will be calculated at 80% of the average of the other members’ scores on the team. A team can only be handicapped the maximum of one shooter and only on the lowest team entered in the postal for a discipline.
ENTRY FEES: $20.00 per each four person team, plus include $5.00 for NRA (FLAT FEE) registration required for each individual entered from the club to cover all disciplines. If a participant chooses to shoot both rifle and pistol, or both junior and senior rifle only $5.00 is required for that one shooter. (Entry Fee ex: A club enters two teams with 10 shooters on the roster; the entry fee would be $90.00.) Mail entries to: Inland Empire Rifle and Pistol Association, c/o Craig Speirs PO Box 806, Medical Lake, WA 99022. The entry fees must be in the hands of the Match Director no later than December 3rd, 2013.
ALL CLUBS MUST INCLUDE A ROSTER OF ALL SHOOTERS: THEIR FULL NAMES, ADDRESSES, BIRTHDATES, and NRA ID NUMBERS for the purpose of submitting the scores to the NRA for classification as this is a registered league. Clubs that do not submit the required information forfeit awards; yet must still pay the $5.00 NRA shooter’s fee. The tentative roster is to be included with the first week’s scores. Clubs which participated in the postal last season may have a roster sheet included with this bulletin, if so, please update and return by snail mail or email, as this list shows the current information in the Association records.
Awards will be given to top junior shooters in both pistol and rifle disciplines. A junior is classified as stated in the Course of Fire section of this bulletin. Please highlight any junior shooter on your roster. Thanks!
All ties in the final AGGREGATE standings will be broken by the scores fired in the tenth weeks match. Remember to report the X count, it is important!
CHALLENGE: Protests must be made within two weeks after the publication of the score that is being challenged. All targets in protest from the challenged team and the protesting team will be reviewed. Challenge fee is $3.00 per week challenged. Only up to three protests will be allowed from any one club or its members per season.
BULLETIN: Because the Spokesman-Review is the sponsor of this tournament, the publication of the weekly results on the Spokesman-Review web site is the official bulletin. Sometimes printing errors do occur, because of this, the scores turned into the Spokesman by the Secretary will hold the final decision in any dispute. Results will appear on the www.spokesman.com website and the association’s web site http://www.ierpa.org. The weekly results can be mailed for an additional $5.00 to cover postage. Also, results can be emailed in Excel.
AWARDS: The winning team will be determined by the total team aggregate for the ten weeks. It is important to not miss a week of firing. Get your scores in on time!!!!
Winning teams name will be engraved on the following challenge trophies; The Inland Empire Rifle & Pistol Association trophy for class AA and class D Rifle; The IER&PA trophy for class A Rifle; The Jensen-Byrd trophy for class B and the Marshall Wells trophy for class C Rifle. Pistol winners challenge trophies are as follows; The IER&PA trophy for class A Pistol; The Bill Hatch trophy for class B; The IER&PA trophy for class C: the Holt Memorial trophy for class D, and the Inland Empire Pistol Trophies for Class E, EE, G, H and possibly I. Other awards will be as follows: each class with 3 through 5 teams will be given 1st and 2nd place awards. Classes with 6 through 11 teams will be given 1st, 2nd and 3rd places. Pistol groups are to be limited to 9 teams per group. (Match director will make judgment call per 2009 minutes) There will also be an award for High man & High lady in Rifle and Pistol. High Junior girl and boy in Rifle and Pistol will also receive awards. Two Perpetual trophies for Junior Rifle Class A and B teams: Bill Havercroft and Warren Ratcliffe. Class F & G pistol trophy to be announced. If over two junior pistol teams participate, top team will be recognized. Challenge trophies are displayed at the Sandpoint Gun Club, Sandpoint, Idaho - sponsors of the Annual Columbia State Match.
| Targets:
- Prone
- Sitting
- Kneeling
- Offhand
| Organizer Approval Required to ParticipateOpen to teams Individual scores will be derived from team scores 4 person teams. Teams are defined by score - top shooters are the team Fee: $6.50 per person, teams are free
This competition is closed | | Rules:
The 94nd Annual Rifle Postal Tournament and the 71st Annual Pistol Tournament of the IER&PA will begin firing the month of January 2015 and continue firing for ten consecutive weeks.
The tournament is open to any rifle or pistol club in the Inland Empire, or by invitation provided, they are affiliated with the National Rifle Association. Clubs may enter one or more four-person teams. No individual may fire more than the ten matches and may only fire on one team Except for Junior Rifle who may shoot for a Junior and Senior team. Two clubs may combine to form one team. Some clubs have found it to their advantage to have a score or two fired ahead of the due date and into the Secretary in order to take care of unforeseen occurrences such as inclement weather, sickness, holidays, mail delays, non working fax or phone lines complications, etc. (Remember how typical winters can be!)
ARMS: Any smallbore .22 caliber rifle, NRA rule 3.2 (any safe trigger). Any .22 caliber pistol or revolver, NRA rule: 3.4 (no less than 2 lb. trigger).
SIGHTS: Any sights for Pistol and Senior Rifle. Juniors must use iron sights for the Junior Rifle Division.
COURSE OF FIRE: All firing will be done in the presence of at least one club officer of the participating club. All scores will be certified by such officer as being fired in accordance to the NRA Gallery Rifle & Pistol Rules. Being an NRA regulated Match, once a set of targets is started, they have to be shot at that event not spread out over days or shot randomly for convenience. The club officer in charge may use bullet gauges. Mark every shot on the target where the gauge is used. Targets may not be mailed to a shooter in another city except in the case when two clubs combine to form one team. It is permissible for a team member to take their targets to another range and fire them when they travel to another club for a shoulder to shoulder match.
Senior Rifle: A-17 targets. Ten shots in each of the four positions. Ten minutes for each prone, sitting and kneeling position. Fifteen minutes for standing.
(Juniors exception: If a junior team wishes to shoot with or without a scope and A-17 targets they may enter as a senior rifle team. NRA smallbore rifles rule 3.2 will prevail, which may include hook butt plates and palm rests.
Pistol: B2 and B3 targets. Two five shot strings for each of slow, timed and rapid fire. Ten shots per target. Slow fire timing is ten minutes for ten shots. Timed fire is 20 seconds for each five shot string. Rapid fire is ten seconds for each five shot string.
Junior Rifle: NRA/USA 50 targets. Regulation quarter course of fire, three position. Ten minutes for prone. Fifteen minutes for kneeling. Twenty minutes for standing. NRA rules will apply. Iron sights only.
****Any Person may compete as a Junior through December 31st of the calendar year in which his or her 20th birthday occurs. Any Junior that begins the competition as a Junior may finish as a Junior recognizing that this competition officially begins on January 2nd each year, regardless of when the first targets are shot.****
SIGHTING SHOTS: Sighting shots allowed for rifle, using allotted time for that position. Handguns may use practice targets for sighting. The numbered targets are for record only.
CLASSIFICATION: All teams will be classified after three weeks. This will enable the teams to be classified on their shooting ability this year, as clubs may lose or pick-up shooters during the summer months. The first two weeks the teams will not be broken into classes. The third week the teams will be listed with their classification for the year. This had been discussed and voted on by the membership at the Columbia State meeting held spring of 1996.
TARGETS: ****All****targets must have the (Official NRA Competition Seal” and have the “Official Sticker Label of Inland Empire Rifle & Pistol Association” placed on the backside of the Bull (Pistol) or #1 Bull (rifle). and numbered numerically. Range officers will issue targets in numbered sequence to their teams and any break in the sequence will be subject to question. It is the prerogative of the assigned Association Officer to call any or all targets of a match for inspection.
All labels must be placed on the backside of the targets before they are shot: For Pistol targets place the labels in the center back behind the 10 ring. For rifle targets place the label on the back behind the #1 bull (not the sighter!).
If a club is using official IER&PA labels instead of official IER&PA targets, please follow these guidelines: All labels must be placed on the backside of the targets before they are shot: For Pistol targets place the labels in the center back behind the 10 ring. For rifle targets place the label on the back behind the #1 bull (not the sighter!).
*** "Remember, place the label on the backside before the target is shot at." *** It should be noted that additional care must be exercised to keep the targets in a consecutive numbered order for each week. This is often done in advance by setting up the targets in a block for each week with the names of the individuals and the match numbers filled in to avoid confusion at a later date. All targets must be kept for three weeks after the last Tuesday of the posted scheduled session – see published schedule.
FOR OFFICIAL IER&PA STICKERS CONTACT: Scott Lorenz, P.O. Box 2303, Lynnwood, WA 98036-2303 (tel: 1-425-971-4151, leave message)
(e-mail: [email protected]) Stickers: $10 per roll of 250 stickers each. Advance payment is necessary for stickers— If Priority shipping is needed, please include $5.15. NO COD orders will be accepted. (Checks made out to: IER&PA) Turnaround time is about 1 ½ weeks. You may order official NRA targets from: American Target CO., 1328 So. Jason St., Denver, CO 80223. (1-303-733-0433) (Fax: 1-303-777-0311) (www.americantargetcompany.com)
SCORING: *****Report All Xs on Score Sheets*****
List the shooters: beginning with the highest score first and continue listing in descending order on the score sheet. Calculate the team score. Fill in the area to report the team name and class. Also, include Extra shooters results as their results will be submitted to the NRA records, but not calculated into a team score. DOUBLE and TRIPLE check your addition for the total team score. If the addition is in error and you have under scored, then your score will remain as reported. If the addition is in error and you have over scored, then the correction will be made. Please report scores for all positions shot so tiebreakers may be determined correctly. "SCORES MUST include the number of Xs for both rifle and pistol." (Scoring X’s refer to NRA Rule 14.3b and Center shots NRA Rule 14.3e)
Scores are now being posted through the web site http://www.ierpa.postalleague.com/. The test log in and password should be current. If assistance is needed, email the Match Director. Scores must be posted to the web site, mailed, or e-mailed to the Match Director (Form provided by the Association). Those scores arriving late will be forfeited. SCORES for the FIRST Week must be in the hands of the Match Director NO LATER THAN NOON TUESDAY, January 6th, 2015. It is "VERY" important that all scores are in on time in order to be published. The Match Director will make NO exceptions. The scores shall continue to be mailed each week thereafter until the ten matches are completed. Scores submitted early are welcome and encouraged. The results begin appearing tentatively January 11, 2015 on the Spokesman-Review web site: http://www.spokesman.com/pistolrifle and the association’s web site: http://www.ierpa.org .
(Don’t hesitate to consider shooting and sending results in early.)
HANDICAP: If a team is short a member then the team may be handicapped one shooter. This shooters score will be calculated at 80% of the average of the other members’ scores on the team. A team can only be handicapped the maximum of one shooter and only on the lowest team entered in the postal for a discipline.
ENTRY FEES: $20.00 per each four person team, plus include $1.00 for NRA (FLAT FEE) registration required for each individual entered from the club to cover all disciplines. If a participant chooses to shoot both rifle and pistol, or both junior and senior rifle only $1.00 is required for that one shooter. (Entry Fee ex: A club enters two teams with 10 shooters on the roster; the entry fee would be $50.00.) Mail entries to: Inland Empire Rifle and Pistol Association, c/o Craig Speirs PO Box 806, Medical Lake, WA 99022. The entry fees must be in the hands of the Match Director no later than December 2rd, 2014.
ALL CLUBS MUST INCLUDE A ROSTER OF ALL SHOOTERS: THEIR FULL NAMES, ADDRESSES, BIRTHDATES, and NRA ID NUMBERS for the purpose of submitting the scores to the NRA for classification as this is a registered league. Clubs that do not submit the required information forfeit awards; yet must still pay the $1.00 NRA shooter’s fee. The tentative roster is to be included with the first week’s scores. Clubs which participated in the postal last season may have a roster sheet included with this bulletin, if so, please update and return by snail mail or email, as this list shows the current information in the Association records.
Awards will be given to top junior shooters in both pistol and rifle disciplines. A junior is classified as stated in the Course of Fire section of this bulletin. Please highlight any junior shooter on your roster. Thanks!
All ties in the final AGGREGATE standings will be broken by the scores fired in the tenth weeks match. Remember to report the X count, it is important!
CHALLENGE: Protests must be made within two weeks after the publication of the score that is being challenged. All targets in protest from the challenged team and the protesting team will be reviewed. Challenge fee is $3.00 per week challenged. Only up to three protests will be allowed from any one club or its members per season.
BULLETIN: Because the Spokesman-Review is the sponsor of this tournament, the publication of the weekly results on the Spokesman-Review web site is the official bulletin. Sometimes printing errors do occur, because of this, the scores turned into the Spokesman by the Secretary will hold the final decision in any dispute. Results will appear on the www.spokesman.com website and the association’s web site http://www.ierpa.org. The weekly results can be mailed for an additional $7.00 to cover postage. Also, results can be emailed in Excel.
AWARDS: The winning team will be determined by the total team aggregate for the ten weeks. It is important to not miss a week of firing. Get your scores in on time!!!!
Winning teams name will be engraved on the following challenge trophies; The Inland Empire Rifle & Pistol Association trophy for class AA and class D Rifle; The IER&PA trophy for class A Rifle; The Jensen-Byrd trophy for class B and the Marshall Wells trophy for class C Rifle. Pistol winners challenge trophies are as follows; The IER&PA trophy for class A Pistol; The Bill Hatch trophy for class B; The IER&PA trophy for class C: the Holt Memorial trophy for class D, and the Inland Empire Pistol Trophies for Class E, EE, G, H and possibly I. Other awards will be as follows: each class with 3 through 5 teams will be given 1st and 2nd place awards. Classes with 6 through 11 teams will be given 1st, 2nd and 3rd places. Pistol groups are to be limited to 9 teams per group. (Match director will make judgment call per 2009 minutes) There will also be an award for High man & High lady in Rifle and Pistol. High Junior girl and boy in Rifle and Pistol will also receive awards. Two Perpetual trophies for Junior Rifle Class A and B teams: Bill Havercroft and Warren Ratcliffe. Class F & G pistol trophy to be announced. If over two junior pistol teams participate, top team will be recognized. Challenge trophies are displayed at the Sandpoint Gun Club, Sandpoint, Idaho - sponsors of the Annual Columbia State Match. | Targets:
- Prone
- Sitting
- Kneeling
- Offhand
| Organizer Approval Required to ParticipateOpen to teams Individual scores will be derived from team scores 4 person teams. Teams are defined by score - top shooters are the team Fee: $6.50 per person, teams are free
This competition is closed | | Details: IER&PA MEMBERSHIP IS REQUIRED TO PARTICIPATE
Please contact Craig Speirs at [email protected] about becoming a member.
The 95th Annual Rifle Postal Tournament of the IER&PA will begin firing the month of January 2016 and continue firing for ten consecutive weeks.
The tournament is open to any rifle or pistol club in the Inland Empire, or by invitation provided, they are affiliated with the National Rifle Association. Clubs may enter one or more four-person teams. No individual may fire more than the ten matches and may only fire on one team Except for Junior Rifle who may shoot for a Junior and Senior team. Two clubs may combine to form one team. Some clubs have found it to their advantage to have a score or two fired ahead of the due date and into the Secretary in order to take care of unforeseen occurrences such as inclement weather, sickness, holidays, mail delays, non working fax or phone lines complications, etc. (Remember how typical winters can be!) | | Rules:
ARMS: Any smallbore .22 caliber rifle, NRA rule 3.2 (any safe trigger). Any .22 caliber pistol or revolver, NRA rule: 3.4 (no less than 2 lb. trigger).
SIGHTS: Any sights for Pistol and Senior Rifle. Juniors must use iron sights for the Junior Rifle Division.
COURSE OF FIRE: All firing will be done in the presence of at least one club officer of the participating club. All scores will be certified by such officer as being fired in accordance to the NRA Gallery Rifle & Pistol Rules. Being an NRA regulated Match, once a set of targets is started, they have to be shot at that event not spread out over days or shot randomly for convenience. The club officer in charge may use bullet gauges. Mark every shot on the target where the gauge is used. Targets may not be mailed to a shooter in another city except in the case when two clubs combine to form one team. It is permissible for a team member to take their targets to another range and fire them when they travel to another club for a shoulder to shoulder match.
Senior Rifle: A-17 targets. Ten shots in each of the four positions. Ten minutes for each prone, sitting and kneeling position. Fifteen minutes for standing.
(Juniors exception: If a junior team wishes to shoot with or without a scope and A-17 targets they may enter as a senior rifle team. NRA smallbore rifles rule 3.2 will prevail, which may include hook butt plates and palm rests.
Pistol: B2 and B3 targets. Two five shot strings for each of slow, timed and rapid fire. Ten shots per target. Slow fire timing is ten minutes for ten shots. Timed fire is 20 seconds for each five shot string. Rapid fire is ten seconds for each five shot string.
Junior Rifle: NRA/USA 50 targets. Regulation quarter course of fire, three position. Ten minutes for prone. Fifteen minutes for kneeling. Twenty minutes for standing. NRA rules will apply. Iron sights only.
****Any Person may compete as a Junior through December 31st of the calendar year in which his or her 20th birthday occurs. Any Junior that begins the competition as a Junior may finish as a Junior recognizing that this competition officially begins on January 2nd each year, regardless of when the first targets are shot.****
SIGHTING SHOTS: Sighting shots allowed for rifle, using allotted time for that position. Handguns may use practice targets for sighting. The numbered targets are for record only.
CLASSIFICATION: All teams will be classified after three weeks. This will enable the teams to be classified on their shooting ability this year, as clubs may lose or pick-up shooters during the summer months. The first two weeks the teams will not be broken into classes. The third week the teams will be listed with their classification for the year. This had been discussed and voted on by the membership at the Columbia State meeting held spring of 1996.
TARGETS: ****All****targets must have the (Official NRA Competition Seal” and have the “Official Sticker Label of Inland Empire Rifle & Pistol Association” placed on the backside of the Bull (Pistol) or #1 Bull (rifle). and numbered numerically. Range officers will issue targets in numbered sequence to their teams and any break in the sequence will be subject to question. It is the prerogative of the assigned Association Officer to call any or all targets of a match for inspection.
All labels must be placed on the backside of the targets before they are shot: For Pistol targets place the labels in the center back behind the 10 ring. For rifle targets place the label on the back behind the #1 bull (not the sighter!).
If a club is using official IER&PA labels instead of official IER&PA targets, please follow these guidelines: All labels must be placed on the backside of the targets before they are shot: For Pistol targets place the labels in the center back behind the 10 ring. For rifle targets place the label on the back behind the #1 bull (not the sighter!).
*** "Remember, place the label on the backside before the target is shot at." *** It should be noted that additional care must be exercised to keep the targets in a consecutive numbered order for each week. This is often done in advance by setting up the targets in a block for each week with the names of the individuals and the match numbers filled in to avoid confusion at a later date. All targets must be kept for three weeks after the last Tuesday of the posted scheduled session – see published schedule.
FOR OFFICIAL IER&PA STICKERS CONTACT: Scott Lorenz, P.O. Box 2303, Lynnwood, WA 98036-2303 (tel: 1-425-971-4151, leave message)
(e-mail: [email protected]) Stickers: $10 per roll of 250 stickers each. Advance payment is necessary for stickers— If Priority shipping is needed, please include $5.15. NO COD orders will be accepted. (Checks made out to: IER&PA) Turnaround time is about 1 ½ weeks. You may order official NRA targets from: American Target CO., 1328 So. Jason St., Denver, CO 80223. (1-303-733-0433) (Fax: 1-303-777-0311) (www.americantargetcompany.com)
SCORING: *****Report All Xs on Score Sheets*****
List the shooters: beginning with the highest score first and continue listing in descending order on the score sheet. Calculate the team score. Fill in the area to report the team name and class. Also, include Extra shooters results as their results will be submitted to the NRA records, but not calculated into a team score. DOUBLE and TRIPLE check your addition for the total team score. If the addition is in error and you have under scored, then your score will remain as reported. If the addition is in error and you have over scored, then the correction will be made. Please report scores for all positions shot so tiebreakers may be determined correctly. "SCORES MUST include the number of Xs for both rifle and pistol." (Scoring X’s refer to NRA Rule 14.3b and Center shots NRA Rule 14.3e)
Scores are now being posted through the web site http://www.ierpa.postalleague.com/. The test log in and password should be current. If assistance is needed, email the Match Director. Scores must be posted to the web site, mailed, or e-mailed to the Match Director (Form provided by the Association). Those scores arriving late will be forfeited. SCORES for the FIRST Week must be in the hands of the Match Director NO LATER THAN NOON TUESDAY, January 6th, 2015. It is "VERY" important that all scores are in on time in order to be published. The Match Director will make NO exceptions. The scores shall continue to be mailed each week thereafter until the ten matches are completed. Scores submitted early are welcome and encouraged. The results begin appearing tentatively January 11, 2015 on the Spokesman-Review web site: http://www.spokesman.com/pistolrifle and the association’s web site: http://www.ierpa.org .
(Don’t hesitate to consider shooting and sending results in early.)
HANDICAP: If a team is short a member then the team may be handicapped one shooter. This shooters score will be calculated at 80% of the average of the other members’ scores on the team. A team can only be handicapped the maximum of one shooter and only on the lowest team entered in the postal for a discipline.
ENTRY FEES: $20.00 per each four person team, plus include $1.00 for NRA (FLAT FEE) registration required for each individual entered from the club to cover all disciplines. If a participant chooses to shoot both rifle and pistol, or both junior and senior rifle only $1.00 is required for that one shooter. (Entry Fee ex: A club enters two teams with 10 shooters on the roster; the entry fee would be $50.00.) Mail entries to: Inland Empire Rifle and Pistol Association, c/o Craig Speirs PO Box 806, Medical Lake, WA 99022. The entry fees must be in the hands of the Match Director no later than December 2rd, 2014.
ALL CLUBS MUST INCLUDE A ROSTER OF ALL SHOOTERS: THEIR FULL NAMES, ADDRESSES, BIRTHDATES, and NRA ID NUMBERS for the purpose of submitting the scores to the NRA for classification as this is a registered league. Clubs that do not submit the required information forfeit awards; yet must still pay the $1.00 NRA shooter’s fee. The tentative roster is to be included with the first week’s scores. Clubs which participated in the postal last season may have a roster sheet included with this bulletin, if so, please update and return by snail mail or email, as this list shows the current information in the Association records.
Awards will be given to top junior shooters in both pistol and rifle disciplines. A junior is classified as stated in the Course of Fire section of this bulletin. Please highlight any junior shooter on your roster. Thanks!
All ties in the final AGGREGATE standings will be broken by the scores fired in the tenth weeks match. Remember to report the X count, it is important!
CHALLENGE: Protests must be made within two weeks after the publication of the score that is being challenged. All targets in protest from the challenged team and the protesting team will be reviewed. Challenge fee is $3.00 per week challenged. Only up to three protests will be allowed from any one club or its members per season.
BULLETIN: Because the Spokesman-Review is the sponsor of this tournament, the publication of the weekly results on the Spokesman-Review web site is the official bulletin. Sometimes printing errors do occur, because of this, the scores turned into the Spokesman by the Secretary will hold the final decision in any dispute. Results will appear on the www.spokesman.com website and the association’s web site http://www.ierpa.org. The weekly results can be mailed for an additional $7.00 to cover postage. Also, results can be emailed in Excel.
AWARDS: The winning team will be determined by the total team aggregate for the ten weeks. It is important to not miss a week of firing. Get your scores in on time!!!!
Winning teams name will be engraved on the following challenge trophies; The Inland Empire Rifle & Pistol Association trophy for class AA and class D Rifle; The IER&PA trophy for class A Rifle; The Jensen-Byrd trophy for class B and the Marshall Wells trophy for class C Rifle. Pistol winners challenge trophies are as follows; The IER&PA trophy for class A Pistol; The Bill Hatch trophy for class B; The IER&PA trophy for class C: the Holt Memorial trophy for class D, and the Inland Empire Pistol Trophies for Class E, EE, G, H and possibly I. Other awards will be as follows: each class with 3 through 5 teams will be given 1st and 2nd place awards. Classes with 6 through 11 teams will be given 1st, 2nd and 3rd places. Pistol groups are to be limited to 9 teams per group. (Match director will make judgment call per 2009 minutes) There will also be an award for High man & High lady in Rifle and Pistol. High Junior girl and boy in Rifle and Pistol will also receive awards. Two Perpetual trophies for Junior Rifle Class A and B teams: Bill Havercroft and Warren Ratcliffe. Class F & G pistol trophy to be announced. If over two junior pistol teams participate, top team will be recognized. Challenge trophies are displayed at the Sandpoint Gun Club, Sandpoint, Idaho - sponsors of the Annual Columbia State Match. | Targets:
- Prone
- Sitting
- Kneeling
- Offhand
| Organizer Approval Required to ParticipateOpen to teams Individual scores will be derived from team scores 4 person teams. Teams are defined by score - top shooters are the team Fee: $6.50 per person, teams are free
This competition is closed | | Details: IER&PA MEMBERSHIP IS REQUIRED TO PARTICIPATE
Please contact Craig Speirs at [email protected] about becoming a member.
The 96th Annual Rifle Postal Tournament of the IER&PA will begin firing the month of January 2017 and continue firing for ten consecutive weeks.
The tournament is open to any rifle or pistol club in the Inland Empire, or by invitation provided, they are affiliated with the National Rifle Association. Clubs may enter one or more four-person teams. No individual may fire more than the ten matches and may only fire on one team Except for Junior Rifle who may shoot for a Junior and Senior team. Two clubs may combine to form one team. Some clubs have found it to their advantage to have a score or two fired ahead of the due date and into the Secretary in order to take care of unforeseen occurrences such as inclement weather, sickness, holidays, mail delays, non working fax or phone lines complications, etc. (Remember how typical winters can be!) | | Rules:
ARMS: Any smallbore .22 caliber rifle, NRA rule 3.2 (any safe trigger).
SIGHTS: Any sights for Senior Rifle. Juniors must use iron sights for the Junior Rifle Division.
COURSE OF FIRE: All firing will be done in the presence of at least one club officer of the participating club. All scores will be certified by such officer as being fired in accordance to the NRA Gallery Rifle & Pistol Rules. Being an NRA regulated Match, once a set of targets is started, they have to be shot at that event not spread out over days or shot randomly for convenience. The club officer in charge may use bullet gauges. Mark every shot on the target where the gauge is used. Targets may not be mailed to a shooter in another city except in the case when two clubs combine to form one team. It is permissible for a team member to take their targets to another range and fire them when they travel to another club for a shoulder to shoulder match.
Senior Rifle: A-17 targets. Ten shots in each of the four positions. Ten minutes for each prone, sitting and kneeling position. Fifteen minutes for standing.
(Juniors exception: If a junior team wishes to shoot with or without a scope and A-17 targets they may enter as a senior rifle team. NRA smallbore rifles rule 3.2 will prevail, which may include hook butt plates and palm rests.
Pistol: B2 and B3 targets. Two five shot strings for each of slow, timed and rapid fire. Ten shots per target. Slow fire timing is ten minutes for ten shots. Timed fire is 20 seconds for each five shot string. Rapid fire is ten seconds for each five shot string.
Junior Rifle: NRA/USA 50 targets. Regulation quarter course of fire, three position. Ten minutes for prone. Fifteen minutes for kneeling. Twenty minutes for standing. NRA rules will apply. Iron sights only.
****Any Person may compete as a Junior through December 31st of the calendar year in which his or her 20th birthday occurs. Any Junior that begins the competition as a Junior may finish as a Junior recognizing that this competition officially begins on January 2nd each year, regardless of when the first targets are shot.****
SIGHTING SHOTS: Sighting shots allowed for rifle, using allotted time for that position. Handguns may use practice targets for sighting. The numbered targets are for record only.
CLASSIFICATION: All teams will be classified after three weeks. This will enable the teams to be classified on their shooting ability this year, as clubs may lose or pick-up shooters during the summer months. The first two weeks the teams will not be broken into classes. The third week the teams will be listed with their classification for the year. This had been discussed and voted on by the membership at the Columbia State meeting held spring of 1996.
TARGETS: ****All****targets must have the (Official NRA Competition Seal” and have the “Official Sticker Label of Inland Empire Rifle & Pistol Association” placed on the backside of the Bull (Pistol) or #1 Bull (rifle). and numbered numerically. Range officers will issue targets in numbered sequence to their teams and any break in the sequence will be subject to question. It is the prerogative of the assigned Association Officer to call any or all targets of a match for inspection.
All labels must be placed on the backside of the targets before they are shot: For Pistol targets place the labels in the center back behind the 10 ring. For rifle targets place the label on the back behind the #1 bull (not the sighter!).
If a club is using official IER&PA labels instead of official IER&PA targets, please follow these guidelines: All labels must be placed on the backside of the targets before they are shot: For Pistol targets place the labels in the center back behind the 10 ring. For rifle targets place the label on the back behind the #1 bull (not the sighter!).
*** "Remember, place the label on the backside before the target is shot at." *** It should be noted that additional care must be exercised to keep the targets in a consecutive numbered order for each week. This is often done in advance by setting up the targets in a block for each week with the names of the individuals and the match numbers filled in to avoid confusion at a later date. All targets must be kept for three weeks after the last Tuesday of the posted scheduled session – see published schedule.
FOR OFFICIAL IER&PA STICKERS CONTACT: Scott Lorenz, P.O. Box 2243 Bothell, WA. 98041 (tel: 1-425-971-4151, leave message)
(e-mail: [email protected]) Stickers: $10.00 per roll of 250 stickers each. Advance payment is necessary for stickers— If Priority shipping is needed, please include $6.80. NO COD orders will be accepted. (Checks made out to: IER&PA) Turnaround time is about 1 ½ weeks. You may order official NRA targets from: American Target CO., 1328 So. Jason St., Denver, CO 80223. (1-303-733-0433) (Fax: 1-303-777-0311) (www.americantargetcompany.com)
SCORING: *****Report All Xs on Score Sheets*****
List the shooters: beginning with the highest score first and continue listing in descending order on the score sheet. Calculate the team score. Fill in the area to report the team name and class. Also, include Extra shooters results as their results will be submitted to the NRA records, but not calculated into a team score. DOUBLE and TRIPLE check your addition for the total team score. If the addition is in error and you have under scored, then your score will remain as reported. If the addition is in error and you have over scored, then the correction will be made. Please report scores for all positions shot so tiebreakers may be determined correctly. "SCORES MUST include the number of Xs for both rifle and pistol." (Scoring X’s refer to NRA Rule 14.3b and Center shots NRA Rule 14.3e)
Scores are now being posted through the web site http://www.ierpa.postalleague.com/. The test log in and password should be current. If assistance is needed, email the Match Director. Scores must be posted to the web site, mailed, or e-mailed to the Match Director (Form provided by the Association). Those scores arriving late will be forfeited. SCORES for the FIRST Week must be in the hands of the Match Director NO LATER THAN NOON TUESDAY, January 3rd, 2017. It is "VERY" important that all scores are in on time in order to be published. The Match Director will make NO exceptions. The scores shall continue to be mailed each week thereafter until the ten matches are completed. Scores submitted early are welcome and encouraged.
(Don’t hesitate to consider shooting and sending results in early.)
HANDICAP: If a team is short a member then the team may be handicapped one shooter. This shooters score will be calculated at 80% of the average of the other members’ scores on the team. A team can only be handicapped the maximum of one shooter and only on the lowest team entered in the postal for a discipline.
ENTRY FEES: $20.00 per each four person team, plus include $1.00 for NRA (FLAT FEE) registration required for each individual entered from the club to cover all disciplines. If a participant chooses to shoot both rifle and pistol, or both junior and senior rifle only $1.00 is required for that one shooter. (Entry Fee ex: A club enters two teams with 10 shooters on the roster; the entry fee would be $50.00.) Mail entries to: Inland Empire Rifle and Pistol Association, c/o Craig Speirs PO Box 806, Medical Lake, WA 99022. The entry fees must be in the hands of the Match Director no later than December 2rd, 2014.
ALL CLUBS MUST INCLUDE A ROSTER OF ALL SHOOTERS: THEIR FULL NAMES, ADDRESSES, BIRTHDATES, and NRA ID NUMBERS for the purpose of submitting the scores to the NRA for classification as this is a registered league. Clubs that do not submit the required information forfeit awards; yet must still pay the $1.00 NRA shooter’s fee. The tentative roster is to be included with the first week’s scores. Clubs which participated in the postal last season may have a roster sheet included with this bulletin, if so, please update and return by snail mail or email, as this list shows the current information in the Association records.
Awards will be given to top junior shooters in both pistol and rifle disciplines. A junior is classified as stated in the Course of Fire section of this bulletin. Please highlight any junior shooter on your roster. Thanks!
All ties in the final AGGREGATE standings will be broken by the scores fired in the tenth weeks match. Remember to report the X count, it is important!
CHALLENGE: Protests must be made within two weeks after the publication of the score that is being challenged. All targets in protest from the challenged team and the protesting team will be reviewed. Challenge fee is $3.00 per week challenged. Only up to three protests will be allowed from any one club or its members per season.
BULLETIN: Because the Spokesman-Review is the sponsor of this tournament, the publication of the weekly results on the Spokesman-Review web site is the official bulletin. Sometimes printing errors do occur, because of this, the scores turned into the Spokesman by the Secretary will hold the final decision in any dispute. Results will appear on the www.spokesman.com website and the association’s web site http://www.ierpa.org. The weekly results can be mailed for an additional $7.00 to cover postage. Also, results can be emailed in Excel.
AWARDS: The winning team will be determined by the total team aggregate for the ten weeks. It is important to not miss a week of firing. Get your scores in on time!!!!
Winning teams name will be engraved on the following challenge trophies; The Inland Empire Rifle & Pistol Association trophy for class AA and class D Rifle; The IER&PA trophy for class A Rifle; The Jensen-Byrd trophy for class B and the Marshall Wells trophy for class C Rifle. Pistol winners challenge trophies are as follows; The IER&PA trophy for class A Pistol; The Bill Hatch trophy for class B; The IER&PA trophy for class C: the Holt Memorial trophy for class D, and the Inland Empire Pistol Trophies for Class E, EE, G, H and possibly I. Other awards will be as follows: each class with 3 through 5 teams will be given 1st and 2nd place awards. Classes with 6 through 11 teams will be given 1st, 2nd and 3rd places. Pistol groups are to be limited to 9 teams per group. (Match director will make judgment call per 2009 minutes) There will also be an award for High man & High lady in Rifle and Pistol. High Junior girl and boy in Rifle and Pistol will also receive awards. Two Perpetual trophies for Junior Rifle Class A and B teams: Bill Havercroft and Warren Ratcliffe. Class F & G pistol trophy to be announced. If over two junior pistol teams participate, top team will be recognized. Challenge trophies are displayed at the Sandpoint Gun Club, Sandpoint, Idaho - sponsors of the Annual Columbia State Match. | Targets:
- Prone
- Sitting
- Kneeling
- Standing
| Organizer Approval Required to ParticipateOpen to teams Individual scores will be derived from team scores 4 person teams. Teams are defined by score - top shooters are the team Fee: $1.00 per person $20.00, per team
This competition is closed | | Details: IER&PA MEMBERSHIP IS REQUIRED TO PARTICIPATE
Please contact Craig Speirs at [email protected] about becoming a member.
The 97th Annual Rifle Postal Tournament of the IER&PA will begin firing the month of January 2018 and continue firing for ten consecutive weeks.
The tournament is open to any rifle or pistol club in the Inland Empire, or by invitation provided, they are affiliated with the National Rifle Association. Clubs may enter one or more four-person teams. No individual may fire more than the ten matches and may only fire on one team Except for Junior Rifle who may shoot for a Junior and Senior team. Two clubs may combine to form one team. Some clubs have found it to their advantage to have a score or two fired ahead of the due date and into the Secretary in order to take care of unforeseen occurrences such as inclement weather, sickness, holidays, mail delays, non working fax or phone lines complications, etc. (Remember how typical winters can be!) | | Rules:
ARMS: Any smallbore .22 caliber rifle, NRA rule 3.2 (any safe trigger).
SIGHTS: Any sights for Senior Rifle. Juniors must use iron sights for the Junior Rifle Division.
COURSE OF FIRE: All firing will be done in the presence of at least one club officer of the participating club. All scores will be certified by such officer as being fired in accordance to the NRA Gallery Rifle & Pistol Rules. Being an NRA regulated Match, once a set of targets is started, they have to be shot at that event not spread out over days or shot randomly for convenience. The club officer in charge may use bullet gauges. Mark every shot on the target where the gauge is used. Targets may not be mailed to a shooter in another city except in the case when two clubs combine to form one team. It is permissible for a team member to take their targets to another range and fire them when they travel to another club for a shoulder to shoulder match.
Senior Rifle: A-17 targets. Ten shots in each of the four positions. Ten minutes for each prone, sitting and kneeling position. Fifteen minutes for standing.
(Juniors exception: If a junior team wishes to shoot with or without a scope and A-17 targets they may enter as a senior rifle team. NRA smallbore rifles rule 3.2 will prevail, which may include hook butt plates and palm rests.
Pistol: B2 and B3 targets. Two five shot strings for each of slow, timed and rapid fire. Ten shots per target. Slow fire timing is ten minutes for ten shots. Timed fire is 20 seconds for each five shot string. Rapid fire is ten seconds for each five shot string.
Junior Rifle: NRA/USA 50 targets. Regulation quarter course of fire, three position. Ten minutes for prone. Fifteen minutes for kneeling. Twenty minutes for standing. NRA rules will apply. Iron sights only.
****Any Person may compete as a Junior through December 31st of the calendar year in which his or her 20th birthday occurs. Any Junior that begins the competition as a Junior may finish as a Junior recognizing that this competition officially begins on January 2nd each year, regardless of when the first targets are shot.****
SIGHTING SHOTS: Sighting shots allowed for rifle, using allotted time for that position. Handguns may use practice targets for sighting. The numbered targets are for record only.
CLASSIFICATION: All teams will be classified after three weeks. This will enable the teams to be classified on their shooting ability this year, as clubs may lose or pick-up shooters during the summer months. The first two weeks the teams will not be broken into classes. The third week the teams will be listed with their classification for the year. This had been discussed and voted on by the membership at the Columbia State meeting held spring of 1996.
TARGETS: ****All****targets must have the (Official NRA Competition Seal” and have the “Official Sticker Label of Inland Empire Rifle & Pistol Association” placed on the backside of the Bull (Pistol) or #1 Bull (rifle). and numbered numerically. Range officers will issue targets in numbered sequence to their teams and any break in the sequence will be subject to question. It is the prerogative of the assigned Association Officer to call any or all targets of a match for inspection.
All labels must be placed on the backside of the targets before they are shot: For Pistol targets place the labels in the center back behind the 10 ring. For rifle targets place the label on the back behind the #1 bull (not the sighter!).
If a club is using official IER&PA labels instead of official IER&PA targets, please follow these guidelines: All labels must be placed on the backside of the targets before they are shot: For Pistol targets place the labels in the center back behind the 10 ring. For rifle targets place the label on the back behind the #1 bull (not the sighter!).
*** "Remember, place the label on the backside before the target is shot at." *** It should be noted that additional care must be exercised to keep the targets in a consecutive numbered order for each week. This is often done in advance by setting up the targets in a block for each week with the names of the individuals and the match numbers filled in to avoid confusion at a later date. All targets must be kept for three weeks after the last Tuesday of the posted scheduled session – see published schedule.
FOR OFFICIAL IER&PA STICKERS CONTACT: Scott Lorenz, P.O. Box 2243 Bothell, WA. 98041 (tel: 1-425-971-4151, leave message)
(e-mail: [email protected]) Stickers: $10.00 per roll of 250 stickers each. Advance payment is necessary for stickers— If Priority shipping is needed, please include $6.80. NO COD orders will be accepted. (Checks made out to: IER&PA) Turnaround time is about 1 ½ weeks. You may order official NRA targets from: American Target CO., 1328 So. Jason St., Denver, CO 80223. (1-303-733-0433) (Fax: 1-303-777-0311) (www.americantargetcompany.com)
SCORING: *****Report All Xs on Score Sheets*****
List the shooters: beginning with the highest score first and continue listing in descending order on the score sheet. Calculate the team score. Fill in the area to report the team name and class. Also, include Extra shooters results as their results will be submitted to the NRA records, but not calculated into a team score. DOUBLE and TRIPLE check your addition for the total team score. If the addition is in error and you have under scored, then your score will remain as reported. If the addition is in error and you have over scored, then the correction will be made. Please report scores for all positions shot so tiebreakers may be determined correctly. "SCORES MUST include the number of Xs for both rifle and pistol." (Scoring X’s refer to NRA Rule 14.3b and Center shots NRA Rule 14.3e)
Scores are now being posted through the web site http://ierpa.postalleague.com/. If assistance is needed, email the Match Director. Scores must be posted to the web site, mailed, or e-mailed to the Match Director (Form provided by the Association). Those scores arriving late will be forfeited. SCORES for the FIRST Week must be in the hands of the Match Director NO LATER THAN NOON TUESDAY, January 2nd, 2018. It is "VERY" important that all scores are in on time in order to be published. The Match Director will make NO exceptions. The scores shall continue to be mailed each week thereafter until the ten matches are completed. Scores submitted early are welcome and encouraged.
(Don’t hesitate to consider shooting and sending results in early.)
HANDICAP: If a team is short a member then the team may be handicapped one shooter. This shooters score will be calculated at 80% of the average of the other members’ scores on the team. A team can only be handicapped the maximum of one shooter and only on the lowest team entered in the postal for a discipline.
ENTRY FEES: $20.00 per each four person team, plus include $1.00 for NRA (FLAT FEE) registration required for each individual entered from the club to cover all disciplines. If a participant chooses to shoot both rifle and pistol, or both junior and senior rifle only $1.00 is required for that one shooter. (Entry Fee ex: A club enters two teams with 10 shooters on the roster; the entry fee would be $50.00.) Mail entries to: Inland Empire Rifle and Pistol Association, c/o Craig Speirs PO Box 806, Medical Lake, WA 99022. The entry fees must be in the hands of the Match Director no later than December 5th, 2017.
ALL CLUBS MUST INCLUDE A ROSTER OF ALL SHOOTERS: THEIR FULL NAMES, ADDRESSES, BIRTHDATES, and NRA ID NUMBERS for the purpose of submitting the scores to the NRA for classification as this is a registered league. Clubs that do not submit the required information forfeit awards; yet must still pay the $1.00 NRA shooter’s fee. The tentative roster is to be included with the first week’s scores. Clubs which participated in the postal last season may have a roster sheet included with this bulletin, if so, please update and return by snail mail or email, as this list shows the current information in the Association records.
Awards will be given to top junior shooters in both pistol and rifle disciplines. A junior is classified as stated in the Course of Fire section of this bulletin. Please highlight any junior shooter on your roster. Thanks!
All ties in the final AGGREGATE standings will be broken by the scores fired in the tenth weeks match. Remember to report the X count, it is important!
CHALLENGE: Protests must be made within two weeks after the publication of the score that is being challenged. All targets in protest from the challenged team and the protesting team will be reviewed. Challenge fee is $3.00 per week challenged. Only up to three protests will be allowed from any one club or its members per season.
BULLETIN: Results will appear on the association’s web site http://www.ierpa.org. The weekly results can be mailed for an additional $7.00 to cover postage. Also, results can be emailed in Excel.
AWARDS: The winning team will be determined by the total team aggregate for the ten weeks. It is important to not miss a week of firing. Get your scores in on time!!!!
Winning teams name will be engraved on the following challenge trophies; The Inland Empire Rifle & Pistol Association trophy for class AA and class D Rifle; The IER&PA trophy for class A Rifle; The Jensen-Byrd trophy for class B and the Marshall Wells trophy for class C Rifle. Pistol winners challenge trophies are as follows; The IER&PA trophy for class A Pistol; The Bill Hatch trophy for class B; The IER&PA trophy for class C: the Holt Memorial trophy for class D, and the Inland Empire Pistol Trophies for Class E, EE, G, H and possibly I. Other awards will be as follows: each class with 3 through 5 teams will be given 1st and 2nd place awards. Classes with 6 through 11 teams will be given 1st, 2nd and 3rd places. Pistol groups are to be limited to 9 teams per group. (Match director will make judgment call per 2009 minutes) There will also be an award for High man & High lady in Rifle and Pistol. High Junior girl and boy in Rifle and Pistol will also receive awards. Two Perpetual trophies for Junior Rifle Class A and B teams: Bill Havercroft and Warren Ratcliffe. Class F & G pistol trophy to be announced. If over two junior pistol teams participate, top team will be recognized. Challenge trophies are displayed at the Sandpoint Gun Club, Sandpoint, Idaho - sponsors of the Annual Columbia State Match. | Targets:
- Prone
- Sitting
- Kneeling
- Standing
| Organizer Approval Required to ParticipateOpen to teams Individual scores will be derived from team scores 4 person teams. Teams are defined by score - top shooters are the team Fee: $6.50 per person, teams are free
This competition is closed | | Rules:
The 94nd Annual Rifle Postal Tournament and the 71st Annual Pistol Tournament of the IER&PA will begin firing the month of January 2015 and continue firing for ten consecutive weeks.
The tournament is open to any rifle or pistol club in the Inland Empire, or by invitation provided, they are affiliated with the National Rifle Association. Clubs may enter one or more four-person teams. No individual may fire more than the ten matches and may only fire on one team Except for Junior Rifle who may shoot for a Junior and Senior team. Two clubs may combine to form one team. Some clubs have found it to their advantage to have a score or two fired ahead of the due date and into the Secretary in order to take care of unforeseen occurrences such as inclement weather, sickness, holidays, mail delays, non working fax or phone lines complications, etc. (Remember how typical winters can be!)
ARMS: Any smallbore .22 caliber rifle, NRA rule 3.2 (any safe trigger). Any .22 caliber pistol or revolver, NRA rule: 3.4 (no less than 2 lb. trigger).
SIGHTS: Any sights for Pistol and Senior Rifle. Juniors must use iron sights for the Junior Rifle Division.
COURSE OF FIRE: All firing will be done in the presence of at least one club officer of the participating club. All scores will be certified by such officer as being fired in accordance to the NRA Gallery Rifle & Pistol Rules. Being an NRA regulated Match, once a set of targets is started, they have to be shot at that event not spread out over days or shot randomly for convenience. The club officer in charge may use bullet gauges. Mark every shot on the target where the gauge is used. Targets may not be mailed to a shooter in another city except in the case when two clubs combine to form one team. It is permissible for a team member to take their targets to another range and fire them when they travel to another club for a shoulder to shoulder match.
Senior Rifle: A-17 targets. Ten shots in each of the four positions. Ten minutes for each prone, sitting and kneeling position. Fifteen minutes for standing.
(Juniors exception: If a junior team wishes to shoot with or without a scope and A-17 targets they may enter as a senior rifle team. NRA smallbore rifles rule 3.2 will prevail, which may include hook butt plates and palm rests.
Pistol: B2 and B3 targets. Two five shot strings for each of slow, timed and rapid fire. Ten shots per target. Slow fire timing is ten minutes for ten shots. Timed fire is 20 seconds for each five shot string. Rapid fire is ten seconds for each five shot string.
Junior Rifle: NRA/USA 50 targets. Regulation quarter course of fire, three position. Ten minutes for prone. Fifteen minutes for kneeling. Twenty minutes for standing. NRA rules will apply. Iron sights only.
****Any Person may compete as a Junior through December 31st of the calendar year in which his or her 20th birthday occurs. Any Junior that begins the competition as a Junior may finish as a Junior recognizing that this competition officially begins on January 2nd each year, regardless of when the first targets are shot.****
SIGHTING SHOTS: Sighting shots allowed for rifle, using allotted time for that position. Handguns may use practice targets for sighting. The numbered targets are for record only.
CLASSIFICATION: All teams will be classified after three weeks. This will enable the teams to be classified on their shooting ability this year, as clubs may lose or pick-up shooters during the summer months. The first two weeks the teams will not be broken into classes. The third week the teams will be listed with their classification for the year. This had been discussed and voted on by the membership at the Columbia State meeting held spring of 1996.
TARGETS: ****All****targets must have the (Official NRA Competition Seal” and have the “Official Sticker Label of Inland Empire Rifle & Pistol Association” placed on the backside of the Bull (Pistol) or #1 Bull (rifle). and numbered numerically. Range officers will issue targets in numbered sequence to their teams and any break in the sequence will be subject to question. It is the prerogative of the assigned Association Officer to call any or all targets of a match for inspection.
All labels must be placed on the backside of the targets before they are shot: For Pistol targets place the labels in the center back behind the 10 ring. For rifle targets place the label on the back behind the #1 bull (not the sighter!).
If a club is using official IER&PA labels instead of official IER&PA targets, please follow these guidelines: All labels must be placed on the backside of the targets before they are shot: For Pistol targets place the labels in the center back behind the 10 ring. For rifle targets place the label on the back behind the #1 bull (not the sighter!).
*** "Remember, place the label on the backside before the target is shot at." *** It should be noted that additional care must be exercised to keep the targets in a consecutive numbered order for each week. This is often done in advance by setting up the targets in a block for each week with the names of the individuals and the match numbers filled in to avoid confusion at a later date. All targets must be kept for three weeks after the last Tuesday of the posted scheduled session – see published schedule.
FOR OFFICIAL IER&PA STICKERS CONTACT: Scott Lorenz, P.O. Box 2303, Lynnwood, WA 98036-2303 (tel: 1-425-971-4151, leave message)
(e-mail: [email protected]) Stickers: $10 per roll of 250 stickers each. Advance payment is necessary for stickers— If Priority shipping is needed, please include $5.15. NO COD orders will be accepted. (Checks made out to: IER&PA) Turnaround time is about 1 ½ weeks. You may order official NRA targets from: American Target CO., 1328 So. Jason St., Denver, CO 80223. (1-303-733-0433) (Fax: 1-303-777-0311) (www.americantargetcompany.com)
SCORING: *****Report All Xs on Score Sheets*****
List the shooters: beginning with the highest score first and continue listing in descending order on the score sheet. Calculate the team score. Fill in the area to report the team name and class. Also, include Extra shooters results as their results will be submitted to the NRA records, but not calculated into a team score. DOUBLE and TRIPLE check your addition for the total team score. If the addition is in error and you have under scored, then your score will remain as reported. If the addition is in error and you have over scored, then the correction will be made. Please report scores for all positions shot so tiebreakers may be determined correctly. "SCORES MUST include the number of Xs for both rifle and pistol." (Scoring X’s refer to NRA Rule 14.3b and Center shots NRA Rule 14.3e)
Scores are now being posted through the web site http://www.ierpa.postalleague.com/. The test log in and password should be current. If assistance is needed, email the Match Director. Scores must be posted to the web site, mailed, or e-mailed to the Match Director (Form provided by the Association). Those scores arriving late will be forfeited. SCORES for the FIRST Week must be in the hands of the Match Director NO LATER THAN NOON TUESDAY, January 6th, 2015. It is "VERY" important that all scores are in on time in order to be published. The Match Director will make NO exceptions. The scores shall continue to be mailed each week thereafter until the ten matches are completed. Scores submitted early are welcome and encouraged. The results begin appearing tentatively January 11, 2015 on the Spokesman-Review web site: http://www.spokesman.com/pistolrifle and the association’s web site: http://www.ierpa.org .
(Don’t hesitate to consider shooting and sending results in early.)
HANDICAP: If a team is short a member then the team may be handicapped one shooter. This shooters score will be calculated at 80% of the average of the other members’ scores on the team. A team can only be handicapped the maximum of one shooter and only on the lowest team entered in the postal for a discipline.
ENTRY FEES: $20.00 per each four person team, plus include $1.00 for NRA (FLAT FEE) registration required for each individual entered from the club to cover all disciplines. If a participant chooses to shoot both rifle and pistol, or both junior and senior rifle only $1.00 is required for that one shooter. (Entry Fee ex: A club enters two teams with 10 shooters on the roster; the entry fee would be $50.00.) Mail entries to: Inland Empire Rifle and Pistol Association, c/o Craig Speirs PO Box 806, Medical Lake, WA 99022. The entry fees must be in the hands of the Match Director no later than December 2rd, 2014.
ALL CLUBS MUST INCLUDE A ROSTER OF ALL SHOOTERS: THEIR FULL NAMES, ADDRESSES, BIRTHDATES, and NRA ID NUMBERS for the purpose of submitting the scores to the NRA for classification as this is a registered league. Clubs that do not submit the required information forfeit awards; yet must still pay the $1.00 NRA shooter’s fee. The tentative roster is to be included with the first week’s scores. Clubs which participated in the postal last season may have a roster sheet included with this bulletin, if so, please update and return by snail mail or email, as this list shows the current information in the Association records.
Awards will be given to top junior shooters in both pistol and rifle disciplines. A junior is classified as stated in the Course of Fire section of this bulletin. Please highlight any junior shooter on your roster. Thanks!
All ties in the final AGGREGATE standings will be broken by the scores fired in the tenth weeks match. Remember to report the X count, it is important!
CHALLENGE: Protests must be made within two weeks after the publication of the score that is being challenged. All targets in protest from the challenged team and the protesting team will be reviewed. Challenge fee is $3.00 per week challenged. Only up to three protests will be allowed from any one club or its members per season.
BULLETIN: Because the Spokesman-Review is the sponsor of this tournament, the publication of the weekly results on the Spokesman-Review web site is the official bulletin. Sometimes printing errors do occur, because of this, the scores turned into the Spokesman by the Secretary will hold the final decision in any dispute. Results will appear on the www.spokesman.com website and the association’s web site http://www.ierpa.org. The weekly results can be mailed for an additional $7.00 to cover postage. Also, results can be emailed in Excel.
AWARDS: The winning team will be determined by the total team aggregate for the ten weeks. It is important to not miss a week of firing. Get your scores in on time!!!!
Winning teams name will be engraved on the following challenge trophies; The Inland Empire Rifle & Pistol Association trophy for class AA and class D Rifle; The IER&PA trophy for class A Rifle; The Jensen-Byrd trophy for class B and the Marshall Wells trophy for class C Rifle. Pistol winners challenge trophies are as follows; The IER&PA trophy for class A Pistol; The Bill Hatch trophy for class B; The IER&PA trophy for class C: the Holt Memorial trophy for class D, and the Inland Empire Pistol Trophies for Class E, EE, G, H and possibly I. Other awards will be as follows: each class with 3 through 5 teams will be given 1st and 2nd place awards. Classes with 6 through 11 teams will be given 1st, 2nd and 3rd places. Pistol groups are to be limited to 9 teams per group. (Match director will make judgment call per 2009 minutes) There will also be an award for High man & High lady in Rifle and Pistol. High Junior girl and boy in Rifle and Pistol will also receive awards. Two Perpetual trophies for Junior Rifle Class A and B teams: Bill Havercroft and Warren Ratcliffe. Class F & G pistol trophy to be announced. If over two junior pistol teams participate, top team will be recognized. Challenge trophies are displayed at the Sandpoint Gun Club, Sandpoint, Idaho - sponsors of the Annual Columbia State Match. | Targets:
| Organizer Approval Required to ParticipateOpen to teams Individual scores will be derived from team scores 4 person teams. Teams are defined by score - top shooters are the team Fee: $6.50 per person, teams are free
This competition is closed | | Details: IER&PA MEMBERSHIP IS REQUIRED TO PARTICIPATE
Please contact Craig Speirs at [email protected] about becoming a member.
The Annual Jr. Rifle Postal Tournament of the IER&PA will begin firing the month of January 2016 and continue firing for ten consecutive weeks.
The tournament is open to any rifle or pistol club in the Inland Empire, or by invitation provided, they are affiliated with the National Rifle Association. Clubs may enter one or more four-person teams. No individual may fire more than the ten matches and may only fire on one team Except for Junior Rifle who may shoot for a Junior and Senior team. Two clubs may combine to form one team. Some clubs have found it to their advantage to have a score or two fired ahead of the due date and into the Secretary in order to take care of unforeseen occurrences such as inclement weather, sickness, holidays, mail delays, non working fax or phone lines complications, etc. (Remember how typical winters can be!) | | Rules:
ARMS: Any smallbore .22 caliber rifle, NRA rule 3.2 (any safe trigger). Any .22 caliber pistol or revolver, NRA rule: 3.4 (no less than 2 lb. trigger).
SIGHTS: Any sights for Pistol and Senior Rifle. Juniors must use iron sights for the Junior Rifle Division.
COURSE OF FIRE: All firing will be done in the presence of at least one club officer of the participating club. All scores will be certified by such officer as being fired in accordance to the NRA Gallery Rifle & Pistol Rules. Being an NRA regulated Match, once a set of targets is started, they have to be shot at that event not spread out over days or shot randomly for convenience. The club officer in charge may use bullet gauges. Mark every shot on the target where the gauge is used. Targets may not be mailed to a shooter in another city except in the case when two clubs combine to form one team. It is permissible for a team member to take their targets to another range and fire them when they travel to another club for a shoulder to shoulder match.
Senior Rifle: A-17 targets. Ten shots in each of the four positions. Ten minutes for each prone, sitting and kneeling position. Fifteen minutes for standing.
(Juniors exception: If a junior team wishes to shoot with or without a scope and A-17 targets they may enter as a senior rifle team. NRA smallbore rifles rule 3.2 will prevail, which may include hook butt plates and palm rests.
Pistol: B2 and B3 targets. Two five shot strings for each of slow, timed and rapid fire. Ten shots per target. Slow fire timing is ten minutes for ten shots. Timed fire is 20 seconds for each five shot string. Rapid fire is ten seconds for each five shot string.
Junior Rifle: NRA/USA 50 targets. Regulation quarter course of fire, three position. Ten minutes for prone. Fifteen minutes for kneeling. Twenty minutes for standing. NRA rules will apply. Iron sights only.
****Any Person may compete as a Junior through December 31st of the calendar year in which his or her 20th birthday occurs. Any Junior that begins the competition as a Junior may finish as a Junior recognizing that this competition officially begins on January 2nd each year, regardless of when the first targets are shot.****
SIGHTING SHOTS: Sighting shots allowed for rifle, using allotted time for that position. Handguns may use practice targets for sighting. The numbered targets are for record only.
CLASSIFICATION: All teams will be classified after three weeks. This will enable the teams to be classified on their shooting ability this year, as clubs may lose or pick-up shooters during the summer months. The first two weeks the teams will not be broken into classes. The third week the teams will be listed with their classification for the year. This had been discussed and voted on by the membership at the Columbia State meeting held spring of 1996.
TARGETS: ****All****targets must have the (Official NRA Competition Seal” and have the “Official Sticker Label of Inland Empire Rifle & Pistol Association” placed on the backside of the Bull (Pistol) or #1 Bull (rifle). and numbered numerically. Range officers will issue targets in numbered sequence to their teams and any break in the sequence will be subject to question. It is the prerogative of the assigned Association Officer to call any or all targets of a match for inspection.
All labels must be placed on the backside of the targets before they are shot: For Pistol targets place the labels in the center back behind the 10 ring. For rifle targets place the label on the back behind the #1 bull (not the sighter!).
If a club is using official IER&PA labels instead of official IER&PA targets, please follow these guidelines: All labels must be placed on the backside of the targets before they are shot: For Pistol targets place the labels in the center back behind the 10 ring. For rifle targets place the label on the back behind the #1 bull (not the sighter!).
*** "Remember, place the label on the backside before the target is shot at." *** It should be noted that additional care must be exercised to keep the targets in a consecutive numbered order for each week. This is often done in advance by setting up the targets in a block for each week with the names of the individuals and the match numbers filled in to avoid confusion at a later date. All targets must be kept for three weeks after the last Tuesday of the posted scheduled session – see published schedule.
FOR OFFICIAL IER&PA STICKERS CONTACT: Scott Lorenz, P.O. Box 2303, Lynnwood, WA 98036-2303 (tel: 1-425-971-4151, leave message)
(e-mail: [email protected]) Stickers: $10 per roll of 250 stickers each. Advance payment is necessary for stickers— If Priority shipping is needed, please include $5.15. NO COD orders will be accepted. (Checks made out to: IER&PA) Turnaround time is about 1 ½ weeks. You may order official NRA targets from: American Target CO., 1328 So. Jason St., Denver, CO 80223. (1-303-733-0433) (Fax: 1-303-777-0311) (www.americantargetcompany.com)
SCORING: *****Report All Xs on Score Sheets*****
List the shooters: beginning with the highest score first and continue listing in descending order on the score sheet. Calculate the team score. Fill in the area to report the team name and class. Also, include Extra shooters results as their results will be submitted to the NRA records, but not calculated into a team score. DOUBLE and TRIPLE check your addition for the total team score. If the addition is in error and you have under scored, then your score will remain as reported. If the addition is in error and you have over scored, then the correction will be made. Please report scores for all positions shot so tiebreakers may be determined correctly. "SCORES MUST include the number of Xs for both rifle and pistol." (Scoring X’s refer to NRA Rule 14.3b and Center shots NRA Rule 14.3e)
Scores are now being posted through the web site http://www.ierpa.postalleague.com/. The test log in and password should be current. If assistance is needed, email the Match Director. Scores must be posted to the web site, mailed, or e-mailed to the Match Director (Form provided by the Association). Those scores arriving late will be forfeited. SCORES for the FIRST Week must be in the hands of the Match Director NO LATER THAN NOON TUESDAY, January 6th, 2015. It is "VERY" important that all scores are in on time in order to be published. The Match Director will make NO exceptions. The scores shall continue to be mailed each week thereafter until the ten matches are completed. Scores submitted early are welcome and encouraged. The results begin appearing tentatively January 11, 2015 on the Spokesman-Review web site: http://www.spokesman.com/pistolrifle and the association’s web site: http://www.ierpa.org .
(Don’t hesitate to consider shooting and sending results in early.)
HANDICAP: If a team is short a member then the team may be handicapped one shooter. This shooters score will be calculated at 80% of the average of the other members’ scores on the team. A team can only be handicapped the maximum of one shooter and only on the lowest team entered in the postal for a discipline.
ENTRY FEES: $20.00 per each four person team, plus include $1.00 for NRA (FLAT FEE) registration required for each individual entered from the club to cover all disciplines. If a participant chooses to shoot both rifle and pistol, or both junior and senior rifle only $1.00 is required for that one shooter. (Entry Fee ex: A club enters two teams with 10 shooters on the roster; the entry fee would be $50.00.) Mail entries to: Inland Empire Rifle and Pistol Association, c/o Craig Speirs PO Box 806, Medical Lake, WA 99022. The entry fees must be in the hands of the Match Director no later than December 2rd, 2014.
ALL CLUBS MUST INCLUDE A ROSTER OF ALL SHOOTERS: THEIR FULL NAMES, ADDRESSES, BIRTHDATES, and NRA ID NUMBERS for the purpose of submitting the scores to the NRA for classification as this is a registered league. Clubs that do not submit the required information forfeit awards; yet must still pay the $1.00 NRA shooter’s fee. The tentative roster is to be included with the first week’s scores. Clubs which participated in the postal last season may have a roster sheet included with this bulletin, if so, please update and return by snail mail or email, as this list shows the current information in the Association records.
Awards will be given to top junior shooters in both pistol and rifle disciplines. A junior is classified as stated in the Course of Fire section of this bulletin. Please highlight any junior shooter on your roster. Thanks!
All ties in the final AGGREGATE standings will be broken by the scores fired in the tenth weeks match. Remember to report the X count, it is important!
CHALLENGE: Protests must be made within two weeks after the publication of the score that is being challenged. All targets in protest from the challenged team and the protesting team will be reviewed. Challenge fee is $3.00 per week challenged. Only up to three protests will be allowed from any one club or its members per season.
BULLETIN: Because the Spokesman-Review is the sponsor of this tournament, the publication of the weekly results on the Spokesman-Review web site is the official bulletin. Sometimes printing errors do occur, because of this, the scores turned into the Spokesman by the Secretary will hold the final decision in any dispute. Results will appear on the www.spokesman.com website and the association’s web site http://www.ierpa.org. The weekly results can be mailed for an additional $7.00 to cover postage. Also, results can be emailed in Excel.
AWARDS: The winning team will be determined by the total team aggregate for the ten weeks. It is important to not miss a week of firing. Get your scores in on time!!!!
Winning teams name will be engraved on the following challenge trophies; The Inland Empire Rifle & Pistol Association trophy for class AA and class D Rifle; The IER&PA trophy for class A Rifle; The Jensen-Byrd trophy for class B and the Marshall Wells trophy for class C Rifle. Pistol winners challenge trophies are as follows; The IER&PA trophy for class A Pistol; The Bill Hatch trophy for class B; The IER&PA trophy for class C: the Holt Memorial trophy for class D, and the Inland Empire Pistol Trophies for Class E, EE, G, H and possibly I. Other awards will be as follows: each class with 3 through 5 teams will be given 1st and 2nd place awards. Classes with 6 through 11 teams will be given 1st, 2nd and 3rd places. Pistol groups are to be limited to 9 teams per group. (Match director will make judgment call per 2009 minutes) There will also be an award for High man & High lady in Rifle and Pistol. High Junior girl and boy in Rifle and Pistol will also receive awards. Two Perpetual trophies for Junior Rifle Class A and B teams: Bill Havercroft and Warren Ratcliffe. Class F & G pistol trophy to be announced. If over two junior pistol teams participate, top team will be recognized. Challenge trophies are displayed at the Sandpoint Gun Club, Sandpoint, Idaho - sponsors of the Annual Columbia State Match. | Targets:
| Organizer Approval Required to ParticipateOpen to teams Individual scores will be derived from team scores 4 person teams. Teams are defined by score - top shooters are the team Fee: $6.50 per person, teams are free
This competition is closed | | Details: IER&PA MEMBERSHIP IS REQUIRED TO PARTICIPATE
Please contact Craig Speirs at [email protected] about becoming a member.
The Annual Jr. Rifle Postal Tournament of the IER&PA will begin firing the month of January 2017 and continue firing for ten consecutive weeks.
The tournament is open to any rifle or pistol club in the Inland Empire, or by invitation provided, they are affiliated with the National Rifle Association. Clubs may enter one or more four-person teams. No individual may fire more than the ten matches and may only fire on one team Except for Junior Rifle who may shoot for a Junior and Senior team. Two clubs may combine to form one team. Some clubs have found it to their advantage to have a score or two fired ahead of the due date and into the Secretary in order to take care of unforeseen occurrences such as inclement weather, sickness, holidays, mail delays, non working fax or phone lines complications, etc. (Remember how typical winters can be!) | | Rules:
ARMS: Any smallbore .22 caliber rifle, NRA rule 3.2 (any safe trigger). Any .22 caliber pistol or revolver, NRA rule: 3.4 (no less than 2 lb. trigger).
SIGHTS: Any sights for Pistol and Senior Rifle. Juniors must use iron sights for the Junior Rifle Division.
COURSE OF FIRE: All firing will be done in the presence of at least one club officer of the participating club. All scores will be certified by such officer as being fired in accordance to the NRA Gallery Rifle & Pistol Rules. Being an NRA regulated Match, once a set of targets is started, they have to be shot at that event not spread out over days or shot randomly for convenience. The club officer in charge may use bullet gauges. Mark every shot on the target where the gauge is used. Targets may not be mailed to a shooter in another city except in the case when two clubs combine to form one team. It is permissible for a team member to take their targets to another range and fire them when they travel to another club for a shoulder to shoulder match.
Senior Rifle: A-17 targets. Ten shots in each of the four positions. Ten minutes for each prone, sitting and kneeling position. Fifteen minutes for standing.
(Juniors exception: If a junior team wishes to shoot with or without a scope and A-17 targets they may enter as a senior rifle team. NRA smallbore rifles rule 3.2 will prevail, which may include hook butt plates and palm rests.
Pistol: B2 and B3 targets. Two five shot strings for each of slow, timed and rapid fire. Ten shots per target. Slow fire timing is ten minutes for ten shots. Timed fire is 20 seconds for each five shot string. Rapid fire is ten seconds for each five shot string.
Junior Rifle: NRA/USA 50 targets. Regulation quarter course of fire, three position. Ten minutes for prone. Fifteen minutes for kneeling. Twenty minutes for standing. NRA rules will apply. Iron sights only.
****Any Person may compete as a Junior through December 31st of the calendar year in which his or her 20th birthday occurs. Any Junior that begins the competition as a Junior may finish as a Junior recognizing that this competition officially begins on January 2nd each year, regardless of when the first targets are shot.****
SIGHTING SHOTS: Sighting shots allowed for rifle, using allotted time for that position. Handguns may use practice targets for sighting. The numbered targets are for record only.
CLASSIFICATION: All teams will be classified after three weeks. This will enable the teams to be classified on their shooting ability this year, as clubs may lose or pick-up shooters during the summer months. The first two weeks the teams will not be broken into classes. The third week the teams will be listed with their classification for the year. This had been discussed and voted on by the membership at the Columbia State meeting held spring of 1996.
TARGETS: ****All****targets must have the (Official NRA Competition Seal” and have the “Official Sticker Label of Inland Empire Rifle & Pistol Association” placed on the backside of the Bull (Pistol) or #1 Bull (rifle). and numbered numerically. Range officers will issue targets in numbered sequence to their teams and any break in the sequence will be subject to question. It is the prerogative of the assigned Association Officer to call any or all targets of a match for inspection.
All labels must be placed on the backside of the targets before they are shot: For Pistol targets place the labels in the center back behind the 10 ring. For rifle targets place the label on the back behind the #1 bull (not the sighter!).
If a club is using official IER&PA labels instead of official IER&PA targets, please follow these guidelines: All labels must be placed on the backside of the targets before they are shot: For Pistol targets place the labels in the center back behind the 10 ring. For rifle targets place the label on the back behind the #1 bull (not the sighter!).
*** "Remember, place the label on the backside before the target is shot at." *** It should be noted that additional care must be exercised to keep the targets in a consecutive numbered order for each week. This is often done in advance by setting up the targets in a block for each week with the names of the individuals and the match numbers filled in to avoid confusion at a later date. All targets must be kept for three weeks after the last Tuesday of the posted scheduled session – see published schedule.
Scott Lorenz, P.O. Box 2243 Bothell, WA. 98041 (tel: 1-425-971-4151, leave message)
(e-mail: [email protected]) Stickers: $10.00 per roll of 250 stickers each. Advance payment is necessary for stickers— If Priority shipping is needed, please include $6.80. NO COD orders will be accepted. (Checks made out to: IER&PA) Turnaround time is about 1 ½ weeks. You may order official NRA targets from: American Target CO., 1328 So. Jason St., Denver, CO 80223. (1-303-733-0433) (Fax: 1-303-777-0311) (www.americantargetcompany.com)
SCORING: *****Report All Xs on Score Sheets*****
List the shooters: beginning with the highest score first and continue listing in descending order on the score sheet. Calculate the team score. Fill in the area to report the team name and class. Also, include Extra shooters results as their results will be submitted to the NRA records, but not calculated into a team score. DOUBLE and TRIPLE check your addition for the total team score. If the addition is in error and you have under scored, then your score will remain as reported. If the addition is in error and you have over scored, then the correction will be made. Please report scores for all positions shot so tiebreakers may be determined correctly. "SCORES MUST include the number of Xs for both rifle and pistol." (Scoring X’s refer to NRA Rule 14.3b and Center shots NRA Rule 14.3e)
Scores are now being posted through the web site http://www.ierpa.postalleague.com/. The test log in and password should be current. If assistance is needed, email the Match Director. Scores must be posted to the web site, mailed, or e-mailed to the Match Director (Form provided by the Association). Those scores arriving late will be forfeited. SCORES for the FIRST Week must be in the hands of the Match Director NO LATER THAN NOON TUESDAY, January 3rd, 2017. It is "VERY" important that all scores are in on time in order to be published. The Match Director will make NO exceptions. The scores shall continue to be mailed each week thereafter until the ten matches are completed. Scores submitted early are welcome and encouraged.
(Don’t hesitate to consider shooting and sending results in early.)
HANDICAP: If a team is short a member then the team may be handicapped one shooter. This shooters score will be calculated at 80% of the average of the other members’ scores on the team. A team can only be handicapped the maximum of one shooter and only on the lowest team entered in the postal for a discipline.
ENTRY FEES: $20.00 per each four person team, plus include $1.00 for NRA (FLAT FEE) registration required for each individual entered from the club to cover all disciplines. If a participant chooses to shoot both rifle and pistol, or both junior and senior rifle only $1.00 is required for that one shooter. (Entry Fee ex: A club enters two teams with 10 shooters on the roster; the entry fee would be $50.00.) Mail entries to: Inland Empire Rifle and Pistol Association, c/o Craig Speirs PO Box 806, Medical Lake, WA 99022.
ALL CLUBS MUST INCLUDE A ROSTER OF ALL SHOOTERS: THEIR FULL NAMES, ADDRESSES, BIRTHDATES, and NRA ID NUMBERS for the purpose of submitting the scores to the NRA for classification as this is a registered league. Clubs that do not submit the required information forfeit awards; yet must still pay the $1.00 NRA shooter’s fee. The tentative roster is to be included with the first week’s scores. Clubs which participated in the postal last season may have a roster sheet included with this bulletin, if so, please update and return by snail mail or email, as this list shows the current information in the Association records.
Awards will be given to top junior shooters in both pistol and rifle disciplines. A junior is classified as stated in the Course of Fire section of this bulletin. Please highlight any junior shooter on your roster. Thanks!
All ties in the final AGGREGATE standings will be broken by the scores fired in the tenth weeks match. Remember to report the X count, it is important!
CHALLENGE: Protests must be made within two weeks after the publication of the score that is being challenged. All targets in protest from the challenged team and the protesting team will be reviewed. Challenge fee is $3.00 per week challenged. Only up to three protests will be allowed from any one club or its members per season.
BULLETIN: Because the Spokesman-Review is the sponsor of this tournament, the publication of the weekly results on the Spokesman-Review web site is the official bulletin. Sometimes printing errors do occur, because of this, the scores turned into the Spokesman by the Secretary will hold the final decision in any dispute. Results will appear on the www.spokesman.com website and the association’s web site http://www.ierpa.org. The weekly results can be mailed for an additional $7.00 to cover postage. Also, results can be emailed in Excel.
AWARDS: The winning team will be determined by the total team aggregate for the ten weeks. It is important to not miss a week of firing. Get your scores in on time!!!!
Winning teams name will be engraved on the following challenge trophies; The Inland Empire Rifle & Pistol Association trophy for class AA and class D Rifle; The IER&PA trophy for class A Rifle; The Jensen-Byrd trophy for class B and the Marshall Wells trophy for class C Rifle. Pistol winners challenge trophies are as follows; The IER&PA trophy for class A Pistol; The Bill Hatch trophy for class B; The IER&PA trophy for class C: the Holt Memorial trophy for class D, and the Inland Empire Pistol Trophies for Class E, EE, G, H and possibly I. Other awards will be as follows: each class with 3 through 5 teams will be given 1st and 2nd place awards. Classes with 6 through 11 teams will be given 1st, 2nd and 3rd places. Pistol groups are to be limited to 9 teams per group. (Match director will make judgment call per 2009 minutes) There will also be an award for High man & High lady in Rifle and Pistol. High Junior girl and boy in Rifle and Pistol will also receive awards. Two Perpetual trophies for Junior Rifle Class A and B teams: Bill Havercroft and Warren Ratcliffe. Class F & G pistol trophy to be announced. If over two junior pistol teams participate, top team will be recognized. Challenge trophies are displayed at the Sandpoint Gun Club, Sandpoint, Idaho - sponsors of the Annual Columbia State Match. | Targets:
| Organizer Approval Required to ParticipateOpen to teams Individual scores will be derived from team scores 4 person teams. Teams are defined by score - top shooters are the team Fee: $1.00 per person $20.00, per team
This competition is closed | | Details: IER&PA MEMBERSHIP IS REQUIRED TO PARTICIPATE
Please contact Craig Speirs at [email protected] about becoming a member.
The Annual Jr. Rifle Postal Tournament of the IER&PA will begin firing the month of January 2018 and continue firing for ten consecutive weeks.
The tournament is open to any rifle or pistol club in the Inland Empire, or by invitation provided, they are affiliated with the National Rifle Association. Clubs may enter one or more four-person teams. No individual may fire more than the ten matches and may only fire on one team Except for Junior Rifle who may shoot for a Junior and Senior team. Two clubs may combine to form one team. Some clubs have found it to their advantage to have a score or two fired ahead of the due date and into the Secretary in order to take care of unforeseen occurrences such as inclement weather, sickness, holidays, mail delays, non working fax or phone lines complications, etc. (Remember how typical winters can be!) | | Rules:
ARMS: Any smallbore .22 caliber rifle, NRA rule 3.2 (any safe trigger). Any .22 caliber pistol or revolver, NRA rule: 3.4 (no less than 2 lb. trigger).
SIGHTS: Any sights for Pistol and Senior Rifle. Juniors must use iron sights for the Junior Rifle Division.
COURSE OF FIRE: All firing will be done in the presence of at least one club officer of the participating club. All scores will be certified by such officer as being fired in accordance to the NRA Gallery Rifle & Pistol Rules. Being an NRA regulated Match, once a set of targets is started, they have to be shot at that event not spread out over days or shot randomly for convenience. The club officer in charge may use bullet gauges. Mark every shot on the target where the gauge is used. Targets may not be mailed to a shooter in another city except in the case when two clubs combine to form one team. It is permissible for a team member to take their targets to another range and fire them when they travel to another club for a shoulder to shoulder match.
Senior Rifle: A-17 targets. Ten shots in each of the four positions. Ten minutes for each prone, sitting and kneeling position. Fifteen minutes for standing.
(Juniors exception: If a junior team wishes to shoot with or without a scope and A-17 targets they may enter as a senior rifle team. NRA smallbore rifles rule 3.2 will prevail, which may include hook butt plates and palm rests.
Pistol: B2 and B3 targets. Two five shot strings for each of slow, timed and rapid fire. Ten shots per target. Slow fire timing is ten minutes for ten shots. Timed fire is 20 seconds for each five shot string. Rapid fire is ten seconds for each five shot string.
Junior Rifle: NRA/USA 50 targets. Regulation quarter course of fire, three position. Ten minutes for prone. Fifteen minutes for kneeling. Twenty minutes for standing. NRA rules will apply. Iron sights only.
****Any Person may compete as a Junior through December 31st of the calendar year in which his or her 20th birthday occurs. Any Junior that begins the competition as a Junior may finish as a Junior recognizing that this competition officially begins on January 2nd each year, regardless of when the first targets are shot.****
SIGHTING SHOTS: Sighting shots allowed for rifle, using allotted time for that position. Handguns may use practice targets for sighting. The numbered targets are for record only.
CLASSIFICATION: All teams will be classified after three weeks. This will enable the teams to be classified on their shooting ability this year, as clubs may lose or pick-up shooters during the summer months. The first two weeks the teams will not be broken into classes. The third week the teams will be listed with their classification for the year. This had been discussed and voted on by the membership at the Columbia State meeting held spring of 1996.
TARGETS: ****All****targets must have the (Official NRA Competition Seal” and have the “Official Sticker Label of Inland Empire Rifle & Pistol Association” placed on the backside of the Bull (Pistol) or #1 Bull (rifle). and numbered numerically. Range officers will issue targets in numbered sequence to their teams and any break in the sequence will be subject to question. It is the prerogative of the assigned Association Officer to call any or all targets of a match for inspection.
All labels must be placed on the backside of the targets before they are shot: For Pistol targets place the labels in the center back behind the 10 ring. For rifle targets place the label on the back behind the #1 bull (not the sighter!).
If a club is using official IER&PA labels instead of official IER&PA targets, please follow these guidelines: All labels must be placed on the backside of the targets before they are shot: For Pistol targets place the labels in the center back behind the 10 ring. For rifle targets place the label on the back behind the #1 bull (not the sighter!).
*** "Remember, place the label on the backside before the target is shot at." *** It should be noted that additional care must be exercised to keep the targets in a consecutive numbered order for each week. This is often done in advance by setting up the targets in a block for each week with the names of the individuals and the match numbers filled in to avoid confusion at a later date. All targets must be kept for three weeks after the last Tuesday of the posted scheduled session – see published schedule.
Scott Lorenz, P.O. Box 2243 Bothell, WA. 98041 (tel: 1-425-971-4151, leave message)
(e-mail: [email protected]) Stickers: $10.00 per roll of 250 stickers each. Advance payment is necessary for stickers— If Priority shipping is needed, please include $6.80. NO COD orders will be accepted. (Checks made out to: IER&PA) Turnaround time is about 1 ½ weeks. You may order official NRA targets from: American Target CO., 1328 So. Jason St., Denver, CO 80223. (1-303-733-0433) (Fax: 1-303-777-0311) (www.americantargetcompany.com)
SCORING: *****Report All Xs on Score Sheets*****
List the shooters: beginning with the highest score first and continue listing in descending order on the score sheet. Calculate the team score. Fill in the area to report the team name and class. Also, include Extra shooters results as their results will be submitted to the NRA records, but not calculated into a team score. DOUBLE and TRIPLE check your addition for the total team score. If the addition is in error and you have under scored, then your score will remain as reported. If the addition is in error and you have over scored, then the correction will be made. Please report scores for all positions shot so tiebreakers may be determined correctly. "SCORES MUST include the number of Xs for both rifle and pistol." (Scoring X’s refer to NRA Rule 14.3b and Center shots NRA Rule 14.3e)
Scores are now being posted through the web site http://ierpa.postalleague.com/. If assistance is needed, email the Match Director. Scores must be posted to the web site, mailed, or e-mailed to the Match Director (Form provided by the Association). Those scores arriving late will be forfeited. SCORES for the FIRST Week must be in the hands of the Match Director NO LATER THAN NOON TUESDAY, January 2nd, 2018. It is "VERY" important that all scores are in on time in order to be published. The Match Director will make NO exceptions. The scores shall continue to be mailed each week thereafter until the ten matches are completed. Scores submitted early are welcome and encouraged.
(Don’t hesitate to consider shooting and sending results in early.)
HANDICAP: If a team is short a member then the team may be handicapped one shooter. This shooters score will be calculated at 80% of the average of the other members’ scores on the team. A team can only be handicapped the maximum of one shooter and only on the lowest team entered in the postal for a discipline.
ENTRY FEES: $20.00 per each four person team, plus include $1.00 for NRA (FLAT FEE) registration required for each individual entered from the club to cover all disciplines. If a participant chooses to shoot both rifle and pistol, or both junior and senior rifle only $1.00 is required for that one shooter. (Entry Fee ex: A club enters two teams with 10 shooters on the roster; the entry fee would be $50.00.) Mail entries to: Inland Empire Rifle and Pistol Association, c/o Craig Speirs PO Box 806, Medical Lake, WA 99022.
ALL CLUBS MUST INCLUDE A ROSTER OF ALL SHOOTERS: THEIR FULL NAMES, ADDRESSES, BIRTHDATES, and NRA ID NUMBERS for the purpose of submitting the scores to the NRA for classification as this is a registered league. Clubs that do not submit the required information forfeit awards; yet must still pay the $1.00 NRA shooter’s fee. The tentative roster is to be included with the first week’s scores. Clubs which participated in the postal last season may have a roster sheet included with this bulletin, if so, please update and return by snail mail or email, as this list shows the current information in the Association records.
Awards will be given to top junior shooters in both pistol and rifle disciplines. A junior is classified as stated in the Course of Fire section of this bulletin. Please highlight any junior shooter on your roster. Thanks!
All ties in the final AGGREGATE standings will be broken by the scores fired in the tenth weeks match. Remember to report the X count, it is important!
CHALLENGE: Protests must be made within two weeks after the publication of the score that is being challenged. All targets in protest from the challenged team and the protesting team will be reviewed. Challenge fee is $3.00 per week challenged. Only up to three protests will be allowed from any one club or its members per season.
BULLETIN: Results will appear on the association’s web site http://www.ierpa.org. The weekly results can be mailed for an additional $7.00 to cover postage. Also, results can be emailed in Excel.
AWARDS: The winning team will be determined by the total team aggregate for the ten weeks. It is important to not miss a week of firing. Get your scores in on time!!!!
Winning teams name will be engraved on the following challenge trophies; The Inland Empire Rifle & Pistol Association trophy for class AA and class D Rifle; The IER&PA trophy for class A Rifle; The Jensen-Byrd trophy for class B and the Marshall Wells trophy for class C Rifle. Pistol winners challenge trophies are as follows; The IER&PA trophy for class A Pistol; The Bill Hatch trophy for class B; The IER&PA trophy for class C: the Holt Memorial trophy for class D, and the Inland Empire Pistol Trophies for Class E, EE, G, H and possibly I. Other awards will be as follows: each class with 3 through 5 teams will be given 1st and 2nd place awards. Classes with 6 through 11 teams will be given 1st, 2nd and 3rd places. Pistol groups are to be limited to 9 teams per group. (Match director will make judgment call per 2009 minutes) There will also be an award for High man & High lady in Rifle and Pistol. High Junior girl and boy in Rifle and Pistol will also receive awards. Two Perpetual trophies for Junior Rifle Class A and B teams: Bill Havercroft and Warren Ratcliffe. Class F & G pistol trophy to be announced. If over two junior pistol teams participate, top team will be recognized. Challenge trophies are displayed at the Sandpoint Gun Club, Sandpoint, Idaho - sponsors of the Annual Columbia State Match. | Targets:
| Organizer Approval Required to Participate Open to teams and individual competitors Individual scores will be derived from team scores 4 person teams. Teams are defined by score - top shooters are the team Fee: $11.50 per person, teams are free
This competition is closed | | Rules:
The 92nd Annual Rifle Postal Tournament and the 69th Annual Pistol Tournament of the IER&PA will begin firing the month of December 2012 and continue firing for ten consecutive weeks.
The tournament is open to any rifle or pistol club in the Inland Empire, or by invitation provided, they are affiliated with the National Rifle Association. Clubs may enter one or more four-person teams. No individual may fire more than the ten matches and may only fire on one team Except for Junior Rifle who may shoot for a Junior and Senior team. Two clubs may combine to form one team. Some clubs have found it to their advantage to have a score or two fired ahead of the due date and into the Secretary in order to take care of unforeseen occurrences such as inclement weather, sickness, holidays, mail delays, non working fax or phone lines complications, etc. (Remember how typical winters can be!)
ARMS: Any smallbore .22 caliber rifle, NRA rule 3.2 (any safe trigger). Any .22 caliber pistol or revolver, NRA rule: 3.4 (no less than 2 lb. trigger).
SIGHTS: Any sights for Pistol and Senior Rifle. Juniors must use iron sights for the Junior Rifle Division.
COURSE OF FIRE: All firing will be done in the presence of at least one club officer of the participating club. All scores will be certified by such officer as being fired in accordance to the NRA Gallery Rifle & Pistol Rules. Being an NRA regulated Match, once a set of targets is started, they have to be shot at that event not spread out over days or shot randomly for convenience. The club officer in charge may use bullet gauges. Mark every shot on the target where the gauge is used. Targets may not be mailed to a shooter in another city except in the case when two clubs combine to form one team. It is permissible for a team member to take their targets to another range and fire them when they travel to another club for a shoulder to shoulder match.
Senior Rifle: A-17 targets. Ten shots in each of the four positions. Ten minutes for each prone, sitting and kneeling position. Fifteen minutes for standing. (Juniors exception: If a junior team wishes to shoot with or without a scope and A-17 targets they may enter as a senior rifle team. NRA smallbore rifles rule 3.2 will prevail, which may include hook butt plates and palm rests.
Pistol: B2 and B3 targets. Two five shot strings for each of slow, timed and rapid fire. Ten shots per target. Slow fire timing is ten minutes for ten shots. Timed fire is 20 seconds for each five shot string. Rapid fire is ten seconds for each five shot string.
Junior Rifle: NRA/USA 50 targets. Regulation quarter course of fire, three position. Ten minutes for prone. Fifteen minutes for kneeling. Twenty minutes for standing. NRA rules will apply. Iron sights only.
****Any Person may compete as a Junior through December 31st of the calendar year in which his or her 20th birthday occurs. Any Junior that begins the competition as a Junior may finish as a Junior recognizing that this competition officially begins on January 2nd each year, regardless of when the first targets are shot.****
SIGHTING SHOTS: Sighting shots allowed for rifle, using allotted time for that position. Handguns may use practice targets for sighting. The numbered targets are for record only.
CLASSIFICATION: All teams will be classified after three weeks. This will enable the teams to be classified on their shooting ability this year, as clubs may lose or pick-up shooters during the summer months. The first two weeks the teams will not be broken into classes. The third week the teams will be listed with their classification for the year. This had been discussed and voted on by the membership at the Columbia State meeting held spring of 1996.
TARGETS: ****All****targets must have the (Official NRA Competition Seal” and have the “Official Sticker Label of Inland Empire Rifle & Pistol Association” placed on the backside of the Bull (Pistol) or #1 Bull (rifle). and numbered numerically. Range officers will issue targets in numbered sequence to their teams and any break in the sequence will be subject to question. It is the prerogative of the assigned Association Officer to call any or all targets of a match for inspection.
All labels must be placed on the backside of the targets before they are shot: For Pistol targets place the labels in the center back behind the 10 ring. For rifle targets place the label on the back behind the #1 bull (not the sighter!).
If a club is using official IER&PA labels instead of official IER&PA targets, please follow these guidelines: All labels must be placed on the backside of the targets before they are shot: For Pistol targets place the labels in the center back behind the 10 ring. For rifle targets place the label on the back behind the #1 bull (not the sighter!).
*** "Remember, place the label on the backside before the target is shot at." *** It should be noted that additional care must be exercised to keep the targets in a consecutive numbered order for each week. This is often done in advance by setting up the targets in a block for each week with the names of the individuals and the match numbers filled in to avoid confusion at a later date. All targets must be kept for two weeks after the final publication in the Spokesman-Review newspaper.
FOR OFFICIAL IER&PA STICKERS CONTACT: Scott Lorenz, P.O. Box 2303, Lynnwood, WA 98036-2303 (tel: 1-425-971-4151, leave message)
(e-mail: [email protected]) Stickers: $10 per roll of 250 stickers each. Advance payment is necessary for stickers— If Priority shipping is needed, please include $5.15. NO COD orders will be accepted. (Checks made out to: IER&PA) Turnaround time is about 1 ½ weeks. You may order official NRA targets from: American Target CO., 1328 So. Jason St., Denver, CO 80223. (1-303-733-0433) (Fax: 1-303-777-0311) (www.americantargetcompany.com)
SCORING: *****Report All Xs on Score Sheets*****
List the shooters: beginning with the highest score first and continue listing in descending order on the score sheet. Calculate the team score. Fill in the area to report the team name and class. Also, include Extra shooters results as their results will be submitted to the NRA records, but not calculated into a team score. DOUBLE and TRIPLE check your addition for the total team score. If the addition is in error and you have under scored, then your score will remain as reported. If the addition is in error and you have over scored, then the correction will be made. Please report scores for all positions shot so tiebreakers may be determined correctly. "SCORES MUST include the number of Xs for both rifle and pistol." (Scoring X’s refer to NRA Rule 14.3b and Center shots NRA Rule 14.3e)
Scores must be mailed or e-mailed to the Match Director (Form provided by the Association). Those scores arriving late will be forfeited. SCORES for the FIRST Week must be in the hands of the Match Director NO LATER THAN NOON TUESDAY, January 8th, 2013. It is "VERY" important that all scores are in on time in order to be published. The Match Director will make NO exceptions. The scores shall continue to be mailed each week thereafter until the ten matches are completed. Scores submitted early are welcome and encouraged. The results begin appearing tentatively January 13, 2013 on the Spokesman-Review web site: http://www.spokesman.com/pistolrifle and the association’s web site: http://www.ierpa.org .
(Don’t hesitate to consider shooting and sending results in early.)
HANDICAP: If a team is short a member then the team may be handicapped one shooter. This shooters score will be calculated at 80% of the average of the other members’ scores on the team. A team can only be handicapped the maximum of one shooter and only on the lowest team entered in the postal for a discipline.
ENTRY FEES: $20.00 per each four person team, plus include $5.00 for NRA (FLAT FEE) registration required for each individual entered from the club to cover all disciplines. If a participant chooses to shoot both rifle and pistol, or both junior and senior rifle only $5.00 is required for that one shooter. (Entry Fee ex: A club enters two teams with 10 shooters on the roster; the entry fee would be $90.00.) Mail entries to: Inland Empire Rifle and Pistol Association, c/o Bernice McKinney, 1470 Circulo Sombrero, Rio Rico, AZ 85648-7600. The entry fees must be in the hands of the Match Director no later than December 4th, 2012.
ALL CLUBS MUST INCLUDE A ROSTER OF ALL SHOOTERS: THEIR FULL NAMES, ADDRESSES, BIRTHDATES, and NRA ID NUMBERS for the purpose of submitting the scores to the NRA for classification as this is a registered league. Clubs that do not submit the required information forfeit awards; yet must still pay the $5.00 NRA shooter’s fee. The tentative roster is to be included with the first week’s scores. Clubs which participated in the postal last season may have a roster sheet included with this bulletin, if so, please update and return by snail mail or email, as this list shows the current information in the Association records.
Awards will be given to top junior shooters in both pistol and rifle disciplines. A junior is classified as stated in the Course of Fire section of this bulletin. Please highlight any junior shooter on your roster. Thanks!
All ties in the final AGGREGATE standings will be broken by the scores fired in the tenth weeks match. Remember to report the X count, it is important!
CHALLENGE: Protests must be made within two weeks after the publication of the score that is being challenged. All targets in protest from the challenged team and the protesting team will be reviewed. Challenge fee is $3.00 per week challenged. Only up to three protests will be allowed from any one club or its members per season.
BULLETIN: Because the Spokesman-Review is the sponsor of this tournament, the publication of the weekly results on the Spokesman-Review web site is the official bulletin. Sometimes printing errors do occur, because of this, the scores turned into the Spokesman by the Secretary will hold the final decision in any dispute. Results will appear on the www.spokesman.com website and the association’s web site http://www.ierpa.org. The weekly results can be mailed for an additional $5.00 to cover postage. Also, results can be emailed in Excel.
AWARDS: The winning team will be determined by the total team aggregate for the ten weeks. It is important to not miss a week of firing. Get your scores in on time!!!!
Winning teams name will be engraved on the following challenge trophies; The Inland Empire Rifle & Pistol Association trophy for class AA and class D Rifle; The IER&PA trophy for class A Rifle; The Jensen-Byrd trophy for class B and the Marshall Wells trophy for class C Rifle. Pistol winners challenge trophies are as follows; The IER&PA trophy for class A Pistol; The Bill Hatch trophy for class B; The IER&PA trophy for class C: the Holt Memorial trophy for class D, and the Inland Empire Pistol Trophies for Class E, EE, G, H and possibly I. Other awards will be as follows: each class with 3 through 5 teams will be given 1st and 2nd place awards. Classes with 6 through 11 teams will be given 1st, 2nd and 3rd places. Pistol groups are to be limited to 9 teams per group. (Match director will make judgment call per 2009 minutes) There will also be an award for High man & High lady in Rifle and Pistol. High Junior girl and boy in Rifle and Pistol will also receive awards. Two Perpetual trophies for Junior Rifle Class A and B teams: Bill Havercroft and Warren Ratcliffe. Class F & G pistol trophy to be announced. If over two junior pistol teams participate, top team will be recognized. Challenge trophies are displayed at the Sandpoint Gun Club, Sandpoint, Idaho - sponsors of the Annual Columbia State Match.
| Targets:
| Organizer Approval Required to Participate Open to teams and individual competitors Individual scores will be derived from team scores 4 person teams. Teams are defined by score - top shooters are the team Fee: $11.50 per person, teams are free
This competition is closed | | Rules:
The 93rd Annual Rifle Postal Tournament and the 70th Annual Pistol Tournament of the IER&PA will begin firing the month of January 2014
and continue firing for ten consecutive weeks.
The tournament is open to any rifle or pistol club in the Inland Empire, or by invitation provided, they are affiliated with the National Rifle Association. Clubs may enter one or more four-person teams. No individual may fire more than the ten matches and may only fire on one team Except for Junior Rifle who may shoot for a Junior and Senior team. Two clubs may combine to form one team. Some clubs have found it to their advantage to have a score or two fired ahead of the due date and into the Secretary in order to take care of unforeseen occurrences such as inclement weather, sickness, holidays, mail delays, non working fax or phone lines complications, etc. (Remember how typical winters can be!)
ARMS: Any smallbore .22 caliber rifle, NRA rule 3.2 (any safe trigger). Any .22 caliber pistol or revolver, NRA rule: 3.4 (no less than 2 lb. trigger).
SIGHTS: Any sights for Pistol and Senior Rifle. Juniors must use iron sights for the Junior Rifle Division.
COURSE OF FIRE: All firing will be done in the presence of at least one club officer of the participating club. All scores will be certified by such officer as being fired in accordance to the NRA Gallery Rifle & Pistol Rules. Being an NRA regulated Match, once a set of targets is started, they have to be shot at that event not spread out over days or shot randomly for convenience. The club officer in charge may use bullet gauges. Mark every shot on the target where the gauge is used. Targets may not be mailed to a shooter in another city except in the case when two clubs combine to form one team. It is permissible for a team member to take their targets to another range and fire them when they travel to another club for a shoulder to shoulder match.
Senior Rifle: A-17 targets. Ten shots in each of the four positions. Ten minutes for each prone, sitting and kneeling position. Fifteen minutes for standing.
(Juniors exception: If a junior team wishes to shoot with or without a scope and A-17 targets they may enter as a senior rifle team. NRA smallbore rifles rule 3.2 will prevail, which may include hook butt plates and palm rests.
Pistol: B2 and B3 targets. Two five shot strings for each of slow, timed and rapid fire. Ten shots per target. Slow fire timing is ten minutes for ten shots. Timed fire is 20 seconds for each five shot string. Rapid fire is ten seconds for each five shot string.
Junior Rifle: NRA/USA 50 targets. Regulation quarter course of fire, three position. Ten minutes for prone. Fifteen minutes for kneeling. Twenty minutes for standing. NRA rules will apply. Iron sights only.
****Any Person may compete as a Junior through December 31st of the calendar year in which his or her 20th birthday occurs. Any Junior that begins the competition as a Junior may finish as a Junior recognizing that this competition officially begins on January 2nd each year, regardless of when the first targets are shot.****
SIGHTING SHOTS: Sighting shots allowed for rifle, using allotted time for that position. Handguns may use practice targets for sighting. The numbered targets are for record only.
CLASSIFICATION: All teams will be classified after three weeks. This will enable the teams to be classified on their shooting ability this year, as clubs may lose or pick-up shooters during the summer months. The first two weeks the teams will not be broken into classes. The third week the teams will be listed with their classification for the year. This had been discussed and voted on by the membership at the Columbia State meeting held spring of 1996.
TARGETS: ****All****targets must have the (Official NRA Competition Seal” and have the “Official Sticker Label of Inland Empire Rifle & Pistol Association” placed on the backside of the Bull (Pistol) or #1 Bull (rifle). and numbered numerically. Range officers will issue targets in numbered sequence to their teams and any break in the sequence will be subject to question. It is the prerogative of the assigned Association Officer to call any or all targets of a match for inspection.
All labels must be placed on the backside of the targets before they are shot: For Pistol targets place the labels in the center back behind the 10 ring. For rifle targets place the label on the back behind the #1 bull (not the sighter!).
If a club is using official IER&PA labels instead of official IER&PA targets, please follow these guidelines: All labels must be placed on the backside of the targets before they are shot: For Pistol targets place the labels in the center back behind the 10 ring. For rifle targets place the label on the back behind the #1 bull (not the sighter!).
*** "Remember, place the label on the backside before the target is shot at." *** It should be noted that additional care must be exercised to keep the targets in a consecutive numbered order for each week. This is often done in advance by setting up the targets in a block for each week with the names of the individuals and the match numbers filled in to avoid confusion at a later date. All targets must be kept for three weeks after the last Tuesday of the posted scheduled session – see published schedule.
FOR OFFICIAL IER&PA STICKERS CONTACT: Scott Lorenz, P.O. Box 2303, Lynnwood, WA 98036-2303 (tel: 1-425-971-4151, leave message)
(e-mail: [email protected]) Stickers: $10 per roll of 250 stickers each. Advance payment is necessary for stickers— If Priority shipping is needed, please include $5.15. NO COD orders will be accepted. (Checks made out to: IER&PA) Turnaround time is about 1 ½ weeks. You may order official NRA targets from: American Target CO., 1328 So. Jason St., Denver, CO 80223. (1-303-733-0433) (Fax: 1-303-777-0311) (www.americantargetcompany.com)
SCORING: *****Report All Xs on Score Sheets*****
List the shooters: beginning with the highest score first and continue listing in descending order on the score sheet. Calculate the team score. Fill in the area to report the team name and class. Also, include Extra shooters results as their results will be submitted to the NRA records, but not calculated into a team score. DOUBLE and TRIPLE check your addition for the total team score. If the addition is in error and you have under scored, then your score will remain as reported. If the addition is in error and you have over scored, then the correction will be made. Please report scores for all positions shot so tiebreakers may be determined correctly. "SCORES MUST include the number of Xs for both rifle and pistol." (Scoring X’s refer to NRA Rule 14.3b and Center shots NRA Rule 14.3e)
Scores are now being posted through the web site http://www.netcompetitor.com/. The test log in and password should be current. If assistance is needed, email the Match Director. Scores must be posted to the web site, mailed, or e-mailed to the Match Director (Form provided by the Association). Those scores arriving late will be forfeited. SCORES for the FIRST Week must be in the hands of the Match Director NO LATER THAN NOON TUESDAY, January 7th, 2014. It is "VERY" important that all scores are in on time in order to be published. The Match Director will make NO exceptions. The scores shall continue to be mailed each week thereafter until the ten matches are completed. Scores submitted early are welcome and encouraged. The results begin appearing tentatively January 12, 2014 on the Spokesman-Review web site: http://www.spokesman.com/pistolrifle and the association’s web site: http://www.ierpa.org .
(Don’t hesitate to consider shooting and sending results in early.)
HANDICAP: If a team is short a member then the team may be handicapped one shooter. This shooters score will be calculated at 80% of the average of the other members’ scores on the team. A team can only be handicapped the maximum of one shooter and only on the lowest team entered in the postal for a discipline.
ENTRY FEES: $20.00 per each four person team, plus include $5.00 for NRA (FLAT FEE) registration required for each individual entered from the club to cover all disciplines. If a participant chooses to shoot both rifle and pistol, or both junior and senior rifle only $5.00 is required for that one shooter. (Entry Fee ex: A club enters two teams with 10 shooters on the roster; the entry fee would be $90.00.) Mail entries to: Inland Empire Rifle and Pistol Association, c/o Craig Speirs PO Box 806, Medical Lake, WA 99022. The entry fees must be in the hands of the Match Director no later than December 3rd, 2013.
ALL CLUBS MUST INCLUDE A ROSTER OF ALL SHOOTERS: THEIR FULL NAMES, ADDRESSES, BIRTHDATES, and NRA ID NUMBERS for the purpose of submitting the scores to the NRA for classification as this is a registered league. Clubs that do not submit the required information forfeit awards; yet must still pay the $5.00 NRA shooter’s fee. The tentative roster is to be included with the first week’s scores. Clubs which participated in the postal last season may have a roster sheet included with this bulletin, if so, please update and return by snail mail or email, as this list shows the current information in the Association records.
Awards will be given to top junior shooters in both pistol and rifle disciplines. A junior is classified as stated in the Course of Fire section of this bulletin. Please highlight any junior shooter on your roster. Thanks!
All ties in the final AGGREGATE standings will be broken by the scores fired in the tenth weeks match. Remember to report the X count, it is important!
CHALLENGE: Protests must be made within two weeks after the publication of the score that is being challenged. All targets in protest from the challenged team and the protesting team will be reviewed. Challenge fee is $3.00 per week challenged. Only up to three protests will be allowed from any one club or its members per season.
BULLETIN: Because the Spokesman-Review is the sponsor of this tournament, the publication of the weekly results on the Spokesman-Review web site is the official bulletin. Sometimes printing errors do occur, because of this, the scores turned into the Spokesman by the Secretary will hold the final decision in any dispute. Results will appear on the www.spokesman.com website and the association’s web site http://www.ierpa.org. The weekly results can be mailed for an additional $5.00 to cover postage. Also, results can be emailed in Excel.
AWARDS: The winning team will be determined by the total team aggregate for the ten weeks. It is important to not miss a week of firing. Get your scores in on time!!!!
Winning teams name will be engraved on the following challenge trophies; The Inland Empire Rifle & Pistol Association trophy for class AA and class D Rifle; The IER&PA trophy for class A Rifle; The Jensen-Byrd trophy for class B and the Marshall Wells trophy for class C Rifle. Pistol winners challenge trophies are as follows; The IER&PA trophy for class A Pistol; The Bill Hatch trophy for class B; The IER&PA trophy for class C: the Holt Memorial trophy for class D, and the Inland Empire Pistol Trophies for Class E, EE, G, H and possibly I. Other awards will be as follows: each class with 3 through 5 teams will be given 1st and 2nd place awards. Classes with 6 through 11 teams will be given 1st, 2nd and 3rd places. Pistol groups are to be limited to 9 teams per group. (Match director will make judgment call per 2009 minutes) There will also be an award for High man & High lady in Rifle and Pistol. High Junior girl and boy in Rifle and Pistol will also receive awards. Two Perpetual trophies for Junior Rifle Class A and B teams: Bill Havercroft and Warren Ratcliffe. Class F & G pistol trophy to be announced. If over two junior pistol teams participate, top team will be recognized. Challenge trophies are displayed at the Sandpoint Gun Club, Sandpoint, Idaho - sponsors of the Annual Columbia State Match.
| Targets:
| Organizer Approval Required to ParticipateOpen to teams Individual scores will be derived from team scores 4 person teams. Teams are defined by score - top shooters are the team Fee: $1.00 per person $20.00, per team
This competition is closed | | Details: IER&PA MEMBERSHIP IS REQUIRED TO PARTICIPATE
Please contact Craig Speirs at [email protected] about becoming a member.
74th Annual Pistol Tournament of the IER&PA will begin firing the month of January 2019 and continue firing for ten consecutive weeks.
The tournament is open to any rifle or pistol club in the Inland Empire, or by invitation provided, they are affiliated with the National Rifle Association. Clubs may enter one or more four-person teams. No individual may fire more than the ten matches and may only fire on one team Except for Junior Rifle who may shoot for a Junior and Senior team. Two clubs may combine to form one team. Some clubs have found it to their advantage to have a score or two fired ahead of the due date and into the Secretary in order to take care of unforeseen occurrences such as inclement weather, sickness, holidays, mail delays, non working fax or phone lines complications, etc. (Remember how typical winters can be!)
| | Rules:
ARMS: Any .22 caliber pistol or revolver, NRA rule: 3.4 (no less than 2 lb. trigger).
SIGHTS: Juniors must use iron sights.
COURSE OF FIRE: All firing will be done in the presence of at least one club officer of the participating club. All scores will be certified by such officer as being fired in accordance to the NRA Gallery Rifle & Pistol Rules. Being an NRA regulated Match, once a set of targets is started, they have to be shot at that event not spread out over days or shot randomly for convenience. The club officer in charge may use bullet gauges. Mark every shot on the target where the gauge is used. Targets may not be mailed to a shooter in another city except in the case when two clubs combine to form one team. It is permissible for a team member to take their targets to another range and fire them when they travel to another club for a shoulder to shoulder match.
Senior Rifle: A-17 targets. Ten shots in each of the four positions. Ten minutes for each prone, sitting and kneeling position. Fifteen minutes for standing.
(Juniors exception: If a junior team wishes to shoot with or without a scope and A-17 targets they may enter as a senior rifle team. NRA smallbore rifles rule 3.2 will prevail, which may include hook butt plates and palm rests.
Pistol: B2 and B3 targets. Two five shot strings for each of slow, timed and rapid fire. Ten shots per target. Slow fire timing is ten minutes for ten shots. Timed fire is 20 seconds for each five shot string. Rapid fire is ten seconds for each five shot string.
Junior Rifle: NRA/USA 50 targets. Regulation quarter course of fire, three position. Ten minutes for prone. Fifteen minutes for kneeling. Twenty minutes for standing. NRA rules will apply. Iron sights only.
****Any Person may compete as a Junior through December 31st of the calendar year in which his or her 20th birthday occurs. Any Junior that begins the competition as a Junior may finish as a Junior recognizing that this competition officially begins on January 2nd each year, regardless of when the first targets are shot.****
SIGHTING SHOTS: Sighting shots allowed for rifle, using allotted time for that position. Handguns may use practice targets for sighting. The numbered targets are for record only.
CLASSIFICATION: All teams will be classified after three weeks. This will enable the teams to be classified on their shooting ability this year, as clubs may lose or pick-up shooters during the summer months. The first two weeks the teams will not be broken into classes. The third week the teams will be listed with their classification for the year. This had been discussed and voted on by the membership at the Columbia State meeting held spring of 1996.
TARGETS: ****All****targets must have the (Official NRA Competition Seal” and have the “Official Sticker Label of Inland Empire Rifle & Pistol Association” placed on the backside of the Bull (Pistol) or #1 Bull (rifle). and numbered numerically. Range officers will issue targets in numbered sequence to their teams and any break in the sequence will be subject to question. It is the prerogative of the assigned Association Officer to call any or all targets of a match for inspection.
All labels must be placed on the backside of the targets before they are shot: For Pistol targets place the labels in the center back behind the 10 ring. For rifle targets place the label on the back behind the #1 bull (not the sighter!).
If a club is using official IER&PA labels instead of official IER&PA targets, please follow these guidelines: All labels must be placed on the backside of the targets before they are shot: For Pistol targets place the labels in the center back behind the 10 ring. For rifle targets place the label on the back behind the #1 bull (not the sighter!).
*** "Remember, place the label on the backside before the target is shot at." *** It should be noted that additional care must be exercised to keep the targets in a consecutive numbered order for each week. This is often done in advance by setting up the targets in a block for each week with the names of the individuals and the match numbers filled in to avoid confusion at a later date. All targets must be kept for three weeks after the last Tuesday of the posted scheduled session – see published schedule.
FOR OFFICIAL IER&PA STICKERS CONTACT: Scott Lorenz, P.O. Box 2243 Bothell, WA. 98041 (tel: 1-425-971-4151, leave message)
(e-mail: [email protected]) Stickers: $10.00 per roll of 250 stickers each. Advance payment is necessary for stickers— If Priority shipping is needed, please include $6.80. NO COD orders will be accepted. (Checks made out to: IER&PA) Turnaround time is about 1 ½ weeks. You may order official NRA targets from: American Target CO., 1328 So. Jason St., Denver, CO 80223. (1-303-733-0433) (Fax: 1-303-777-0311) (www.americantargetcompany.com)
SCORING: *****Report All Xs on Score Sheets*****
List the shooters: beginning with the highest score first and continue listing in descending order on the score sheet. Calculate the team score. Fill in the area to report the team name and class. Also, include Extra shooters results as their results will be submitted to the NRA records, but not calculated into a team score. DOUBLE and TRIPLE check your addition for the total team score. If the addition is in error and you have under scored, then your score will remain as reported. If the addition is in error and you have over scored, then the correction will be made. Please report scores for all positions shot so tiebreakers may be determined correctly. "SCORES MUST include the number of Xs for both rifle and pistol." (Scoring X’s refer to NRA Rule 14.3b and Center shots NRA Rule 14.3e)
Scores are now being posted through the web site http://ierpa.postalleague.com/. If assistance is needed, email the Match Director. Scores must be posted to the web site, mailed, or e-mailed to the Match Director (Form provided by the Association). Those scores arriving late will be forfeited. SCORES for the FIRST Week must be in the hands of the Match Director NO LATER THAN NOON TUESDAY, January 2nd, 2018. It is "VERY" important that all scores are in on time in order to be published. The Match Director will make NO exceptions. The scores shall continue to be mailed each week thereafter until the ten matches are completed. Scores submitted early are welcome and encouraged.
(Don’t hesitate to consider shooting and sending results in early.)
HANDICAP: If a team is short a member then the team may be handicapped one shooter. This shooters score will be calculated at 80% of the average of the other members’ scores on the team. A team can only be handicapped the maximum of one shooter and only on the lowest team entered in the postal for a discipline.
ENTRY FEES: $20.00 per each four person team, plus include $3.00 for NRA (FLAT FEE) registration required for each individual entered from the club to cover all disciplines. If a participant chooses to shoot both rifle and pistol, or both junior and senior rifle only $1.00 is required for that one shooter. (Entry Fee ex: A club enters two teams with 10 shooters on the roster; the entry fee would be $50.00.) Mail entries to: Inland Empire Rifle and Pistol Association, c/o Craig Speirs PO Box 806, Medical Lake, WA 99022. The entry fees must be in the hands of the Match Director no later than December 5th, 2017.
ALL CLUBS MUST INCLUDE A ROSTER OF ALL SHOOTERS: THEIR FULL NAMES, ADDRESSES, BIRTHDATES, and NRA ID NUMBERS for the purpose of submitting the scores to the NRA for classification as this is a registered league. Clubs that do not submit the required information forfeit awards; yet must still pay the $3.00 NRA shooter’s fee. The tentative roster is to be included with the first week’s scores. Clubs which participated in the postal last season may have a roster sheet included with this bulletin, if so, please update and return by snail mail or email, as this list shows the current information in the Association records.
Awards will be given to top junior shooters in both pistol and rifle disciplines. A junior is classified as stated in the Course of Fire section of this bulletin. Please highlight any junior shooter on your roster. Thanks!
All ties in the final AGGREGATE standings will be broken by the scores fired in the tenth weeks match. Remember to report the X count, it is important!
CHALLENGE: Protests must be made within two weeks after the publication of the score that is being challenged. All targets in protest from the challenged team and the protesting team will be reviewed. Challenge fee is $3.00 per week challenged. Only up to three protests will be allowed from any one club or its members per season.
BULLETIN: Results will appear on the association’s web site http://www.ierpa.org. The weekly results can be mailed for an additional $7.00 to cover postage. Also, results can be emailed in Excel.
AWARDS: The winning team will be determined by the total team aggregate for the ten weeks. It is important to not miss a week of firing. Get your scores in on time!!!!
Winning teams name will be engraved on the following challenge trophies; The Inland Empire Rifle & Pistol Association trophy for class AA and class D Rifle; The IER&PA trophy for class A Rifle; The Jensen-Byrd trophy for class B and the Marshall Wells trophy for class C Rifle. Pistol winners challenge trophies are as follows; The IER&PA trophy for class A Pistol; The Bill Hatch trophy for class B; The IER&PA trophy for class C: the Holt Memorial trophy for class D, and the Inland Empire Pistol Trophies for Class E, EE, G, H and possibly I. Other awards will be as follows: each class with 3 through 5 teams will be given 1st and 2nd place awards. Classes with 6 through 11 teams will be given 1st, 2nd and 3rd places. Pistol groups are to be limited to 9 teams per group. (Match director will make judgment call per 2009 minutes) There will also be an award for High man & High lady in Rifle and Pistol. High Junior girl and boy in Rifle and Pistol will also receive awards. Two Perpetual trophies for Junior Rifle Class A and B teams: Bill Havercroft and Warren Ratcliffe. Class F & G pistol trophy to be announced. If over two junior pistol teams participate, top team will be recognized. Challenge trophies are displayed at the Sandpoint Gun Club, Sandpoint, Idaho - sponsors of the Annual Columbia State Match. | Targets:
| Organizer Approval Required to ParticipateOpen to teams Individual scores will be derived from team scores 4 person teams. Teams are defined by score - top shooters are the team Fee: $1.00 per person $20.00, per team
This competition is closed | | Details: IER&PA MEMBERSHIP IS REQUIRED TO PARTICIPATE
Please contact Craig Speirs at [email protected] about becoming a member.
The 98th Annual Rifle Postal Tournament of the IER&PA will begin firing the month of January 2019 and continue firing for ten consecutive weeks.
The tournament is open to any rifle or pistol club in the Inland Empire, or by invitation provided, they are affiliated with the National Rifle Association. Clubs may enter one or more four-person teams. No individual may fire more than the ten matches and may only fire on one team Except for Junior Rifle who may shoot for a Junior and Senior team. Two clubs may combine to form one team. Some clubs have found it to their advantage to have a score or two fired ahead of the due date and into the Secretary in order to take care of unforeseen occurrences such as inclement weather, sickness, holidays, mail delays, non working fax or phone lines complications, etc. (Remember how typical winters can be!) | | Rules:
ARMS: Any smallbore .22 caliber rifle, NRA rule 3.2 (any safe trigger).
SIGHTS: Any sights for Senior Rifle. Juniors must use iron sights for the Junior Rifle Division.
COURSE OF FIRE: All firing will be done in the presence of at least one club officer of the participating club. All scores will be certified by such officer as being fired in accordance to the NRA Gallery Rifle & Pistol Rules. Being an NRA regulated Match, once a set of targets is started, they have to be shot at that event not spread out over days or shot randomly for convenience. The club officer in charge may use bullet gauges. Mark every shot on the target where the gauge is used. Targets may not be mailed to a shooter in another city except in the case when two clubs combine to form one team. It is permissible for a team member to take their targets to another range and fire them when they travel to another club for a shoulder to shoulder match.
Senior Rifle: A-17 targets. Ten shots in each of the four positions. Ten minutes for each prone, sitting and kneeling position. Fifteen minutes for standing.
(Juniors exception: If a junior team wishes to shoot with or without a scope and A-17 targets they may enter as a senior rifle team. NRA smallbore rifles rule 3.2 will prevail, which may include hook butt plates and palm rests.
Pistol: B2 and B3 targets. Two five shot strings for each of slow, timed and rapid fire. Ten shots per target. Slow fire timing is ten minutes for ten shots. Timed fire is 20 seconds for each five shot string. Rapid fire is ten seconds for each five shot string.
Junior Rifle: NRA/USA 50 targets. Regulation quarter course of fire, three position. Ten minutes for prone. Fifteen minutes for kneeling. Twenty minutes for standing. NRA rules will apply. Iron sights only.
****Any Person may compete as a Junior through December 31st of the calendar year in which his or her 20th birthday occurs. Any Junior that begins the competition as a Junior may finish as a Junior recognizing that this competition officially begins on January 2nd each year, regardless of when the first targets are shot.****
SIGHTING SHOTS: Sighting shots allowed for rifle, using allotted time for that position. Handguns may use practice targets for sighting. The numbered targets are for record only.
CLASSIFICATION: All teams will be classified after three weeks. This will enable the teams to be classified on their shooting ability this year, as clubs may lose or pick-up shooters during the summer months. The first two weeks the teams will not be broken into classes. The third week the teams will be listed with their classification for the year. This had been discussed and voted on by the membership at the Columbia State meeting held spring of 1996.
TARGETS: ****All****targets must have the (Official NRA Competition Seal” and have the “Official Sticker Label of Inland Empire Rifle & Pistol Association” placed on the backside of the Bull (Pistol) or #1 Bull (rifle). and numbered numerically. Range officers will issue targets in numbered sequence to their teams and any break in the sequence will be subject to question. It is the prerogative of the assigned Association Officer to call any or all targets of a match for inspection.
All labels must be placed on the backside of the targets before they are shot: For Pistol targets place the labels in the center back behind the 10 ring. For rifle targets place the label on the back behind the #1 bull (not the sighter!).
If a club is using official IER&PA labels instead of official IER&PA targets, please follow these guidelines: All labels must be placed on the backside of the targets before they are shot: For Pistol targets place the labels in the center back behind the 10 ring. For rifle targets place the label on the back behind the #1 bull (not the sighter!).
*** "Remember, place the label on the backside before the target is shot at." *** It should be noted that additional care must be exercised to keep the targets in a consecutive numbered order for each week. This is often done in advance by setting up the targets in a block for each week with the names of the individuals and the match numbers filled in to avoid confusion at a later date. All targets must be kept for three weeks after the last Tuesday of the posted scheduled session – see published schedule.
FOR OFFICIAL IER&PA STICKERS CONTACT: Scott Lorenz, P.O. Box 2243 Bothell, WA. 98041 (tel: 1-425-971-4151, leave message)
(e-mail: [email protected]) Stickers: $10.00 per roll of 250 stickers each. Advance payment is necessary for stickers— If Priority shipping is needed, please include $6.80. NO COD orders will be accepted. (Checks made out to: IER&PA) Turnaround time is about 1 ½ weeks. You may order official NRA targets from: American Target CO., 1328 So. Jason St., Denver, CO 80223. (1-303-733-0433) (Fax: 1-303-777-0311) (www.americantargetcompany.com)
SCORING: *****Report All Xs on Score Sheets*****
List the shooters: beginning with the highest score first and continue listing in descending order on the score sheet. Calculate the team score. Fill in the area to report the team name and class. Also, include Extra shooters results as their results will be submitted to the NRA records, but not calculated into a team score. DOUBLE and TRIPLE check your addition for the total team score. If the addition is in error and you have under scored, then your score will remain as reported. If the addition is in error and you have over scored, then the correction will be made. Please report scores for all positions shot so tiebreakers may be determined correctly. "SCORES MUST include the number of Xs for both rifle and pistol." (Scoring X’s refer to NRA Rule 14.3b and Center shots NRA Rule 14.3e)
Scores are now being posted through the web site http://ierpa.postalleague.com/. If assistance is needed, email the Match Director. Scores must be posted to the web site, mailed, or e-mailed to the Match Director (Form provided by the Association). Those scores arriving late will be forfeited. SCORES for the FIRST Week must be in the hands of the Match Director NO LATER THAN NOON TUESDAY, January 2nd, 2018. It is "VERY" important that all scores are in on time in order to be published. The Match Director will make NO exceptions. The scores shall continue to be mailed each week thereafter until the ten matches are completed. Scores submitted early are welcome and encouraged.
(Don’t hesitate to consider shooting and sending results in early.)
HANDICAP: If a team is short a member then the team may be handicapped one shooter. This shooters score will be calculated at 80% of the average of the other members’ scores on the team. A team can only be handicapped the maximum of one shooter and only on the lowest team entered in the postal for a discipline.
ENTRY FEES: $20.00 per each four person team, plus include $3.00 for NRA (FLAT FEE) registration required for each individual entered from the club to cover all disciplines. If a participant chooses to shoot both rifle and pistol, or both junior and senior rifle only $1.00 is required for that one shooter. (Entry Fee ex: A club enters two teams with 10 shooters on the roster; the entry fee would be $50.00.) Mail entries to: Inland Empire Rifle and Pistol Association, c/o Craig Speirs PO Box 806, Medical Lake, WA 99022. The entry fees must be in the hands of the Match Director no later than December 5th, 2017.
ALL CLUBS MUST INCLUDE A ROSTER OF ALL SHOOTERS: THEIR FULL NAMES, ADDRESSES, BIRTHDATES, and NRA ID NUMBERS for the purpose of submitting the scores to the NRA for classification as this is a registered league. Clubs that do not submit the required information forfeit awards; yet must still pay the $1.00 NRA shooter’s fee. The tentative roster is to be included with the first week’s scores. Clubs which participated in the postal last season may have a roster sheet included with this bulletin, if so, please update and return by snail mail or email, as this list shows the current information in the Association records.
Awards will be given to top junior shooters in both pistol and rifle disciplines. A junior is classified as stated in the Course of Fire section of this bulletin. Please highlight any junior shooter on your roster. Thanks!
All ties in the final AGGREGATE standings will be broken by the scores fired in the tenth weeks match. Remember to report the X count, it is important!
CHALLENGE: Protests must be made within two weeks after the publication of the score that is being challenged. All targets in protest from the challenged team and the protesting team will be reviewed. Challenge fee is $3.00 per week challenged. Only up to three protests will be allowed from any one club or its members per season.
BULLETIN: Results will appear on the association’s web site http://www.ierpa.org. The weekly results can be mailed for an additional $7.00 to cover postage. Also, results can be emailed in Excel.
AWARDS: The winning team will be determined by the total team aggregate for the ten weeks. It is important to not miss a week of firing. Get your scores in on time!!!!
Winning teams name will be engraved on the following challenge trophies; The Inland Empire Rifle & Pistol Association trophy for class AA and class D Rifle; The IER&PA trophy for class A Rifle; The Jensen-Byrd trophy for class B and the Marshall Wells trophy for class C Rifle. Pistol winners challenge trophies are as follows; The IER&PA trophy for class A Pistol; The Bill Hatch trophy for class B; The IER&PA trophy for class C: the Holt Memorial trophy for class D, and the Inland Empire Pistol Trophies for Class E, EE, G, H and possibly I. Other awards will be as follows: each class with 3 through 5 teams will be given 1st and 2nd place awards. Classes with 6 through 11 teams will be given 1st, 2nd and 3rd places. Pistol groups are to be limited to 9 teams per group. (Match director will make judgment call per 2009 minutes) There will also be an award for High man & High lady in Rifle and Pistol. High Junior girl and boy in Rifle and Pistol will also receive awards. Two Perpetual trophies for Junior Rifle Class A and B teams: Bill Havercroft and Warren Ratcliffe. Class F & G pistol trophy to be announced. If over two junior pistol teams participate, top team will be recognized. Challenge trophies are displayed at the Sandpoint Gun Club, Sandpoint, Idaho - sponsors of the Annual Columbia State Match. | Targets:
- Prone
- Sitting
- Kneeling
- Standing
| Organizer Approval Required to ParticipateOpen to teams Individual scores will be derived from team scores 4 person teams. Teams are defined by score - top shooters are the team Fee: $1.00 per person $20.00, per team
This competition is closed | | Details: IER&PA MEMBERSHIP IS REQUIRED TO PARTICIPATE
Please contact Craig Speirs at [email protected] about becoming a member.
The Annual Jr. Rifle Postal Tournament of the IER&PA will begin firing the month of January 2019 and continue firing for ten consecutive weeks.
The tournament is open to any rifle or pistol club in the Inland Empire, or by invitation provided, they are affiliated with the National Rifle Association. Clubs may enter one or more four-person teams. No individual may fire more than the ten matches and may only fire on one team Except for Junior Rifle who may shoot for a Junior and Senior team. Two clubs may combine to form one team. Some clubs have found it to their advantage to have a score or two fired ahead of the due date and into the Secretary in order to take care of unforeseen occurrences such as inclement weather, sickness, holidays, mail delays, non working fax or phone lines complications, etc. (Remember how typical winters can be!) | | Rules:
ARMS: Any smallbore .22 caliber rifle, NRA rule 3.2 (any safe trigger). Any .22 caliber pistol or revolver, NRA rule: 3.4 (no less than 2 lb. trigger).
SIGHTS: Any sights for Pistol and Senior Rifle. Juniors must use iron sights for the Junior Rifle Division.
COURSE OF FIRE: All firing will be done in the presence of at least one club officer of the participating club. All scores will be certified by such officer as being fired in accordance to the NRA Gallery Rifle & Pistol Rules. Being an NRA regulated Match, once a set of targets is started, they have to be shot at that event not spread out over days or shot randomly for convenience. The club officer in charge may use bullet gauges. Mark every shot on the target where the gauge is used. Targets may not be mailed to a shooter in another city except in the case when two clubs combine to form one team. It is permissible for a team member to take their targets to another range and fire them when they travel to another club for a shoulder to shoulder match.
Senior Rifle: A-17 targets. Ten shots in each of the four positions. Ten minutes for each prone, sitting and kneeling position. Fifteen minutes for standing.
(Juniors exception: If a junior team wishes to shoot with or without a scope and A-17 targets they may enter as a senior rifle team. NRA smallbore rifles rule 3.2 will prevail, which may include hook butt plates and palm rests.
Pistol: B2 and B3 targets. Two five shot strings for each of slow, timed and rapid fire. Ten shots per target. Slow fire timing is ten minutes for ten shots. Timed fire is 20 seconds for each five shot string. Rapid fire is ten seconds for each five shot string.
Junior Rifle: NRA/USA 50 targets. Regulation quarter course of fire, three position. Ten minutes for prone. Fifteen minutes for kneeling. Twenty minutes for standing. NRA rules will apply. Iron sights only.
****Any Person may compete as a Junior through December 31st of the calendar year in which his or her 20th birthday occurs. Any Junior that begins the competition as a Junior may finish as a Junior recognizing that this competition officially begins on January 2nd each year, regardless of when the first targets are shot.****
SIGHTING SHOTS: Sighting shots allowed for rifle, using allotted time for that position. Handguns may use practice targets for sighting. The numbered targets are for record only.
CLASSIFICATION: All teams will be classified after three weeks. This will enable the teams to be classified on their shooting ability this year, as clubs may lose or pick-up shooters during the summer months. The first two weeks the teams will not be broken into classes. The third week the teams will be listed with their classification for the year. This had been discussed and voted on by the membership at the Columbia State meeting held spring of 1996.
TARGETS: ****All****targets must have the (Official NRA Competition Seal” and have the “Official Sticker Label of Inland Empire Rifle & Pistol Association” placed on the backside of the Bull (Pistol) or #1 Bull (rifle). and numbered numerically. Range officers will issue targets in numbered sequence to their teams and any break in the sequence will be subject to question. It is the prerogative of the assigned Association Officer to call any or all targets of a match for inspection.
All labels must be placed on the backside of the targets before they are shot: For Pistol targets place the labels in the center back behind the 10 ring. For rifle targets place the label on the back behind the #1 bull (not the sighter!).
If a club is using official IER&PA labels instead of official IER&PA targets, please follow these guidelines: All labels must be placed on the backside of the targets before they are shot: For Pistol targets place the labels in the center back behind the 10 ring. For rifle targets place the label on the back behind the #1 bull (not the sighter!).
*** "Remember, place the label on the backside before the target is shot at." *** It should be noted that additional care must be exercised to keep the targets in a consecutive numbered order for each week. This is often done in advance by setting up the targets in a block for each week with the names of the individuals and the match numbers filled in to avoid confusion at a later date. All targets must be kept for three weeks after the last Tuesday of the posted scheduled session – see published schedule.
Scott Lorenz, P.O. Box 2243 Bothell, WA. 98041 (tel: 1-425-971-4151, leave message)
(e-mail: [email protected]) Stickers: $10.00 per roll of 250 stickers each. Advance payment is necessary for stickers— If Priority shipping is needed, please include $6.80. NO COD orders will be accepted. (Checks made out to: IER&PA) Turnaround time is about 1 ½ weeks. You may order official NRA targets from: American Target CO., 1328 So. Jason St., Denver, CO 80223. (1-303-733-0433) (Fax: 1-303-777-0311) (www.americantargetcompany.com)
SCORING: *****Report All Xs on Score Sheets*****
List the shooters: beginning with the highest score first and continue listing in descending order on the score sheet. Calculate the team score. Fill in the area to report the team name and class. Also, include Extra shooters results as their results will be submitted to the NRA records, but not calculated into a team score. DOUBLE and TRIPLE check your addition for the total team score. If the addition is in error and you have under scored, then your score will remain as reported. If the addition is in error and you have over scored, then the correction will be made. Please report scores for all positions shot so tiebreakers may be determined correctly. "SCORES MUST include the number of Xs for both rifle and pistol." (Scoring X’s refer to NRA Rule 14.3b and Center shots NRA Rule 14.3e)
Scores are now being posted through the web site http://ierpa.postalleague.com/. If assistance is needed, email the Match Director. Scores must be posted to the web site, mailed, or e-mailed to the Match Director (Form provided by the Association). Those scores arriving late will be forfeited. SCORES for the FIRST Week must be in the hands of the Match Director NO LATER THAN NOON TUESDAY, January 2nd, 2018. It is "VERY" important that all scores are in on time in order to be published. The Match Director will make NO exceptions. The scores shall continue to be mailed each week thereafter until the ten matches are completed. Scores submitted early are welcome and encouraged.
(Don’t hesitate to consider shooting and sending results in early.)
HANDICAP: If a team is short a member then the team may be handicapped one shooter. This shooters score will be calculated at 80% of the average of the other members’ scores on the team. A team can only be handicapped the maximum of one shooter and only on the lowest team entered in the postal for a discipline.
ENTRY FEES: $20.00 per each four person team, plus include $1.00 for NRA (FLAT FEE) registration required for each individual entered from the club to cover all disciplines. If a participant chooses to shoot both rifle and pistol, or both junior and senior rifle only $1.00 is required for that one shooter. (Entry Fee ex: A club enters two teams with 10 shooters on the roster; the entry fee would be $50.00.) Mail entries to: Inland Empire Rifle and Pistol Association, c/o Craig Speirs PO Box 806, Medical Lake, WA 99022.
ALL CLUBS MUST INCLUDE A ROSTER OF ALL SHOOTERS: THEIR FULL NAMES, ADDRESSES, BIRTHDATES, and NRA ID NUMBERS for the purpose of submitting the scores to the NRA for classification as this is a registered league. Clubs that do not submit the required information forfeit awards; yet must still pay the $1.00 NRA shooter’s fee. The tentative roster is to be included with the first week’s scores. Clubs which participated in the postal last season may have a roster sheet included with this bulletin, if so, please update and return by snail mail or email, as this list shows the current information in the Association records.
Awards will be given to top junior shooters in both pistol and rifle disciplines. A junior is classified as stated in the Course of Fire section of this bulletin. Please highlight any junior shooter on your roster. Thanks!
All ties in the final AGGREGATE standings will be broken by the scores fired in the tenth weeks match. Remember to report the X count, it is important!
CHALLENGE: Protests must be made within two weeks after the publication of the score that is being challenged. All targets in protest from the challenged team and the protesting team will be reviewed. Challenge fee is $3.00 per week challenged. Only up to three protests will be allowed from any one club or its members per season.
BULLETIN: Results will appear on the association’s web site http://www.ierpa.org. The weekly results can be mailed for an additional $7.00 to cover postage. Also, results can be emailed in Excel.
AWARDS: The winning team will be determined by the total team aggregate for the ten weeks. It is important to not miss a week of firing. Get your scores in on time!!!!
Winning teams name will be engraved on the following challenge trophies; The Inland Empire Rifle & Pistol Association trophy for class AA and class D Rifle; The IER&PA trophy for class A Rifle; The Jensen-Byrd trophy for class B and the Marshall Wells trophy for class C Rifle. Pistol winners challenge trophies are as follows; The IER&PA trophy for class A Pistol; The Bill Hatch trophy for class B; The IER&PA trophy for class C: the Holt Memorial trophy for class D, and the Inland Empire Pistol Trophies for Class E, EE, G, H and possibly I. Other awards will be as follows: each class with 3 through 5 teams will be given 1st and 2nd place awards. Classes with 6 through 11 teams will be given 1st, 2nd and 3rd places. Pistol groups are to be limited to 9 teams per group. (Match director will make judgment call per 2009 minutes) There will also be an award for High man & High lady in Rifle and Pistol. High Junior girl and boy in Rifle and Pistol will also receive awards. Two Perpetual trophies for Junior Rifle Class A and B teams: Bill Havercroft and Warren Ratcliffe. Class F & G pistol trophy to be announced. If over two junior pistol teams participate, top team will be recognized. Challenge trophies are displayed at the Sandpoint Gun Club, Sandpoint, Idaho - sponsors of the Annual Columbia State Match. | Targets:
| Organizer Approval Required to ParticipateOpen to teams Individual scores will be derived from team scores 4 person teams. Teams are defined by score - top shooters are the team Fee: $4.00 per person $20.00, per team
This competition is closed | | Details: IER&PA MEMBERSHIP IS REQUIRED TO PARTICIPATE
Please contact Craig Speirs at [email protected] about becoming a member.
76th Annual Pistol Tournament of the IER&PA will begin firing the month of January 2020 and continue firing for ten consecutive weeks.
The tournament is open to any rifle or pistol club in the Inland Empire, or by invitation provided, they are affiliated with the National Rifle Association. Clubs may enter one or more four-person teams. No individual may fire more than the ten matches and may only fire on one team Except for Junior Rifle who may shoot for a Junior and Senior team. Two clubs may combine to form one team. Some clubs have found it to their advantage to have a score or two fired ahead of the due date and into the Secretary in order to take care of unforeseen occurrences such as inclement weather, sickness, holidays, mail delays, non working fax or phone lines complications, etc. (Remember how typical winters can be!)
| | Rules:
ARMS: Any .22 caliber pistol or revolver, NRA rule: 3.4 (no less than 2 lb. trigger).
SIGHTS: Juniors must use iron sights.
COURSE OF FIRE: All firing will be done in the presence of at least one club officer of the participating club. All scores will be certified by such officer as being fired in accordance to the NRA Gallery Rifle & Pistol Rules. Being an NRA regulated Match, once a set of targets is started, they have to be shot at that event not spread out over days or shot randomly for convenience. The club officer in charge may use bullet gauges. Mark every shot on the target where the gauge is used. Targets may not be mailed to a shooter in another city except in the case when two clubs combine to form one team. It is permissible for a team member to take their targets to another range and fire them when they travel to another club for a shoulder to shoulder match.
Senior Rifle: A-17 targets. Ten shots in each of the four positions. Ten minutes for each prone, sitting and kneeling position. Fifteen minutes for standing.
(Juniors exception: If a junior team wishes to shoot with or without a scope and A-17 targets they may enter as a senior rifle team. NRA smallbore rifles rule 3.2 will prevail, which may include hook butt plates and palm rests.
Pistol: B2 and B3 targets. Two five shot strings for each of slow, timed and rapid fire. Ten shots per target. Slow fire timing is ten minutes for ten shots. Timed fire is 20 seconds for each five shot string. Rapid fire is ten seconds for each five shot string.
Junior Rifle: NRA/USA 50 targets. Regulation quarter course of fire, three position. Ten minutes for prone. Fifteen minutes for kneeling. Twenty minutes for standing. NRA rules will apply. Iron sights only.
****Any Person may compete as a Junior through December 31st of the calendar year in which his or her 20th birthday occurs. Any Junior that begins the competition as a Junior may finish as a Junior recognizing that this competition officially begins on January 2nd each year, regardless of when the first targets are shot.****
SIGHTING SHOTS: Sighting shots allowed for rifle, using allotted time for that position. Handguns may use practice targets for sighting. The numbered targets are for record only.
CLASSIFICATION: All teams will be classified after three weeks. This will enable the teams to be classified on their shooting ability this year, as clubs may lose or pick-up shooters during the summer months. The first two weeks the teams will not be broken into classes. The third week the teams will be listed with their classification for the year. This had been discussed and voted on by the membership at the Columbia State meeting held spring of 1996.
TARGETS: ****All****targets must have the (Official NRA Competition Seal” and have the “Official Sticker Label of Inland Empire Rifle & Pistol Association” placed on the backside of the Bull (Pistol) or #1 Bull (rifle). and numbered numerically. Range officers will issue targets in numbered sequence to their teams and any break in the sequence will be subject to question. It is the prerogative of the assigned Association Officer to call any or all targets of a match for inspection.
All labels must be placed on the backside of the targets before they are shot: For Pistol targets place the labels in the center back behind the 10 ring. For rifle targets place the label on the back behind the #1 bull (not the sighter!).
If a club is using official IER&PA labels instead of official IER&PA targets, please follow these guidelines: All labels must be placed on the backside of the targets before they are shot: For Pistol targets place the labels in the center back behind the 10 ring. For rifle targets place the label on the back behind the #1 bull (not the sighter!).
*** "Remember, place the label on the backside before the target is shot at." *** It should be noted that additional care must be exercised to keep the targets in a consecutive numbered order for each week. This is often done in advance by setting up the targets in a block for each week with the names of the individuals and the match numbers filled in to avoid confusion at a later date. All targets must be kept for three weeks after the last Tuesday of the posted scheduled session – see published schedule.
FOR OFFICIAL IER&PA STICKERS CONTACT: Scott Lorenz, P.O. Box 2243 Bothell, WA. 98041 (tel: 1-425-971-4151, leave message)
(e-mail: [email protected]) Stickers: $15.00 per roll of 500 stickers plus $7.90 USPS Priority shipping. NOTE: $30 per 1000 sticker roll which fits in the same shipping box, so more cost effective for your team - $30+$7.90. Advance payment is necessary for stickers— If Priority shipping is needed, please include $6.80. NO COD orders will be accepted. (Checks made out to: IER&PA) Turnaround time is about 1 ½ weeks. You may order official NRA targets from: American Target CO., 1328 So. Jason St., Denver, CO 80223. (1-303-733-0433) (Fax: 1-303-777-0311) (www.americantargetcompany.com)
SCORING: *****Report All Xs on Score Sheets*****
List the shooters: beginning with the highest score first and continue listing in descending order on the score sheet. Calculate the team score. Fill in the area to report the team name and class. Also, include Extra shooters results as their results will be submitted to the NRA records, but not calculated into a team score. DOUBLE and TRIPLE check your addition for the total team score. If the addition is in error and you have under scored, then your score will remain as reported. If the addition is in error and you have over scored, then the correction will be made. Please report scores for all positions shot so tiebreakers may be determined correctly. "SCORES MUST include the number of Xs for both rifle and pistol." (Scoring X’s refer to NRA Rule 14.3b and Center shots NRA Rule 14.3e)
Scores are now being posted through the web site http://ierpa.postalleague.com/. If assistance is needed, email the Match Director. Scores must be posted to the web site, mailed, or e-mailed to the Match Director (Form provided by the Association). Those scores arriving late will be forfeited. SCORES for the FIRST Week must be in the hands of the Match Director NO LATER THAN NOON TUESDAY, January 14th, 2019. It is "VERY" important that all scores are in on time in order to be published. The Match Director will make NO exceptions. The scores shall continue to be mailed each week thereafter until the ten matches are completed. Scores submitted early are welcome and encouraged. The results begin appearing tentatively January 14, 2020.
(Don’t hesitate to consider shooting and sending results in early.)
HANDICAP: If a team is short a member then the team may be handicapped one shooter. This shooters score will be calculated at 80% of the average of the other members’ scores on the team. A team can only be handicapped the maximum of one shooter and only on the lowest team entered in the postal for a discipline.
ENTRY FEES: $20.00 per each four person team, plus include $4.00 for NRA (FLAT FEE) registration required for each individual entered from the club to cover all disciplines. If a participant chooses to shoot both rifle and pistol, or both junior and senior rifle only $1.00 is required for that one shooter. (Entry Fee ex: A club enters two teams with 10 shooters on the roster; the entry fee would be $50.00.) Mail entries to: Inland Empire Rifle and Pistol Association, c/o Craig Speirs PO Box 806, Medical Lake, WA 99022. The entry fees must be in the hands of the Match Director no later than December 1st, 2019.
ALL CLUBS MUST INCLUDE A ROSTER OF ALL SHOOTERS: THEIR FULL NAMES, ADDRESSES, BIRTHDATES, and NRA ID NUMBERS for the purpose of submitting the scores to the NRA for classification as this is a registered league. Clubs that do not submit the required information forfeit awards; yet must still pay the $1.00 NRA shooter’s fee. The tentative roster is to be included with the first week’s scores. Clubs which participated in the postal last season may have a roster sheet included with this bulletin, if so, please update and return by snail mail or email, as this list shows the current information in the Association records.
Awards will be given to top junior shooters in both pistol and rifle disciplines. A junior is classified as stated in the Course of Fire section of this bulletin. Please highlight any junior shooter on your roster. Thanks!
All ties in the final AGGREGATE standings will be broken by the scores fired in the tenth weeks match. Remember to report the X count, it is important!
CHALLENGE: Protests must be made within two weeks after the publication of the score that is being challenged. All targets in protest from the challenged team and the protesting team will be reviewed. Challenge fee is $3.00 per week challenged. Only up to three protests will be allowed from any one club or its members per season.
BULLETIN: Results will appear on the association’s web site http://www.ierpa.org. The weekly results can be mailed for an additional $7.00 to cover postage. Also, results can be emailed in Excel.
AWARDS: The winning team will be determined by the total team aggregate for the ten weeks. It is important to not miss a week of firing. Get your scores in on time!!!!
Winning teams name will be engraved on the following challenge trophies; The Inland Empire Rifle & Pistol Association trophy for class AA and class D Rifle; The IER&PA trophy for class A Rifle; The Jensen-Byrd trophy for class B and the Marshall Wells trophy for class C Rifle. Pistol winners challenge trophies are as follows; The IER&PA trophy for class A Pistol; The Bill Hatch trophy for class B; The IER&PA trophy for class C: the Holt Memorial trophy for class D, and the Inland Empire Pistol Trophies for Class E, EE, G, H and possibly I. Other awards will be as follows: each class with 3 through 5 teams will be given 1st and 2nd place awards. Classes with 6 through 11 teams will be given 1st, 2nd and 3rd places. Pistol groups are to be limited to 9 teams per group. (Match director will make judgment call per 2009 minutes) There will also be an award for High man & High lady in Rifle and Pistol. High Junior girl and boy in Rifle and Pistol will also receive awards. Two Perpetual trophies for Junior Rifle Class A and B teams: Bill Havercroft and Warren Ratcliffe. Class F & G pistol trophy to be announced. If over two junior pistol teams participate, top team will be recognized. Challenge trophies are displayed at the Sandpoint Gun Club, Sandpoint, Idaho - sponsors of the Annual Columbia State Match. | Targets:
| Organizer Approval Required to ParticipateOpen to teams Individual scores will be derived from team scores 4 person teams. Teams are defined by score - top shooters are the team Fee: $4.00 per person $20.00, per team
This competition is closed | | Details: IER&PA MEMBERSHIP IS REQUIRED TO PARTICIPATE
Please contact Craig Speirs at [email protected] about becoming a member.
The 99th Annual Rifle Postal Tournament of the IER&PA will begin firing the month of January 2020 and continue firing for ten consecutive weeks.
The tournament is open to any rifle or pistol club in the Inland Empire, or by invitation provided, they are affiliated with the National Rifle Association. Clubs may enter one or more four-person teams. No individual may fire more than the ten matches and may only fire on one team Except for Junior Rifle who may shoot for a Junior and Senior team. Two clubs may combine to form one team. Some clubs have found it to their advantage to have a score or two fired ahead of the due date and into the Secretary in order to take care of unforeseen occurrences such as inclement weather, sickness, holidays, mail delays, non working fax or phone lines complications, etc. (Remember how typical winters can be!) | | Rules:
ARMS: Any smallbore .22 caliber rifle, NRA rule 3.2 (any safe trigger).
SIGHTS: Any sights for Senior Rifle. Juniors must use iron sights for the Junior Rifle Division.
COURSE OF FIRE: All firing will be done in the presence of at least one club officer of the participating club. All scores will be certified by such officer as being fired in accordance to the NRA Gallery Rifle & Pistol Rules. Being an NRA regulated Match, once a set of targets is started, they have to be shot at that event not spread out over days or shot randomly for convenience. The club officer in charge may use bullet gauges. Mark every shot on the target where the gauge is used. Targets may not be mailed to a shooter in another city except in the case when two clubs combine to form one team. It is permissible for a team member to take their targets to another range and fire them when they travel to another club for a shoulder to shoulder match.
Senior Rifle: A-17 targets. Ten shots in each of the four positions. Ten minutes for each prone, sitting and kneeling position. Fifteen minutes for standing.
(Juniors exception: If a junior team wishes to shoot with or without a scope and A-17 targets they may enter as a senior rifle team. NRA smallbore rifles rule 3.2 will prevail, which may include hook butt plates and palm rests.
Pistol: B2 and B3 targets. Two five shot strings for each of slow, timed and rapid fire. Ten shots per target. Slow fire timing is ten minutes for ten shots. Timed fire is 20 seconds for each five shot string. Rapid fire is ten seconds for each five shot string.
Junior Rifle: NRA/USA 50 targets. Regulation quarter course of fire, three position. Ten minutes for prone. Fifteen minutes for kneeling. Twenty minutes for standing. NRA rules will apply. Iron sights only.
****Any Person may compete as a Junior through December 31st of the calendar year in which his or her 20th birthday occurs. Any Junior that begins the competition as a Junior may finish as a Junior recognizing that this competition officially begins on January 2nd each year, regardless of when the first targets are shot.****
SIGHTING SHOTS: Sighting shots allowed for rifle, using allotted time for that position. Handguns may use practice targets for sighting. The numbered targets are for record only.
CLASSIFICATION: All teams will be classified after three weeks. This will enable the teams to be classified on their shooting ability this year, as clubs may lose or pick-up shooters during the summer months. The first two weeks the teams will not be broken into classes. The third week the teams will be listed with their classification for the year. This had been discussed and voted on by the membership at the Columbia State meeting held spring of 1996.
TARGETS: ****All****targets must have the (Official NRA Competition Seal” and have the “Official Sticker Label of Inland Empire Rifle & Pistol Association” placed on the backside of the Bull (Pistol) or #1 Bull (rifle). and numbered numerically. Range officers will issue targets in numbered sequence to their teams and any break in the sequence will be subject to question. It is the prerogative of the assigned Association Officer to call any or all targets of a match for inspection.
All labels must be placed on the backside of the targets before they are shot: For Pistol targets place the labels in the center back behind the 10 ring. For rifle targets place the label on the back behind the #1 bull (not the sighter!).
If a club is using official IER&PA labels instead of official IER&PA targets, please follow these guidelines: All labels must be placed on the backside of the targets before they are shot: For Pistol targets place the labels in the center back behind the 10 ring. For rifle targets place the label on the back behind the #1 bull (not the sighter!).
*** "Remember, place the label on the backside before the target is shot at." *** It should be noted that additional care must be exercised to keep the targets in a consecutive numbered order for each week. This is often done in advance by setting up the targets in a block for each week with the names of the individuals and the match numbers filled in to avoid confusion at a later date. All targets must be kept for three weeks after the last Tuesday of the posted scheduled session – see published schedule.
FOR OFFICIAL IER&PA STICKERS CONTACT: Scott Lorenz, P.O. Box 2243 Bothell, WA. 98041 (tel: 1-425-971-4151, leave message)
(e-mail: [email protected]) Stickers: $15.00 per roll of 500 stickers plus $7.90 USPS Priority shipping. NOTE: $30 per 1000 sticker roll which fits in the same shipping box, so more cost effective for your team - $30+$7.90. Advance payment is necessary for stickers— If Priority shipping is needed, please include $6.80. NO COD orders will be accepted. (Checks made out to: IER&PA) Turnaround time is about 1 ½ weeks. You may order official NRA targets from: American Target CO., 1328 So. Jason St., Denver, CO 80223. (1-303-733-0433) (Fax: 1-303-777-0311) (www.americantargetcompany.com)
SCORING: *****Report All Xs on Score Sheets*****
List the shooters: beginning with the highest score first and continue listing in descending order on the score sheet. Calculate the team score. Fill in the area to report the team name and class. Also, include Extra shooters results as their results will be submitted to the NRA records, but not calculated into a team score. DOUBLE and TRIPLE check your addition for the total team score. If the addition is in error and you have under scored, then your score will remain as reported. If the addition is in error and you have over scored, then the correction will be made. Please report scores for all positions shot so tiebreakers may be determined correctly. "SCORES MUST include the number of Xs for both rifle and pistol." (Scoring X’s refer to NRA Rule 14.3b and Center shots NRA Rule 14.3e)
Scores are now being posted through the web site http://ierpa.postalleague.com/. If assistance is needed, email the Match Director. Scores must be posted to the web site, mailed, or e-mailed to the Match Director (Form provided by the Association). Those scores arriving late will be forfeited. SCORES for the FIRST Week must be in the hands of the Match Director NO LATER THAN NOON TUESDAY, January 14th, 2020. It is "VERY" important that all scores are in on time in order to be published. The Match Director will make NO exceptions. The scores shall continue to be mailed each week thereafter until the ten matches are completed. Scores submitted early are welcome and encouraged. The results begin appearing tentatively January 14, 2020
(Don’t hesitate to consider shooting and sending results in early.)
HANDICAP: If a team is short a member then the team may be handicapped one shooter. This shooters score will be calculated at 80% of the average of the other members’ scores on the team. A team can only be handicapped the maximum of one shooter and only on the lowest team entered in the postal for a discipline.
ENTRY FEES: $20.00 per each four person team, plus include $4.00 for NRA (FLAT FEE) registration required for each individual entered from the club to cover all disciplines. If a participant chooses to shoot both rifle and pistol, or both junior and senior rifle only $1.00 is required for that one shooter. (Entry Fee ex: A club enters two teams with 10 shooters on the roster; the entry fee would be $50.00.) Mail entries to: Inland Empire Rifle and Pistol Association, c/o Craig Speirs PO Box 806, Medical Lake, WA 99022. The entry fees must be in the hands of the Match Director no later than December 1st, 2019.
ALL CLUBS MUST INCLUDE A ROSTER OF ALL SHOOTERS: THEIR FULL NAMES, ADDRESSES, BIRTHDATES, and NRA ID NUMBERS for the purpose of submitting the scores to the NRA for classification as this is a registered league. Clubs that do not submit the required information forfeit awards; yet must still pay the $1.00 NRA shooter’s fee. The tentative roster is to be included with the first week’s scores. Clubs which participated in the postal last season may have a roster sheet included with this bulletin, if so, please update and return by snail mail or email, as this list shows the current information in the Association records.
Awards will be given to top junior shooters in both pistol and rifle disciplines. A junior is classified as stated in the Course of Fire section of this bulletin. Please highlight any junior shooter on your roster. Thanks!
All ties in the final AGGREGATE standings will be broken by the scores fired in the tenth weeks match. Remember to report the X count, it is important!
CHALLENGE: Protests must be made within two weeks after the publication of the score that is being challenged. All targets in protest from the challenged team and the protesting team will be reviewed. Challenge fee is $3.00 per week challenged. Only up to three protests will be allowed from any one club or its members per season.
BULLETIN: Results will appear on the association’s web site http://www.ierpa.org. The weekly results can be mailed for an additional $7.00 to cover postage. Also, results can be emailed in Excel.
AWARDS: The winning team will be determined by the total team aggregate for the ten weeks. It is important to not miss a week of firing. Get your scores in on time!!!!
Winning teams name will be engraved on the following challenge trophies; The Inland Empire Rifle & Pistol Association trophy for class AA and class D Rifle; The IER&PA trophy for class A Rifle; The Jensen-Byrd trophy for class B and the Marshall Wells trophy for class C Rifle. Pistol winners challenge trophies are as follows; The IER&PA trophy for class A Pistol; The Bill Hatch trophy for class B; The IER&PA trophy for class C: the Holt Memorial trophy for class D, and the Inland Empire Pistol Trophies for Class E, EE, G, H and possibly I. Other awards will be as follows: each class with 3 through 5 teams will be given 1st and 2nd place awards. Classes with 6 through 11 teams will be given 1st, 2nd and 3rd places. Pistol groups are to be limited to 9 teams per group. (Match director will make judgment call per 2009 minutes) There will also be an award for High man & High lady in Rifle and Pistol. High Junior girl and boy in Rifle and Pistol will also receive awards. Two Perpetual trophies for Junior Rifle Class A and B teams: Bill Havercroft and Warren Ratcliffe. Class F & G pistol trophy to be announced. If over two junior pistol teams participate, top team will be recognized. Challenge trophies are displayed at the Sandpoint Gun Club, Sandpoint, Idaho - sponsors of the Annual Columbia State Match. | Targets:
- Prone
- Sitting
- Kneeling
- Standing
| Organizer Approval Required to ParticipateOpen to teams Individual scores will be derived from team scores 4 person teams. Teams are defined by score - top shooters are the team Fee: $4.00 per person $20.00, per team
This competition is closed | | Details: IER&PA MEMBERSHIP IS REQUIRED TO PARTICIPATE
Please contact Craig Speirs at [email protected] about becoming a member.
The Annual Jr. Rifle Postal Tournament of the IER&PA will begin firing the month of January 2020 and continue firing for ten consecutive weeks.
The tournament is open to any rifle or pistol club in the Inland Empire, or by invitation provided, they are affiliated with the National Rifle Association. Clubs may enter one or more four-person teams. No individual may fire more than the ten matches and may only fire on one team Except for Junior Rifle who may shoot for a Junior and Senior team. Two clubs may combine to form one team. Some clubs have found it to their advantage to have a score or two fired ahead of the due date and into the Secretary in order to take care of unforeseen occurrences such as inclement weather, sickness, holidays, mail delays, non working fax or phone lines complications, etc. (Remember how typical winters can be!) | | Rules:
ARMS: Any smallbore .22 caliber rifle, NRA rule 3.2 (any safe trigger). Any .22 caliber pistol or revolver, NRA rule: 3.4 (no less than 2 lb. trigger).
SIGHTS: Any sights for Pistol and Senior Rifle. Juniors must use iron sights for the Junior Rifle Division.
COURSE OF FIRE: All firing will be done in the presence of at least one club officer of the participating club. All scores will be certified by such officer as being fired in accordance to the NRA Gallery Rifle & Pistol Rules. Being an NRA regulated Match, once a set of targets is started, they have to be shot at that event not spread out over days or shot randomly for convenience. The club officer in charge may use bullet gauges. Mark every shot on the target where the gauge is used. Targets may not be mailed to a shooter in another city except in the case when two clubs combine to form one team. It is permissible for a team member to take their targets to another range and fire them when they travel to another club for a shoulder to shoulder match.
Senior Rifle: A-17 targets. Ten shots in each of the four positions. Ten minutes for each prone, sitting and kneeling position. Fifteen minutes for standing.
(Juniors exception: If a junior team wishes to shoot with or without a scope and A-17 targets they may enter as a senior rifle team. NRA smallbore rifles rule 3.2 will prevail, which may include hook butt plates and palm rests.
Pistol: B2 and B3 targets. Two five shot strings for each of slow, timed and rapid fire. Ten shots per target. Slow fire timing is ten minutes for ten shots. Timed fire is 20 seconds for each five shot string. Rapid fire is ten seconds for each five shot string.
Junior Rifle: NRA/USA 50 targets. Regulation quarter course of fire, three position. Ten minutes for prone. Fifteen minutes for kneeling. Twenty minutes for standing. NRA rules will apply. Iron sights only.
****Any Person may compete as a Junior through December 31st of the calendar year in which his or her 20th birthday occurs. Any Junior that begins the competition as a Junior may finish as a Junior recognizing that this competition officially begins on January 2nd each year, regardless of when the first targets are shot.****
SIGHTING SHOTS: Sighting shots allowed for rifle, using allotted time for that position. Handguns may use practice targets for sighting. The numbered targets are for record only.
CLASSIFICATION: All teams will be classified after three weeks. This will enable the teams to be classified on their shooting ability this year, as clubs may lose or pick-up shooters during the summer months. The first two weeks the teams will not be broken into classes. The third week the teams will be listed with their classification for the year. This had been discussed and voted on by the membership at the Columbia State meeting held spring of 1996.
TARGETS: ****All****targets must have the (Official NRA Competition Seal” and have the “Official Sticker Label of Inland Empire Rifle & Pistol Association” placed on the backside of the Bull (Pistol) or #1 Bull (rifle). and numbered numerically. Range officers will issue targets in numbered sequence to their teams and any break in the sequence will be subject to question. It is the prerogative of the assigned Association Officer to call any or all targets of a match for inspection.
All labels must be placed on the backside of the targets before they are shot: For Pistol targets place the labels in the center back behind the 10 ring. For rifle targets place the label on the back behind the #1 bull (not the sighter!).
If a club is using official IER&PA labels instead of official IER&PA targets, please follow these guidelines: All labels must be placed on the backside of the targets before they are shot: For Pistol targets place the labels in the center back behind the 10 ring. For rifle targets place the label on the back behind the #1 bull (not the sighter!).
*** "Remember, place the label on the backside before the target is shot at." *** It should be noted that additional care must be exercised to keep the targets in a consecutive numbered order for each week. This is often done in advance by setting up the targets in a block for each week with the names of the individuals and the match numbers filled in to avoid confusion at a later date. All targets must be kept for three weeks after the last Tuesday of the posted scheduled session – see published schedule.
Scott Lorenz, P.O. Box 2243 Bothell, WA. 98041 (tel: 1-425-971-4151, leave message)
(e-mail: [email protected]) Stickers: $15.00 per roll of 500 stickers plus $7.90 USPS Priority shipping. NOTE: $30 per 1000 sticker roll which fits in the same shipping box, so more cost effective for your team - $30+$7.90. Advance payment is necessary for stickers— If Priority shipping is needed, please include $6.80. NO COD orders will be accepted. (Checks made out to: IER&PA) Turnaround time is about 1 ½ weeks. You may order official NRA targets from: American Target CO., 1328 So. Jason St., Denver, CO 80223. (1-303-733-0433) (Fax: 1-303-777-0311) (www.americantargetcompany.com)
SCORING: *****Report All Xs on Score Sheets*****
List the shooters: beginning with the highest score first and continue listing in descending order on the score sheet. Calculate the team score. Fill in the area to report the team name and class. Also, include Extra shooters results as their results will be submitted to the NRA records, but not calculated into a team score. DOUBLE and TRIPLE check your addition for the total team score. If the addition is in error and you have under scored, then your score will remain as reported. If the addition is in error and you have over scored, then the correction will be made. Please report scores for all positions shot so tiebreakers may be determined correctly. "SCORES MUST include the number of Xs for both rifle and pistol." (Scoring X’s refer to NRA Rule 14.3b and Center shots NRA Rule 14.3e)
Scores are now being posted through the web site http://ierpa.postalleague.com/. If assistance is needed, email the Match Director. Scores must be posted to the web site, mailed, or e-mailed to the Match Director (Form provided by the Association). Those scores arriving late will be forfeited. SCORES for the FIRST Week must be in the hands of the Match Director NO LATER THAN NOON TUESDAY, January 14th, 2020. It is "VERY" important that all scores are in on time in order to be published. The Match Director will make NO exceptions. The scores shall continue to be mailed each week thereafter until the ten matches are completed. Scores submitted early are welcome and encouraged. The results begin appearing tentatively January 14, 2020
(Don’t hesitate to consider shooting and sending results in early.)
HANDICAP: If a team is short a member then the team may be handicapped one shooter. This shooters score will be calculated at 80% of the average of the other members’ scores on the team. A team can only be handicapped the maximum of one shooter and only on the lowest team entered in the postal for a discipline.
ENTRY FEES: $20.00 per each four person team, plus include $4.00 for NRA (FLAT FEE) registration required for each individual entered from the club to cover all disciplines. If a participant chooses to shoot both rifle and pistol, or both junior and senior rifle only $1.00 is required for that one shooter. (Entry Fee ex: A club enters two teams with 10 shooters on the roster; the entry fee would be $50.00.) Mail entries to: Inland Empire Rifle and Pistol Association, c/o Craig Speirs PO Box 806, Medical Lake, WA 99022. The entry fees must be in the hands of the Match Director no later than December 1st, 2019.
ALL CLUBS MUST INCLUDE A ROSTER OF ALL SHOOTERS: THEIR FULL NAMES, ADDRESSES, BIRTHDATES, and NRA ID NUMBERS for the purpose of submitting the scores to the NRA for classification as this is a registered league. Clubs that do not submit the required information forfeit awards; yet must still pay the $1.00 NRA shooter’s fee. The tentative roster is to be included with the first week’s scores. Clubs which participated in the postal last season may have a roster sheet included with this bulletin, if so, please update and return by snail mail or email, as this list shows the current information in the Association records.
Awards will be given to top junior shooters in both pistol and rifle disciplines. A junior is classified as stated in the Course of Fire section of this bulletin. Please highlight any junior shooter on your roster. Thanks!
All ties in the final AGGREGATE standings will be broken by the scores fired in the tenth weeks match. Remember to report the X count, it is important!
CHALLENGE: Protests must be made within two weeks after the publication of the score that is being challenged. All targets in protest from the challenged team and the protesting team will be reviewed. Challenge fee is $3.00 per week challenged. Only up to three protests will be allowed from any one club or its members per season.
BULLETIN: Results will appear on the association’s web site http://www.ierpa.org. The weekly results can be mailed for an additional $7.00 to cover postage. Also, results can be emailed in Excel.
AWARDS: The winning team will be determined by the total team aggregate for the ten weeks. It is important to not miss a week of firing. Get your scores in on time!!!!
Winning teams name will be engraved on the following challenge trophies; The Inland Empire Rifle & Pistol Association trophy for class AA and class D Rifle; The IER&PA trophy for class A Rifle; The Jensen-Byrd trophy for class B and the Marshall Wells trophy for class C Rifle. Pistol winners challenge trophies are as follows; The IER&PA trophy for class A Pistol; The Bill Hatch trophy for class B; The IER&PA trophy for class C: the Holt Memorial trophy for class D, and the Inland Empire Pistol Trophies for Class E, EE, G, H and possibly I. Other awards will be as follows: each class with 3 through 5 teams will be given 1st and 2nd place awards. Classes with 6 through 11 teams will be given 1st, 2nd and 3rd places. Pistol groups are to be limited to 9 teams per group. (Match director will make judgment call per 2009 minutes) There will also be an award for High man & High lady in Rifle and Pistol. High Junior girl and boy in Rifle and Pistol will also receive awards. Two Perpetual trophies for Junior Rifle Class A and B teams: Bill Havercroft and Warren Ratcliffe. Class F & G pistol trophy to be announced. If over two junior pistol teams participate, top team will be recognized. Challenge trophies are displayed at the Sandpoint Gun Club, Sandpoint, Idaho - sponsors of the Annual Columbia State Match. | Targets:
| Organizer Approval Required to ParticipateOpen to teams Individual scores will be derived from team scores 4 person teams. Teams are defined by score - top shooters are the team Fee: $4.00 per person $20.00, per team
This competition is closed | | Details: IER&PA MEMBERSHIP IS REQUIRED TO PARTICIPATE
Please contact Craig Speirs at [email protected] about becoming a member.
The 100th Annual Rifle Postal Tournament of the IER&PA will begin firing the month of January 2021 and continue firing for ten consecutive weeks.
The tournament is open to any rifle or pistol club in the Inland Empire, or by invitation provided, they are affiliated with the National Rifle Association. Clubs may enter one or more four-person teams. No individual may fire more than the ten matches and may only fire on one team Except for Junior Rifle who may shoot for a Junior and Senior team. Two clubs may combine to form one team. Some clubs have found it to their advantage to have a score or two fired ahead of the due date and into the Secretary in order to take care of unforeseen occurrences such as inclement weather, sickness, holidays, mail delays, non working fax or phone lines complications, etc. (Remember how typical winters can be!) | | Rules:
ARMS: Any smallbore .22 caliber rifle, NRA rule 3.2 (any safe trigger).
SIGHTS: Any sights for Senior Rifle. Juniors must use iron sights for the Junior Rifle Division.
COURSE OF FIRE: All firing will be done in the presence of at least one club officer of the participating club. All scores will be certified by such officer as being fired in accordance to the NRA Gallery Rifle & Pistol Rules. Being an NRA regulated Match, once a set of targets is started, they have to be shot at that event not spread out over days or shot randomly for convenience. The club officer in charge may use bullet gauges. Mark every shot on the target where the gauge is used. Targets may not be mailed to a shooter in another city except in the case when two clubs combine to form one team. It is permissible for a team member to take their targets to another range and fire them when they travel to another club for a shoulder to shoulder match.
Senior Rifle: A-17 targets. Ten shots in each of the four positions. Ten minutes for each prone, sitting and kneeling position. Fifteen minutes for standing.
(Juniors exception: If a junior team wishes to shoot with or without a scope and A-17 targets they may enter as a senior rifle team. NRA smallbore rifles rule 3.2 will prevail, which may include hook butt plates and palm rests.
Pistol: B2 and B3 targets. Two five shot strings for each of slow, timed and rapid fire. Ten shots per target. Slow fire timing is ten minutes for ten shots. Timed fire is 20 seconds for each five shot string. Rapid fire is ten seconds for each five shot string.
Junior Rifle: NRA/USA 50 targets. Regulation quarter course of fire, three position. Ten minutes for prone. Fifteen minutes for kneeling. Twenty minutes for standing. NRA rules will apply. Iron sights only.
****Any Person may compete as a Junior through December 31st of the calendar year in which his or her 20th birthday occurs. Any Junior that begins the competition as a Junior may finish as a Junior recognizing that this competition officially begins on January 2nd each year, regardless of when the first targets are shot.****
SIGHTING SHOTS: Sighting shots allowed for rifle, using allotted time for that position. Handguns may use practice targets for sighting. The numbered targets are for record only.
CLASSIFICATION: All teams will be classified after three weeks. This will enable the teams to be classified on their shooting ability this year, as clubs may lose or pick-up shooters during the summer months. The first two weeks the teams will not be broken into classes. The third week the teams will be listed with their classification for the year. This had been discussed and voted on by the membership at the Columbia State meeting held spring of 1996.
TARGETS: ****All****targets must have the (Official NRA Competition Seal” and have the “Official Sticker Label of Inland Empire Rifle & Pistol Association” placed on the backside of the Bull (Pistol) or #1 Bull (rifle). and numbered numerically. Range officers will issue targets in numbered sequence to their teams and any break in the sequence will be subject to question. It is the prerogative of the assigned Association Officer to call any or all targets of a match for inspection.
All labels must be placed on the backside of the targets before they are shot: For Pistol targets place the labels in the center back behind the 10 ring. For rifle targets place the label on the back behind the #1 bull (not the sighter!).
If a club is using official IER&PA labels instead of official IER&PA targets, please follow these guidelines: All labels must be placed on the backside of the targets before they are shot: For Pistol targets place the labels in the center back behind the 10 ring. For rifle targets place the label on the back behind the #1 bull (not the sighter!).
*** "Remember, place the label on the backside before the target is shot at." *** It should be noted that additional care must be exercised to keep the targets in a consecutive numbered order for each week. This is often done in advance by setting up the targets in a block for each week with the names of the individuals and the match numbers filled in to avoid confusion at a later date. All targets must be kept for three weeks after the last Tuesday of the posted scheduled session – see published schedule.
FOR OFFICIAL IER&PA STICKERS CONTACT Scott Lorenz, P.O. Box 2243, Bothell, WA 98041 (tel: 1-425-971-4151, leave message) (e-mail: [email protected]) Stickers may be purchased by 2 methods:
1 roll of 500 stickers - $23.30 ($15 + $8.30 USPS Priority shipping).
1 roll of 1000 stickers - $38.30 ($30 + $8.30 USPS Priority shipping).
Make Checks out to: IER&PA
Advance payment is necessary for stickers.(Turnaround time is about 1 ½ weeks). NO COD orders will be accepted.
You may order official NRA targets from: American Target CO., 1328 So. Jason St., Denver, CO 80223. (1-303-733-0433) (Fax: 1-303-777-0311) (www.americantargetcompany.com)
SCORING: *****Report All Xs on Score Sheets*****
List the shooters: beginning with the highest score first and continue listing in descending order on the score sheet. Calculate the team score. Fill in the area to report the team name and class. Also, include Extra shooters results as their results will be submitted to the NRA records, but not calculated into a team score. DOUBLE and TRIPLE check your addition for the total team score. If the addition is in error and you have under scored, then your score will remain as reported. If the addition is in error and you have over scored, then the correction will be made. Please report scores for all positions shot so tiebreakers may be determined correctly. "SCORES MUST include the number of Xs for both rifle and pistol." (Scoring X’s refer to NRA Rule 14.3b and Center shots NRA Rule 14.3e)
Scores are now being posted through the web site http://ierpa.postalleague.com/. If assistance is needed, email the Match Director. Scores must be posted to the web site, mailed, or e-mailed to the Match Director (Form provided by the Association). Those scores arriving late will be forfeited. SCORES for the FIRST Week must be in the hands of the Match Director NO LATER THAN NOON TUESDAY, January 12th, 2021. It is "VERY" important that all scores are in on time in order to be published. The Match Director will make NO exceptions. The scores shall continue to be mailed each week thereafter until the ten matches are completed. Scores submitted early are welcome and encouraged. The results begin appearing tentatively January 12, 2020
(Don’t hesitate to consider shooting and sending results in early.)
HANDICAP: If a team is short a member then the team may be handicapped one shooter. This shooters score will be calculated at 80% of the average of the other members’ scores on the team. A team can only be handicapped the maximum of one shooter and only on the lowest team entered in the postal for a discipline.
ENTRY FEES: $20.00 per each four person team, plus include $5.00 for NRA (FLAT FEE) registration required for each individual entered from the club to cover all disciplines. If a participant chooses to shoot both rifle and pistol, or both junior and senior rifle only $1.00 is required for that one shooter. (Entry Fee ex: A club enters two teams with 10 shooters on the roster; the entry fee would be $50.00.) Mail entries to: Inland Empire Rifle and Pistol Association, c/o Craig Speirs PO Box 806, Medical Lake, WA 99022. The entry fees must be in the hands of the Match Director no later than December 1st, 2019.
ALL CLUBS MUST INCLUDE A ROSTER OF ALL SHOOTERS: THEIR FULL NAMES, ADDRESSES, BIRTHDATES, and NRA ID NUMBERS for the purpose of submitting the scores to the NRA for classification as this is a registered league. Clubs that do not submit the required information forfeit awards; yet must still pay the $1.00 NRA shooter’s fee. The tentative roster is to be included with the first week’s scores. Clubs which participated in the postal last season may have a roster sheet included with this bulletin, if so, please update and return by snail mail or email, as this list shows the current information in the Association records.
Awards will be given to top junior shooters in both pistol and rifle disciplines. A junior is classified as stated in the Course of Fire section of this bulletin. Please highlight any junior shooter on your roster. Thanks!
All ties in the final AGGREGATE standings will be broken by the scores fired in the tenth weeks match. Remember to report the X count, it is important!
CHALLENGE: Protests must be made within two weeks after the publication of the score that is being challenged. All targets in protest from the challenged team and the protesting team will be reviewed. Challenge fee is $3.00 per week challenged. Only up to three protests will be allowed from any one club or its members per season.
BULLETIN: Results will appear on the association’s web site http://www.ierpa.org. The weekly results can be mailed for an additional $7.00 to cover postage. Also, results can be emailed in Excel.
AWARDS: The winning team will be determined by the total team aggregate for the ten weeks. It is important to not miss a week of firing. Get your scores in on time!!!!
Winning teams name will be engraved on the following challenge trophies; The Inland Empire Rifle & Pistol Association trophy for class AA and class D Rifle; The IER&PA trophy for class A Rifle; The Jensen-Byrd trophy for class B and the Marshall Wells trophy for class C Rifle. Pistol winners challenge trophies are as follows; The IER&PA trophy for class A Pistol; The Bill Hatch trophy for class B; The IER&PA trophy for class C: the Holt Memorial trophy for class D, and the Inland Empire Pistol Trophies for Class E, EE, G, H and possibly I. Other awards will be as follows: each class with 3 through 5 teams will be given 1st and 2nd place awards. Classes with 6 through 11 teams will be given 1st, 2nd and 3rd places. Pistol groups are to be limited to 9 teams per group. (Match director will make judgment call per 2009 minutes) There will also be an award for High man & High lady in Rifle and Pistol. High Junior girl and boy in Rifle and Pistol will also receive awards. Two Perpetual trophies for Junior Rifle Class A and B teams: Bill Havercroft and Warren Ratcliffe. Class F & G pistol trophy to be announced. If over two junior pistol teams participate, top team will be recognized. Challenge trophies are displayed at the Sandpoint Gun Club, Sandpoint, Idaho - sponsors of the Annual Columbia State Match. | Targets:
- Prone
- Sitting
- Kneeling
- Standing
| Organizer Approval Required to ParticipateOpen to teams Individual scores will be derived from team scores 4 person teams. Teams are defined by score - top shooters are the team Fee: $4.00 per person $20.00, per team
This competition is closed | | Details: IER&PA MEMBERSHIP IS REQUIRED TO PARTICIPATE
Please contact Craig Speirs at [email protected] about becoming a member.
77th Annual Pistol Tournament of the IER&PA will begin firing the month of January 2021 and continue firing for ten consecutive weeks.
The tournament is open to any rifle or pistol club in the Inland Empire, or by invitation provided, they are affiliated with the National Rifle Association. Clubs may enter one or more four-person teams. No individual may fire more than the ten matches and may only fire on one team Except for Junior Rifle who may shoot for a Junior and Senior team. Two clubs may combine to form one team. Some clubs have found it to their advantage to have a score or two fired ahead of the due date and into the Secretary in order to take care of unforeseen occurrences such as inclement weather, sickness, holidays, mail delays, non working fax or phone lines complications, etc. (Remember how typical winters can be!)
| | Rules:
ARMS: Any .22 caliber pistol or revolver, NRA rule: 3.4 (no less than 2 lb. trigger).
SIGHTS: Juniors must use iron sights.
COURSE OF FIRE: All firing will be done in the presence of at least one club officer of the participating club. All scores will be certified by such officer as being fired in accordance to the NRA Gallery Rifle & Pistol Rules. Being an NRA regulated Match, once a set of targets is started, they have to be shot at that event not spread out over days or shot randomly for convenience. The club officer in charge may use bullet gauges. Mark every shot on the target where the gauge is used. Targets may not be mailed to a shooter in another city except in the case when two clubs combine to form one team. It is permissible for a team member to take their targets to another range and fire them when they travel to another club for a shoulder to shoulder match.
Senior Rifle: A-17 targets. Ten shots in each of the four positions. Ten minutes for each prone, sitting and kneeling position. Fifteen minutes for standing.
(Juniors exception: If a junior team wishes to shoot with or without a scope and A-17 targets they may enter as a senior rifle team. NRA smallbore rifles rule 3.2 will prevail, which may include hook butt plates and palm rests.
Pistol: B2 and B3 targets. Two five shot strings for each of slow, timed and rapid fire. Ten shots per target. Slow fire timing is ten minutes for ten shots. Timed fire is 20 seconds for each five shot string. Rapid fire is ten seconds for each five shot string.
Junior Rifle: NRA/USA 50 targets. Regulation quarter course of fire, three position. Ten minutes for prone. Fifteen minutes for kneeling. Twenty minutes for standing. NRA rules will apply. Iron sights only.
****Any Person may compete as a Junior through December 31st of the calendar year in which his or her 20th birthday occurs. Any Junior that begins the competition as a Junior may finish as a Junior recognizing that this competition officially begins on January 2nd each year, regardless of when the first targets are shot.****
SIGHTING SHOTS: Sighting shots allowed for rifle, using allotted time for that position. Handguns may use practice targets for sighting. The numbered targets are for record only.
CLASSIFICATION: All teams will be classified after three weeks. This will enable the teams to be classified on their shooting ability this year, as clubs may lose or pick-up shooters during the summer months. The first two weeks the teams will not be broken into classes. The third week the teams will be listed with their classification for the year. This had been discussed and voted on by the membership at the Columbia State meeting held spring of 1996.
TARGETS: ****All****targets must have the (Official NRA Competition Seal” and have the “Official Sticker Label of Inland Empire Rifle & Pistol Association” placed on the backside of the Bull (Pistol) or #1 Bull (rifle). and numbered numerically. Range officers will issue targets in numbered sequence to their teams and any break in the sequence will be subject to question. It is the prerogative of the assigned Association Officer to call any or all targets of a match for inspection.
All labels must be placed on the backside of the targets before they are shot: For Pistol targets place the labels in the center back behind the 10 ring. For rifle targets place the label on the back behind the #1 bull (not the sighter!).
If a club is using official IER&PA labels instead of official IER&PA targets, please follow these guidelines: All labels must be placed on the backside of the targets before they are shot: For Pistol targets place the labels in the center back behind the 10 ring. For rifle targets place the label on the back behind the #1 bull (not the sighter!).
*** "Remember, place the label on the backside before the target is shot at." *** It should be noted that additional care must be exercised to keep the targets in a consecutive numbered order for each week. This is often done in advance by setting up the targets in a block for each week with the names of the individuals and the match numbers filled in to avoid confusion at a later date. All targets must be kept for three weeks after the last Tuesday of the posted scheduled session – see published schedule.
FOR OFFICIAL IER&PA STICKERS CONTACT Scott Lorenz, P.O. Box 2243, Bothell, WA 98041 (tel: 1-425-971-4151, leave message) (e-mail: [email protected]) Stickers may be purchased by 2 methods:
1 roll of 500 stickers - $23.30 ($15 + $8.30 USPS Priority shipping).
1 roll of 1000 stickers - $38.30 ($30 + $8.30 USPS Priority shipping).
Make Checks out to: IER&PA
Advance payment is necessary for stickers.(Turnaround time is about 1 ½ weeks). NO COD orders will be accepted.
You may order official NRA targets from: American Target CO., 1328 So. Jason St., Denver, CO 80223. (1-303-733-0433) (Fax: 1-303-777-0311) (www.americantargetcompany.com)
SCORING: *****Report All Xs on Score Sheets*****
List the shooters: beginning with the highest score first and continue listing in descending order on the score sheet. Calculate the team score. Fill in the area to report the team name and class. Also, include Extra shooters results as their results will be submitted to the NRA records, but not calculated into a team score. DOUBLE and TRIPLE check your addition for the total team score. If the addition is in error and you have under scored, then your score will remain as reported. If the addition is in error and you have over scored, then the correction will be made. Please report scores for all positions shot so tiebreakers may be determined correctly. "SCORES MUST include the number of Xs for both rifle and pistol." (Scoring X’s refer to NRA Rule 14.3b and Center shots NRA Rule 14.3e)
Scores are now being posted through the web site http://ierpa.postalleague.com/. If assistance is needed, email the Match Director. Scores must be posted to the web site, mailed, or e-mailed to the Match Director (Form provided by the Association). Those scores arriving late will be forfeited. SCORES for the FIRST Week must be in the hands of the Match Director NO LATER THAN NOON TUESDAY, January 12th, 2021. It is "VERY" important that all scores are in on time in order to be published. The Match Director will make NO exceptions. The scores shall continue to be mailed each week thereafter until the ten matches are completed. Scores submitted early are welcome and encouraged. The results begin appearing tentatively January 12, 2021.
(Don’t hesitate to consider shooting and sending results in early.)
HANDICAP: If a team is short a member then the team may be handicapped one shooter. This shooters score will be calculated at 80% of the average of the other members’ scores on the team. A team can only be handicapped the maximum of one shooter and only on the lowest team entered in the postal for a discipline.
ENTRY FEES: $20.00 per each four person team, plus include $5.00 for NRA (FLAT FEE) registration required for each individual entered from the club to cover all disciplines. If a participant chooses to shoot both rifle and pistol, or both junior and senior rifle only $1.00 is required for that one shooter. (Entry Fee ex: A club enters two teams with 10 shooters on the roster; the entry fee would be $50.00.) Mail entries to: Inland Empire Rifle and Pistol Association, c/o Craig Speirs PO Box 806, Medical Lake, WA 99022. The entry fees must be in the hands of the Match Director no later than December 1st, 2019.
ALL CLUBS MUST INCLUDE A ROSTER OF ALL SHOOTERS: THEIR FULL NAMES, ADDRESSES, BIRTHDATES, and NRA ID NUMBERS for the purpose of submitting the scores to the NRA for classification as this is a registered league. Clubs that do not submit the required information forfeit awards; yet must still pay the $1.00 NRA shooter’s fee. The tentative roster is to be included with the first week’s scores. Clubs which participated in the postal last season may have a roster sheet included with this bulletin, if so, please update and return by snail mail or email, as this list shows the current information in the Association records.
Awards will be given to top junior shooters in both pistol and rifle disciplines. A junior is classified as stated in the Course of Fire section of this bulletin. Please highlight any junior shooter on your roster. Thanks!
All ties in the final AGGREGATE standings will be broken by the scores fired in the tenth weeks match. Remember to report the X count, it is important!
CHALLENGE: Protests must be made within two weeks after the publication of the score that is being challenged. All targets in protest from the challenged team and the protesting team will be reviewed. Challenge fee is $3.00 per week challenged. Only up to three protests will be allowed from any one club or its members per season.
BULLETIN: Results will appear on the association’s web site http://www.ierpa.org. The weekly results can be mailed for an additional $7.00 to cover postage. Also, results can be emailed in Excel.
AWARDS: The winning team will be determined by the total team aggregate for the ten weeks. It is important to not miss a week of firing. Get your scores in on time!!!!
Winning teams name will be engraved on the following challenge trophies; The Inland Empire Rifle & Pistol Association trophy for class AA and class D Rifle; The IER&PA trophy for class A Rifle; The Jensen-Byrd trophy for class B and the Marshall Wells trophy for class C Rifle. Pistol winners challenge trophies are as follows; The IER&PA trophy for class A Pistol; The Bill Hatch trophy for class B; The IER&PA trophy for class C: the Holt Memorial trophy for class D, and the Inland Empire Pistol Trophies for Class E, EE, G, H and possibly I. Other awards will be as follows: each class with 3 through 5 teams will be given 1st and 2nd place awards. Classes with 6 through 11 teams will be given 1st, 2nd and 3rd places. Pistol groups are to be limited to 9 teams per group. (Match director will make judgment call per 2009 minutes) There will also be an award for High man & High lady in Rifle and Pistol. High Junior girl and boy in Rifle and Pistol will also receive awards. Two Perpetual trophies for Junior Rifle Class A and B teams: Bill Havercroft and Warren Ratcliffe. Class F & G pistol trophy to be announced. If over two junior pistol teams participate, top team will be recognized. Challenge trophies are displayed at the Sandpoint Gun Club, Sandpoint, Idaho - sponsors of the Annual Columbia State Match. | Targets:
| Organizer Approval Required to ParticipateOpen to teams Individual scores will be derived from team scores 4 person teams. Teams are defined by score - top shooters are the team Fee: $4.00 per person $20.00, per team
This competition is closed | | Details: IER&PA MEMBERSHIP IS REQUIRED TO PARTICIPATE
Please contact Craig Speirs at [email protected] about becoming a member.
The Annual Jr. Rifle Postal Tournament of the IER&PA will begin firing the month of January 2021 and continue firing for ten consecutive weeks.
The tournament is open to any rifle or pistol club in the Inland Empire, or by invitation provided, they are affiliated with the National Rifle Association. Clubs may enter one or more four-person teams. No individual may fire more than the ten matches and may only fire on one team Except for Junior Rifle who may shoot for a Junior and Senior team. Two clubs may combine to form one team. Some clubs have found it to their advantage to have a score or two fired ahead of the due date and into the Secretary in order to take care of unforeseen occurrences such as inclement weather, sickness, holidays, mail delays, non working fax or phone lines complications, etc. (Remember how typical winters can be!) | | Rules:
ARMS: Any smallbore .22 caliber rifle, NRA rule 3.2 (any safe trigger). Any .22 caliber pistol or revolver, NRA rule: 3.4 (no less than 2 lb. trigger).
SIGHTS: Any sights for Pistol and Senior Rifle. Juniors must use iron sights for the Junior Rifle Division.
COURSE OF FIRE: All firing will be done in the presence of at least one club officer of the participating club. All scores will be certified by such officer as being fired in accordance to the NRA Gallery Rifle & Pistol Rules. Being an NRA regulated Match, once a set of targets is started, they have to be shot at that event not spread out over days or shot randomly for convenience. The club officer in charge may use bullet gauges. Mark every shot on the target where the gauge is used. Targets may not be mailed to a shooter in another city except in the case when two clubs combine to form one team. It is permissible for a team member to take their targets to another range and fire them when they travel to another club for a shoulder to shoulder match.
Senior Rifle: A-17 targets. Ten shots in each of the four positions. Ten minutes for each prone, sitting and kneeling position. Fifteen minutes for standing.
(Juniors exception: If a junior team wishes to shoot with or without a scope and A-17 targets they may enter as a senior rifle team. NRA smallbore rifles rule 3.2 will prevail, which may include hook butt plates and palm rests.
Pistol: B2 and B3 targets. Two five shot strings for each of slow, timed and rapid fire. Ten shots per target. Slow fire timing is ten minutes for ten shots. Timed fire is 20 seconds for each five shot string. Rapid fire is ten seconds for each five shot string.
Junior Rifle: NRA/USA 50 targets. Regulation quarter course of fire, three position. Ten minutes for prone. Fifteen minutes for kneeling. Twenty minutes for standing. NRA rules will apply. Iron sights only.
****Any Person may compete as a Junior through December 31st of the calendar year in which his or her 20th birthday occurs. Any Junior that begins the competition as a Junior may finish as a Junior recognizing that this competition officially begins on January 2nd each year, regardless of when the first targets are shot.****
SIGHTING SHOTS: Sighting shots allowed for rifle, using allotted time for that position. Handguns may use practice targets for sighting. The numbered targets are for record only.
CLASSIFICATION: All teams will be classified after three weeks. This will enable the teams to be classified on their shooting ability this year, as clubs may lose or pick-up shooters during the summer months. The first two weeks the teams will not be broken into classes. The third week the teams will be listed with their classification for the year. This had been discussed and voted on by the membership at the Columbia State meeting held spring of 1996.
TARGETS: ****All****targets must have the (Official NRA Competition Seal” and have the “Official Sticker Label of Inland Empire Rifle & Pistol Association” placed on the backside of the Bull (Pistol) or #1 Bull (rifle). and numbered numerically. Range officers will issue targets in numbered sequence to their teams and any break in the sequence will be subject to question. It is the prerogative of the assigned Association Officer to call any or all targets of a match for inspection.
All labels must be placed on the backside of the targets before they are shot: For Pistol targets place the labels in the center back behind the 10 ring. For rifle targets place the label on the back behind the #1 bull (not the sighter!).
If a club is using official IER&PA labels instead of official IER&PA targets, please follow these guidelines: All labels must be placed on the backside of the targets before they are shot: For Pistol targets place the labels in the center back behind the 10 ring. For rifle targets place the label on the back behind the #1 bull (not the sighter!).
*** "Remember, place the label on the backside before the target is shot at." *** It should be noted that additional care must be exercised to keep the targets in a consecutive numbered order for each week. This is often done in advance by setting up the targets in a block for each week with the names of the individuals and the match numbers filled in to avoid confusion at a later date. All targets must be kept for three weeks after the last Tuesday of the posted scheduled session – see published schedule.
FOR OFFICIAL IER&PA STICKERS CONTACT Scott Lorenz, P.O. Box 2243, Bothell, WA 98041 (tel: 1-425-971-4151, leave message) (e-mail: [email protected]) Stickers may be purchased by 2 methods:
1 roll of 500 stickers - $23.30 ($15 + $8.30 USPS Priority shipping).
1 roll of 1000 stickers - $38.30 ($30 + $8.30 USPS Priority shipping).
Make Checks out to: IER&PA
Advance payment is necessary for stickers.(Turnaround time is about 1 ½ weeks). NO COD orders will be accepted.
You may order official NRA targets from: American Target CO., 1328 So. Jason St., Denver, CO 80223. (1-303-733-0433) (Fax: 1-303-777-0311) (www.americantargetcompany.com)
SCORING: *****Report All Xs on Score Sheets*****
List the shooters: beginning with the highest score first and continue listing in descending order on the score sheet. Calculate the team score. Fill in the area to report the team name and class. Also, include Extra shooters results as their results will be submitted to the NRA records, but not calculated into a team score. DOUBLE and TRIPLE check your addition for the total team score. If the addition is in error and you have under scored, then your score will remain as reported. If the addition is in error and you have over scored, then the correction will be made. Please report scores for all positions shot so tiebreakers may be determined correctly. "SCORES MUST include the number of Xs for both rifle and pistol." (Scoring X’s refer to NRA Rule 14.3b and Center shots NRA Rule 14.3e)
Scores are now being posted through the web site http://ierpa.postalleague.com/. If assistance is needed, email the Match Director. Scores must be posted to the web site, mailed, or e-mailed to the Match Director (Form provided by the Association). Those scores arriving late will be forfeited. SCORES for the FIRST Week must be in the hands of the Match Director NO LATER THAN NOON TUESDAY, January 12th, 2021. It is "VERY" important that all scores are in on time in order to be published. The Match Director will make NO exceptions. The scores shall continue to be mailed each week thereafter until the ten matches are completed. Scores submitted early are welcome and encouraged. The results begin appearing tentatively January 12, 2021
(Don’t hesitate to consider shooting and sending results in early.)
HANDICAP: If a team is short a member then the team may be handicapped one shooter. This shooters score will be calculated at 80% of the average of the other members’ scores on the team. A team can only be handicapped the maximum of one shooter and only on the lowest team entered in the postal for a discipline.
ENTRY FEES: $20.00 per each four person team, plus include $5.00 for NRA (FLAT FEE) registration required for each individual entered from the club to cover all disciplines. If a participant chooses to shoot both rifle and pistol, or both junior and senior rifle only $1.00 is required for that one shooter. (Entry Fee ex: A club enters two teams with 10 shooters on the roster; the entry fee would be $50.00.) Mail entries to: Inland Empire Rifle and Pistol Association, c/o Craig Speirs PO Box 806, Medical Lake, WA 99022. The entry fees must be in the hands of the Match Director no later than December 1st, 2019.
ALL CLUBS MUST INCLUDE A ROSTER OF ALL SHOOTERS: THEIR FULL NAMES, ADDRESSES, BIRTHDATES, and NRA ID NUMBERS for the purpose of submitting the scores to the NRA for classification as this is a registered league. Clubs that do not submit the required information forfeit awards; yet must still pay the $1.00 NRA shooter’s fee. The tentative roster is to be included with the first week’s scores. Clubs which participated in the postal last season may have a roster sheet included with this bulletin, if so, please update and return by snail mail or email, as this list shows the current information in the Association records.
Awards will be given to top junior shooters in both pistol and rifle disciplines. A junior is classified as stated in the Course of Fire section of this bulletin. Please highlight any junior shooter on your roster. Thanks!
All ties in the final AGGREGATE standings will be broken by the scores fired in the tenth weeks match. Remember to report the X count, it is important!
CHALLENGE: Protests must be made within two weeks after the publication of the score that is being challenged. All targets in protest from the challenged team and the protesting team will be reviewed. Challenge fee is $3.00 per week challenged. Only up to three protests will be allowed from any one club or its members per season.
BULLETIN: Results will appear on the association’s web site http://www.ierpa.org. The weekly results can be mailed for an additional $7.00 to cover postage. Also, results can be emailed in Excel.
AWARDS: The winning team will be determined by the total team aggregate for the ten weeks. It is important to not miss a week of firing. Get your scores in on time!!!!
Winning teams name will be engraved on the following challenge trophies; The Inland Empire Rifle & Pistol Association trophy for class AA and class D Rifle; The IER&PA trophy for class A Rifle; The Jensen-Byrd trophy for class B and the Marshall Wells trophy for class C Rifle. Pistol winners challenge trophies are as follows; The IER&PA trophy for class A Pistol; The Bill Hatch trophy for class B; The IER&PA trophy for class C: the Holt Memorial trophy for class D, and the Inland Empire Pistol Trophies for Class E, EE, G, H and possibly I. Other awards will be as follows: each class with 3 through 5 teams will be given 1st and 2nd place awards. Classes with 6 through 11 teams will be given 1st, 2nd and 3rd places. Pistol groups are to be limited to 9 teams per group. (Match director will make judgment call per 2009 minutes) There will also be an award for High man & High lady in Rifle and Pistol. High Junior girl and boy in Rifle and Pistol will also receive awards. Two Perpetual trophies for Junior Rifle Class A and B teams: Bill Havercroft and Warren Ratcliffe. Class F & G pistol trophy to be announced. If over two junior pistol teams participate, top team will be recognized. Challenge trophies are displayed at the Sandpoint Gun Club, Sandpoint, Idaho - sponsors of the Annual Columbia State Match. | Targets:
| Organizer Approval Required to ParticipateOpen to teams Individual scores will be derived from team scores 4 person teams. Teams are defined by score - top shooters are the team Fee: $4.00 per person $20.00, per team
This competition is closed | | Details: IER&PA MEMBERSHIP IS REQUIRED TO PARTICIPATE
Please contact Craig Speirs at [email protected] about becoming a member.
The 101st Annual Rifle Postal Tournament of the IER&PA will begin firing the month of January 2022 and continue firing for ten consecutive weeks.
The tournament is open to any rifle or pistol club in the Inland Empire, or by invitation provided, they are affiliated with the National Rifle Association. Clubs may enter one or more four-person teams. No individual may fire more than the ten matches and may only fire on one team Except for Junior Rifle who may shoot for a Junior and Senior team. Two clubs may combine to form one team. Some clubs have found it to their advantage to have a score or two fired ahead of the due date and into the Secretary in order to take care of unforeseen occurrences such as inclement weather, sickness, holidays, mail delays, non working fax or phone lines complications, etc. (Remember how typical winters can be!) | | Rules:
ARMS: Any smallbore .22 caliber rifle, NRA rule 3.2 (any safe trigger).
SIGHTS: Any sights for Senior Rifle. Juniors must use iron sights for the Junior Rifle Division.
COURSE OF FIRE: All firing will be done in the presence of at least one club officer of the participating club. All scores will be certified by such officer as being fired in accordance to the NRA Gallery Rifle & Pistol Rules. Being an NRA regulated Match, once a set of targets is started, they have to be shot at that event not spread out over days or shot randomly for convenience. The club officer in charge may use bullet gauges. Mark every shot on the target where the gauge is used. Targets may not be mailed to a shooter in another city except in the case when two clubs combine to form one team. It is permissible for a team member to take their targets to another range and fire them when they travel to another club for a shoulder to shoulder match.
Senior Rifle: A-17 targets. Ten shots in each of the four positions. Ten minutes for each prone, sitting and kneeling position. Fifteen minutes for standing.
(Juniors exception: If a junior team wishes to shoot with or without a scope and A-17 targets they may enter as a senior rifle team. NRA smallbore rifles rule 3.2 will prevail, which may include hook butt plates and palm rests.
Pistol: B2 and B3 targets. Two five shot strings for each of slow, timed and rapid fire. Ten shots per target. Slow fire timing is ten minutes for ten shots. Timed fire is 20 seconds for each five shot string. Rapid fire is ten seconds for each five shot string.
Junior Rifle: NRA/USA 50 targets. Regulation quarter course of fire, three position. Ten minutes for prone. Fifteen minutes for kneeling. Twenty minutes for standing. NRA rules will apply. Iron sights only.
****Any Person may compete as a Junior through December 31st of the calendar year in which his or her 20th birthday occurs. Any Junior that begins the competition as a Junior may finish as a Junior recognizing that this competition officially begins on January 2nd each year, regardless of when the first targets are shot.****
SIGHTING SHOTS: Sighting shots allowed for rifle, using allotted time for that position. Handguns may use practice targets for sighting. The numbered targets are for record only.
CLASSIFICATION: All teams will be classified after three weeks. This will enable the teams to be classified on their shooting ability this year, as clubs may lose or pick-up shooters during the summer months. The first two weeks the teams will not be broken into classes. The third week the teams will be listed with their classification for the year. This had been discussed and voted on by the membership at the Columbia State meeting held spring of 1996.
TARGETS: ****All****targets must have the (Official NRA Competition Seal” and have the “Official Sticker Label of Inland Empire Rifle & Pistol Association” placed on the backside of the Bull (Pistol) or #1 Bull (rifle). and numbered numerically. Range officers will issue targets in numbered sequence to their teams and any break in the sequence will be subject to question. It is the prerogative of the assigned Association Officer to call any or all targets of a match for inspection.
All labels must be placed on the backside of the targets before they are shot: For Pistol targets place the labels in the center back behind the 10 ring. For rifle targets place the label on the back behind the #1 bull (not the sighter!).
If a club is using official IER&PA labels instead of official IER&PA targets, please follow these guidelines: All labels must be placed on the backside of the targets before they are shot: For Pistol targets place the labels in the center back behind the 10 ring. For rifle targets place the label on the back behind the #1 bull (not the sighter!).
*** "Remember, place the label on the backside before the target is shot at." *** It should be noted that additional care must be exercised to keep the targets in a consecutive numbered order for each week. This is often done in advance by setting up the targets in a block for each week with the names of the individuals and the match numbers filled in to avoid confusion at a later date. All targets must be kept for three weeks after the last Tuesday of the posted scheduled session – see published schedule.
FOR OFFICIAL IER&PA STICKERS CONTACT Scott Lorenz, P.O. Box 2243, Bothell, WA 98041 (tel: 1-425-971-4151, leave message) (e-mail: [email protected]) Stickers: $15 per roll of 500 stickers plus $8.45 USPS Priority shipping. Note: $30 per 1000 sticker roll which fits in the same shipping box, so more cost effective for your team - $30+$8.45. Advance payment is necessary for stickers. NO COD orders will be accepted. (Checks made out to: IER&PA) Turnaround time is about 1 1/2 weeks.
You may order official NRA targets from: American Target CO., 1328 So. Jason St., Denver, CO 80223. (1-303-733-0433) (Fax: 1-303-777-0311) (www.americantargetcompany.com)
SCORING: *****Report All Xs on Score Sheets*****
List the shooters: beginning with the highest score first and continue listing in descending order on the score sheet. Calculate the team score. Fill in the area to report the team name and class. Also, include Extra shooters results as their results will be submitted to the NRA records, but not calculated into a team score. DOUBLE and TRIPLE check your addition for the total team score. If the addition is in error and you have under scored, then your score will remain as reported. If the addition is in error and you have over scored, then the correction will be made. Please report scores for all positions shot so tiebreakers may be determined correctly. "SCORES MUST include the number of Xs for both rifle and pistol." (Scoring X’s refer to NRA Rule 14.3b and Center shots NRA Rule 14.3e)
Scores are now being posted through the web site http://ierpa.postalleague.com/. If assistance is needed, email the Match Director. Scores must be posted to the web site, mailed, or e-mailed to the Match Director (Form provided by the Association). Those scores arriving late will be forfeited. SCORES for the FIRST Week must be in the hands of the Match Director NO LATER THAN NOON TUESDAY, January 11th, 2022. It is "VERY" important that all scores are in on time in order to be published. The Match Director will make NO exceptions. The scores shall continue to be mailed each week thereafter until the ten matches are completed. Scores submitted early are welcome and encouraged. The results begin appearing tentatively January 11, 2022
(Don’t hesitate to consider shooting and sending results in early.)
HANDICAP: If a team is short a member then the team may be handicapped one shooter. This shooters score will be calculated at 80% of the average of the other members’ scores on the team. A team can only be handicapped the maximum of one shooter and only on the lowest team entered in the postal for a discipline.
ENTRY FEES: $20.00 per each four person team, plus include $5.00 for NRA (FLAT FEE) registration required for each individual entered from the club to cover all disciplines. If a participant chooses to shoot both rifle and pistol, or both junior and senior rifle only $1.00 is required for that one shooter. (Entry Fee ex: A club enters two teams with 10 shooters on the roster; the entry fee would be $50.00.) Mail entries to: Inland Empire Rifle and Pistol Association, c/o Craig Speirs PO Box 806, Medical Lake, WA 99022. The entry fees must be in the hands of the Match Director no later than December 1st, 2021.
ALL CLUBS MUST INCLUDE A ROSTER OF ALL SHOOTERS: THEIR FULL NAMES, ADDRESSES, BIRTHDATES, and NRA ID NUMBERS for the purpose of submitting the scores to the NRA for classification as this is a registered league. Clubs that do not submit the required information forfeit awards; yet must still pay the $1.00 NRA shooter’s fee. The tentative roster is to be included with the first week’s scores. Clubs which participated in the postal last season may have a roster sheet included with this bulletin, if so, please update and return by snail mail or email, as this list shows the current information in the Association records.
Awards will be given to top junior shooters in both pistol and rifle disciplines. A junior is classified as stated in the Course of Fire section of this bulletin. Please highlight any junior shooter on your roster. Thanks!
All ties in the final AGGREGATE standings will be broken by the scores fired in the tenth weeks match. Remember to report the X count, it is important!
CHALLENGE: Protests must be made within two weeks after the publication of the score that is being challenged. All targets in protest from the challenged team and the protesting team will be reviewed. Challenge fee is $3.00 per week challenged. Only up to three protests will be allowed from any one club or its members per season.
BULLETIN: Results will appear on the association’s web site http://www.ierpa.org. The weekly results can be mailed for an additional $7.00 to cover postage. Also, results can be emailed in Excel.
AWARDS: The winning team will be determined by the total team aggregate for the ten weeks. It is important to not miss a week of firing. Get your scores in on time!!!!
Winning teams name will be engraved on the following challenge trophies; The Inland Empire Rifle & Pistol Association trophy for class AA and class D Rifle; The IER&PA trophy for class A Rifle; The Jensen-Byrd trophy for class B and the Marshall Wells trophy for class C Rifle. Pistol winners challenge trophies are as follows; The IER&PA trophy for class A Pistol; The Bill Hatch trophy for class B; The IER&PA trophy for class C: the Holt Memorial trophy for class D, and the Inland Empire Pistol Trophies for Class E, EE, G, H and possibly I. Other awards will be as follows: each class with 3 through 5 teams will be given 1st and 2nd place awards. Classes with 6 through 11 teams will be given 1st, 2nd and 3rd places. Pistol groups are to be limited to 9 teams per group. (Match director will make judgment call per 2009 minutes) There will also be an award for High man & High lady in Rifle and Pistol. High Junior girl and boy in Rifle and Pistol will also receive awards. Two Perpetual trophies for Junior Rifle Class A and B teams: Bill Havercroft and Warren Ratcliffe. Class F & G pistol trophy to be announced. If over two junior pistol teams participate, top team will be recognized. Challenge trophies are displayed at the Sandpoint Gun Club, Sandpoint, Idaho - sponsors of the Annual Columbia State Match. | Targets:
- Prone
- Sitting
- Kneeling
- Standing
| Organizer Approval Required to ParticipateOpen to teams Individual scores will be derived from team scores 4 person teams. Teams are defined by score - top shooters are the team Fee: $4.00 per person $20.00, per team
This competition is closed | | Details: IER&PA MEMBERSHIP IS REQUIRED TO PARTICIPATE
Please contact Craig Speirs at [email protected] about becoming a member.
78th Annual Pistol Tournament of the IER&PA will begin firing the month of January 2022 and continue firing for ten consecutive weeks.
The tournament is open to any rifle or pistol club in the Inland Empire, or by invitation provided, they are affiliated with the National Rifle Association. Clubs may enter one or more four-person teams. No individual may fire more than the ten matches and may only fire on one team Except for Junior Rifle who may shoot for a Junior and Senior team. Two clubs may combine to form one team. Some clubs have found it to their advantage to have a score or two fired ahead of the due date and into the Secretary in order to take care of unforeseen occurrences such as inclement weather, sickness, holidays, mail delays, non working fax or phone lines complications, etc. (Remember how typical winters can be!)
| | Rules:
ARMS: Any .22 caliber pistol or revolver, NRA rule: 3.4 (no less than 2 lb. trigger).
SIGHTS: Juniors must use iron sights.
COURSE OF FIRE: All firing will be done in the presence of at least one club officer of the participating club. All scores will be certified by such officer as being fired in accordance to the NRA Gallery Rifle & Pistol Rules. Being an NRA regulated Match, once a set of targets is started, they have to be shot at that event not spread out over days or shot randomly for convenience. The club officer in charge may use bullet gauges. Mark every shot on the target where the gauge is used. Targets may not be mailed to a shooter in another city except in the case when two clubs combine to form one team. It is permissible for a team member to take their targets to another range and fire them when they travel to another club for a shoulder to shoulder match.
Senior Rifle: A-17 targets. Ten shots in each of the four positions. Ten minutes for each prone, sitting and kneeling position. Fifteen minutes for standing.
(Juniors exception: If a junior team wishes to shoot with or without a scope and A-17 targets they may enter as a senior rifle team. NRA smallbore rifles rule 3.2 will prevail, which may include hook butt plates and palm rests.
Pistol: B2 and B3 targets. Two five shot strings for each of slow, timed and rapid fire. Ten shots per target. Slow fire timing is ten minutes for ten shots. Timed fire is 20 seconds for each five shot string. Rapid fire is ten seconds for each five shot string.
Junior Rifle: NRA/USA 50 targets. Regulation quarter course of fire, three position. Ten minutes for prone. Fifteen minutes for kneeling. Twenty minutes for standing. NRA rules will apply. Iron sights only.
****Any Person may compete as a Junior through December 31st of the calendar year in which his or her 20th birthday occurs. Any Junior that begins the competition as a Junior may finish as a Junior recognizing that this competition officially begins on January 2nd each year, regardless of when the first targets are shot.****
SIGHTING SHOTS: Sighting shots allowed for rifle, using allotted time for that position. Handguns may use practice targets for sighting. The numbered targets are for record only.
CLASSIFICATION: All teams will be classified after three weeks. This will enable the teams to be classified on their shooting ability this year, as clubs may lose or pick-up shooters during the summer months. The first two weeks the teams will not be broken into classes. The third week the teams will be listed with their classification for the year. This had been discussed and voted on by the membership at the Columbia State meeting held spring of 1996.
TARGETS: ****All****targets must have the (Official NRA Competition Seal” and have the “Official Sticker Label of Inland Empire Rifle & Pistol Association” placed on the backside of the Bull (Pistol) or #1 Bull (rifle). and numbered numerically. Range officers will issue targets in numbered sequence to their teams and any break in the sequence will be subject to question. It is the prerogative of the assigned Association Officer to call any or all targets of a match for inspection.
All labels must be placed on the backside of the targets before they are shot: For Pistol targets place the labels in the center back behind the 10 ring. For rifle targets place the label on the back behind the #1 bull (not the sighter!).
If a club is using official IER&PA labels instead of official IER&PA targets, please follow these guidelines: All labels must be placed on the backside of the targets before they are shot: For Pistol targets place the labels in the center back behind the 10 ring. For rifle targets place the label on the back behind the #1 bull (not the sighter!).
*** "Remember, place the label on the backside before the target is shot at." *** It should be noted that additional care must be exercised to keep the targets in a consecutive numbered order for each week. This is often done in advance by setting up the targets in a block for each week with the names of the individuals and the match numbers filled in to avoid confusion at a later date. All targets must be kept for three weeks after the last Tuesday of the posted scheduled session – see published schedule.
FOR OFFICIAL IER&PA STICKERS CONTACT Scott Lorenz, P.O. Box 2243, Bothell, WA 98041 (tel: 1-425-971-4151, leave message) (e-mail: [email protected]) Stickers: $15 per roll of 500 stickers plus $8.45 USPS Priority shipping. Note: $30 per 1000 sticker roll which fits in the same shipping box, so more cost effective for your team - $30+$8.45. Advance payment is necessary for stickers. NO COD orders will be accepted. (Checks made out to: IER&PA) Turnaround time is about 1 1/2 weeks.
You may order official NRA targets from: American Target CO., 1328 So. Jason St., Denver, CO 80223. (1-303-733-0433) (Fax: 1-303-777-0311) (www.americantargetcompany.com)
SCORING: *****Report All Xs on Score Sheets*****
List the shooters: beginning with the highest score first and continue listing in descending order on the score sheet. Calculate the team score. Fill in the area to report the team name and class. Also, include Extra shooters results as their results will be submitted to the NRA records, but not calculated into a team score. DOUBLE and TRIPLE check your addition for the total team score. If the addition is in error and you have under scored, then your score will remain as reported. If the addition is in error and you have over scored, then the correction will be made. Please report scores for all positions shot so tiebreakers may be determined correctly. "SCORES MUST include the number of Xs for both rifle and pistol." (Scoring X’s refer to NRA Rule 14.3b and Center shots NRA Rule 14.3e)
Scores are now being posted through the web site http://ierpa.postalleague.com/. If assistance is needed, email the Match Director. Scores must be posted to the web site, mailed, or e-mailed to the Match Director (Form provided by the Association). Those scores arriving late will be forfeited. SCORES for the FIRST Week must be in the hands of the Match Director NO LATER THAN NOON TUESDAY, January 11th, 2022. It is "VERY" important that all scores are in on time in order to be published. The Match Director will make NO exceptions. The scores shall continue to be mailed each week thereafter until the ten matches are completed. Scores submitted early are welcome and encouraged. The results begin appearing tentatively January 11, 2022.
(Don’t hesitate to consider shooting and sending results in early.)
HANDICAP: If a team is short a member then the team may be handicapped one shooter. This shooters score will be calculated at 80% of the average of the other members’ scores on the team. A team can only be handicapped the maximum of one shooter and only on the lowest team entered in the postal for a discipline.
ENTRY FEES: $20.00 per each four person team, plus include $5.00 for NRA (FLAT FEE) registration required for each individual entered from the club to cover all disciplines. If a participant chooses to shoot both rifle and pistol, or both junior and senior rifle only $1.00 is required for that one shooter. (Entry Fee ex: A club enters two teams with 10 shooters on the roster; the entry fee would be $50.00.) Mail entries to: Inland Empire Rifle and Pistol Association, c/o Craig Speirs PO Box 806, Medical Lake, WA 99022. The entry fees must be in the hands of the Match Director no later than December 1st, 2021.
ALL CLUBS MUST INCLUDE A ROSTER OF ALL SHOOTERS: THEIR FULL NAMES, ADDRESSES, BIRTHDATES, and NRA ID NUMBERS for the purpose of submitting the scores to the NRA for classification as this is a registered league. Clubs that do not submit the required information forfeit awards; yet must still pay the $1.00 NRA shooter’s fee. The tentative roster is to be included with the first week’s scores. Clubs which participated in the postal last season may have a roster sheet included with this bulletin, if so, please update and return by snail mail or email, as this list shows the current information in the Association records.
Awards will be given to top junior shooters in both pistol and rifle disciplines. A junior is classified as stated in the Course of Fire section of this bulletin. Please highlight any junior shooter on your roster. Thanks!
All ties in the final AGGREGATE standings will be broken by the scores fired in the tenth weeks match. Remember to report the X count, it is important!
CHALLENGE: Protests must be made within two weeks after the publication of the score that is being challenged. All targets in protest from the challenged team and the protesting team will be reviewed. Challenge fee is $3.00 per week challenged. Only up to three protests will be allowed from any one club or its members per season.
BULLETIN: Results will appear on the association’s web site http://www.ierpa.org. The weekly results can be mailed for an additional $7.00 to cover postage. Also, results can be emailed in Excel.
AWARDS: The winning team will be determined by the total team aggregate for the ten weeks. It is important to not miss a week of firing. Get your scores in on time!!!!
Winning teams name will be engraved on the following challenge trophies; The Inland Empire Rifle & Pistol Association trophy for class AA and class D Rifle; The IER&PA trophy for class A Rifle; The Jensen-Byrd trophy for class B and the Marshall Wells trophy for class C Rifle. Pistol winners challenge trophies are as follows; The IER&PA trophy for class A Pistol; The Bill Hatch trophy for class B; The IER&PA trophy for class C: the Holt Memorial trophy for class D, and the Inland Empire Pistol Trophies for Class E, EE, G, H and possibly I. Other awards will be as follows: each class with 3 through 5 teams will be given 1st and 2nd place awards. Classes with 6 through 11 teams will be given 1st, 2nd and 3rd places. Pistol groups are to be limited to 9 teams per group. (Match director will make judgment call per 2009 minutes) There will also be an award for High man & High lady in Rifle and Pistol. High Junior girl and boy in Rifle and Pistol will also receive awards. Two Perpetual trophies for Junior Rifle Class A and B teams: Bill Havercroft and Warren Ratcliffe. Class F & G pistol trophy to be announced. If over two junior pistol teams participate, top team will be recognized. Challenge trophies are displayed at the Sandpoint Gun Club, Sandpoint, Idaho - sponsors of the Annual Columbia State Match. | Targets:
| Organizer Approval Required to ParticipateOpen to teams Individual scores will be derived from team scores 4 person teams. Teams are defined by score - top shooters are the team Fee: $4.00 per person $20.00, per team
This competition is closed | | Details: IER&PA MEMBERSHIP IS REQUIRED TO PARTICIPATE
Please contact Craig Speirs at [email protected] about becoming a member.
The Annual Jr. Rifle Postal Tournament of the IER&PA will begin firing the month of January 2022 and continue firing for ten consecutive weeks.
The tournament is open to any rifle or pistol club in the Inland Empire, or by invitation provided, they are affiliated with the National Rifle Association. Clubs may enter one or more four-person teams. No individual may fire more than the ten matches and may only fire on one team Except for Junior Rifle who may shoot for a Junior and Senior team. Two clubs may combine to form one team. Some clubs have found it to their advantage to have a score or two fired ahead of the due date and into the Secretary in order to take care of unforeseen occurrences such as inclement weather, sickness, holidays, mail delays, non working fax or phone lines complications, etc. (Remember how typical winters can be!) | | Rules:
ARMS: Any smallbore .22 caliber rifle, NRA rule 3.2 (any safe trigger). Any .22 caliber pistol or revolver, NRA rule: 3.4 (no less than 2 lb. trigger).
SIGHTS: Any sights for Pistol and Senior Rifle. Juniors must use iron sights for the Junior Rifle Division.
COURSE OF FIRE: All firing will be done in the presence of at least one club officer of the participating club. All scores will be certified by such officer as being fired in accordance to the NRA Gallery Rifle & Pistol Rules. Being an NRA regulated Match, once a set of targets is started, they have to be shot at that event not spread out over days or shot randomly for convenience. The club officer in charge may use bullet gauges. Mark every shot on the target where the gauge is used. Targets may not be mailed to a shooter in another city except in the case when two clubs combine to form one team. It is permissible for a team member to take their targets to another range and fire them when they travel to another club for a shoulder to shoulder match.
Senior Rifle: A-17 targets. Ten shots in each of the four positions. Ten minutes for each prone, sitting and kneeling position. Fifteen minutes for standing.
(Juniors exception: If a junior team wishes to shoot with or without a scope and A-17 targets they may enter as a senior rifle team. NRA smallbore rifles rule 3.2 will prevail, which may include hook butt plates and palm rests.
Pistol: B2 and B3 targets. Two five shot strings for each of slow, timed and rapid fire. Ten shots per target. Slow fire timing is ten minutes for ten shots. Timed fire is 20 seconds for each five shot string. Rapid fire is ten seconds for each five shot string.
Junior Rifle: NRA/USA 50 targets. Regulation quarter course of fire, three position. Ten minutes for prone. Fifteen minutes for kneeling. Twenty minutes for standing. NRA rules will apply. Iron sights only.
****Any Person may compete as a Junior through December 31st of the calendar year in which his or her 20th birthday occurs. Any Junior that begins the competition as a Junior may finish as a Junior recognizing that this competition officially begins on January 2nd each year, regardless of when the first targets are shot.****
SIGHTING SHOTS: Sighting shots allowed for rifle, using allotted time for that position. Handguns may use practice targets for sighting. The numbered targets are for record only.
CLASSIFICATION: All teams will be classified after three weeks. This will enable the teams to be classified on their shooting ability this year, as clubs may lose or pick-up shooters during the summer months. The first two weeks the teams will not be broken into classes. The third week the teams will be listed with their classification for the year. This had been discussed and voted on by the membership at the Columbia State meeting held spring of 1996.
TARGETS: ****All****targets must have the (Official NRA Competition Seal” and have the “Official Sticker Label of Inland Empire Rifle & Pistol Association” placed on the backside of the Bull (Pistol) or #1 Bull (rifle). and numbered numerically. Range officers will issue targets in numbered sequence to their teams and any break in the sequence will be subject to question. It is the prerogative of the assigned Association Officer to call any or all targets of a match for inspection.
All labels must be placed on the backside of the targets before they are shot: For Pistol targets place the labels in the center back behind the 10 ring. For rifle targets place the label on the back behind the #1 bull (not the sighter!).
If a club is using official IER&PA labels instead of official IER&PA targets, please follow these guidelines: All labels must be placed on the backside of the targets before they are shot: For Pistol targets place the labels in the center back behind the 10 ring. For rifle targets place the label on the back behind the #1 bull (not the sighter!).
*** "Remember, place the label on the backside before the target is shot at." *** It should be noted that additional care must be exercised to keep the targets in a consecutive numbered order for each week. This is often done in advance by setting up the targets in a block for each week with the names of the individuals and the match numbers filled in to avoid confusion at a later date. All targets must be kept for three weeks after the last Tuesday of the posted scheduled session – see published schedule.
FOR OFFICIAL IER&PA STICKERS CONTACT Scott Lorenz, P.O. Box 2243, Bothell, WA 98041 (tel: 1-425-971-4151, leave message) (e-mail: [email protected]) Stickers: $15 per roll of 500 stickers plus $8.45 USPS Priority shipping. Note: $30 per 1000 sticker roll which fits in the same shipping box, so more cost effective for your team - $30+$8.45. Advance payment is necessary for stickers. NO COD orders will be accepted. (Checks made out to: IER&PA) Turnaround time is about 1 1/2 weeks.
You may order official NRA targets from: American Target CO., 1328 So. Jason St., Denver, CO 80223. (1-303-733-0433) (Fax: 1-303-777-0311) (www.americantargetcompany.com)
SCORING: *****Report All Xs on Score Sheets*****
List the shooters: beginning with the highest score first and continue listing in descending order on the score sheet. Calculate the team score. Fill in the area to report the team name and class. Also, include Extra shooters results as their results will be submitted to the NRA records, but not calculated into a team score. DOUBLE and TRIPLE check your addition for the total team score. If the addition is in error and you have under scored, then your score will remain as reported. If the addition is in error and you have over scored, then the correction will be made. Please report scores for all positions shot so tiebreakers may be determined correctly. "SCORES MUST include the number of Xs for both rifle and pistol." (Scoring X’s refer to NRA Rule 14.3b and Center shots NRA Rule 14.3e)
Scores are now being posted through the web site http://ierpa.postalleague.com/. If assistance is needed, email the Match Director. Scores must be posted to the web site, mailed, or e-mailed to the Match Director (Form provided by the Association). Those scores arriving late will be forfeited. SCORES for the FIRST Week must be in the hands of the Match Director NO LATER THAN NOON TUESDAY, January 11th, 2022. It is "VERY" important that all scores are in on time in order to be published. The Match Director will make NO exceptions. The scores shall continue to be mailed each week thereafter until the ten matches are completed. Scores submitted early are welcome and encouraged. The results begin appearing tentatively January 11, 2022
(Don’t hesitate to consider shooting and sending results in early.)
HANDICAP: If a team is short a member then the team may be handicapped one shooter. This shooters score will be calculated at 80% of the average of the other members’ scores on the team. A team can only be handicapped the maximum of one shooter and only on the lowest team entered in the postal for a discipline.
ENTRY FEES: $20.00 per each four person team, plus include $5.00 for NRA (FLAT FEE) registration required for each individual entered from the club to cover all disciplines. If a participant chooses to shoot both rifle and pistol, or both junior and senior rifle only $1.00 is required for that one shooter. (Entry Fee ex: A club enters two teams with 10 shooters on the roster; the entry fee would be $50.00.) Mail entries to: Inland Empire Rifle and Pistol Association, c/o Craig Speirs PO Box 806, Medical Lake, WA 99022. The entry fees must be in the hands of the Match Director no later than December 1st, 2021.
ALL CLUBS MUST INCLUDE A ROSTER OF ALL SHOOTERS: THEIR FULL NAMES, ADDRESSES, BIRTHDATES, and NRA ID NUMBERS for the purpose of submitting the scores to the NRA for classification as this is a registered league. Clubs that do not submit the required information forfeit awards; yet must still pay the $1.00 NRA shooter’s fee. The tentative roster is to be included with the first week’s scores. Clubs which participated in the postal last season may have a roster sheet included with this bulletin, if so, please update and return by snail mail or email, as this list shows the current information in the Association records.
Awards will be given to top junior shooters in both pistol and rifle disciplines. A junior is classified as stated in the Course of Fire section of this bulletin. Please highlight any junior shooter on your roster. Thanks!
All ties in the final AGGREGATE standings will be broken by the scores fired in the tenth weeks match. Remember to report the X count, it is important!
CHALLENGE: Protests must be made within two weeks after the publication of the score that is being challenged. All targets in protest from the challenged team and the protesting team will be reviewed. Challenge fee is $3.00 per week challenged. Only up to three protests will be allowed from any one club or its members per season.
BULLETIN: Results will appear on the association’s web site http://www.ierpa.org. The weekly results can be mailed for an additional $7.00 to cover postage. Also, results can be emailed in Excel.
AWARDS: The winning team will be determined by the total team aggregate for the ten weeks. It is important to not miss a week of firing. Get your scores in on time!!!!
Winning teams name will be engraved on the following challenge trophies; The Inland Empire Rifle & Pistol Association trophy for class AA and class D Rifle; The IER&PA trophy for class A Rifle; The Jensen-Byrd trophy for class B and the Marshall Wells trophy for class C Rifle. Pistol winners challenge trophies are as follows; The IER&PA trophy for class A Pistol; The Bill Hatch trophy for class B; The IER&PA trophy for class C: the Holt Memorial trophy for class D, and the Inland Empire Pistol Trophies for Class E, EE, G, H and possibly I. Other awards will be as follows: each class with 3 through 5 teams will be given 1st and 2nd place awards. Classes with 6 through 11 teams will be given 1st, 2nd and 3rd places. Pistol groups are to be limited to 9 teams per group. (Match director will make judgment call per 2009 minutes) There will also be an award for High man & High lady in Rifle and Pistol. High Junior girl and boy in Rifle and Pistol will also receive awards. Two Perpetual trophies for Junior Rifle Class A and B teams: Bill Havercroft and Warren Ratcliffe. Class F & G pistol trophy to be announced. If over two junior pistol teams participate, top team will be recognized. Challenge trophies are displayed at the Sandpoint Gun Club, Sandpoint, Idaho - sponsors of the Annual Columbia State Match. | Targets:
| Organizer Approval Required to ParticipateOpen to teams Individual scores will be derived from team scores 4 person teams. Teams are defined by score - top shooters are the team Fee: $4.00 per person $20.00, per team
This competition is closed | | Details: IER&PA MEMBERSHIP IS REQUIRED TO PARTICIPATE
Please contact Craig Speirs at [email protected] about becoming a member.
The 102nd Annual Rifle Postal Tournament of the IER&PA will begin firing the month of January 2023 and continue firing for ten consecutive weeks.
The tournament is open to any rifle or pistol club in the Inland Empire, or by invitation provided, they are affiliated with the National Rifle Association. Clubs may enter one or more four-person teams. No individual may fire more than the ten matches and may only fire on one team Except for Junior Rifle who may shoot for a Junior and Senior team. Two clubs may combine to form one team. Some clubs have found it to their advantage to have a score or two fired ahead of the due date and into the Secretary in order to take care of unforeseen occurrences such as inclement weather, sickness, holidays, mail delays, non working fax or phone lines complications, etc. (Remember how typical winters can be!) | | Rules:
ARMS: Any smallbore .22 caliber rifle, NRA rule 3.2 (any safe trigger).
SIGHTS: Any sights for Senior Rifle. Juniors must use iron sights for the Junior Rifle Division.
COURSE OF FIRE: All firing will be done in the presence of at least one club officer of the participating club. All scores will be certified by such officer as being fired in accordance to the NRA Gallery Rifle & Pistol Rules. Being an NRA regulated Match, once a set of targets is started, they have to be shot at that event not spread out over days or shot randomly for convenience. The club officer in charge may use bullet gauges. Mark every shot on the target where the gauge is used. Targets may not be mailed to a shooter in another city except in the case when two clubs combine to form one team. It is permissible for a team member to take their targets to another range and fire them when they travel to another club for a shoulder to shoulder match.
Senior Rifle: A-17 targets. Ten shots in each of the four positions. Ten minutes for each prone, sitting and kneeling position. Fifteen minutes for standing.
(Juniors exception: If a junior team wishes to shoot with or without a scope and A-17 targets they may enter as a senior rifle team. NRA smallbore rifles rule 3.2 will prevail, which may include hook butt plates and palm rests.
Pistol: B2 and B3 targets. Two five shot strings for each of slow, timed and rapid fire. Ten shots per target. Slow fire timing is ten minutes for ten shots. Timed fire is 20 seconds for each five shot string. Rapid fire is ten seconds for each five shot string.
Junior Rifle: NRA/USA 50 targets. Regulation quarter course of fire, three position. Ten minutes for prone. Fifteen minutes for kneeling. Twenty minutes for standing. NRA rules will apply. Iron sights only.
****Any Person may compete as a Junior through December 31st of the calendar year in which his or her 20th birthday occurs. Any Junior that begins the competition as a Junior may finish as a Junior recognizing that this competition officially begins on January 2nd each year, regardless of when the first targets are shot.****
SIGHTING SHOTS: Sighting shots allowed for rifle, using allotted time for that position. Handguns may use practice targets for sighting. The numbered targets are for record only.
CLASSIFICATION: All teams will be classified after three weeks. This will enable the teams to be classified on their shooting ability this year, as clubs may lose or pick-up shooters during the summer months. The first two weeks the teams will not be broken into classes. The third week the teams will be listed with their classification for the year. This had been discussed and voted on by the membership at the Columbia State meeting held spring of 1996.
TARGETS: ****All****targets must have the (Official NRA Competition Seal” and have the “Official Sticker Label of Inland Empire Rifle & Pistol Association” placed on the backside of the Bull (Pistol) or #1 Bull (rifle). and numbered numerically. Range officers will issue targets in numbered sequence to their teams and any break in the sequence will be subject to question. It is the prerogative of the assigned Association Officer to call any or all targets of a match for inspection.
All labels must be placed on the backside of the targets before they are shot: For Pistol targets place the labels in the center back behind the 10 ring. For rifle targets place the label on the back behind the #1 bull (not the sighter!).
If a club is using official IER&PA labels instead of official IER&PA targets, please follow these guidelines: All labels must be placed on the backside of the targets before they are shot: For Pistol targets place the labels in the center back behind the 10 ring. For rifle targets place the label on the back behind the #1 bull (not the sighter!).
*** "Remember, place the label on the backside before the target is shot at." *** It should be noted that additional care must be exercised to keep the targets in a consecutive numbered order for each week. This is often done in advance by setting up the targets in a block for each week with the names of the individuals and the match numbers filled in to avoid confusion at a later date. All targets must be kept for three weeks after the last Tuesday of the posted scheduled session – see published schedule.
FOR OFFICIAL IER&PA STICKERS CONTACT Scott Lorenz, P.O. Box 2243, Bothell, WA 98041 (tel: 1-425-971-4151, leave message) (e-mail: [email protected]) Stickers: $15 per roll of 500 stickers plus $10.00 USPS Priority shipping. Note: $30 per 1000 sticker roll which fits in the same shipping box, so more cost effective for your team - $30+$10.00. Advance payment is necessary for stickers. NO COD orders will be accepted. (Checks made out to: IER&PA) Turnaround time is about 1 1/2 weeks.
You may order official NRA targets from: American Target CO., 1328 So. Jason St., Denver, CO 80223. (1-303-733-0433) (Fax: 1-303-777-0311) (www.americantargetcompany.com)
SCORING: *****Report All Xs on Score Sheets*****
List the shooters: beginning with the highest score first and continue listing in descending order on the score sheet. Calculate the team score. Fill in the area to report the team name and class. Also, include Extra shooters results as their results will be submitted to the NRA records, but not calculated into a team score. DOUBLE and TRIPLE check your addition for the total team score. If the addition is in error and you have under scored, then your score will remain as reported. If the addition is in error and you have over scored, then the correction will be made. Please report scores for all positions shot so tiebreakers may be determined correctly. "SCORES MUST include the number of Xs for both rifle and pistol." (Scoring X’s refer to NRA Rule 14.3b and Center shots NRA Rule 14.3e)
Scores are now being posted through the web site http://ierpa.postalleague.com/. If assistance is needed, email the Match Director. Scores must be posted to the web site, mailed, or e-mailed to the Match Director (Form provided by the Association). Those scores arriving late will be forfeited. SCORES for the FIRST Week must be in the hands of the Match Director NO LATER THAN NOON TUESDAY, January 17th, 2023. It is "VERY" important that all scores are in on time in order to be published. The Match Director will make NO exceptions. The scores shall continue to be mailed each week thereafter until the ten matches are completed. Scores submitted early are welcome and encouraged. The results begin appearing tentatively January 18, 2023
(Don’t hesitate to consider shooting and sending results in early.)
HANDICAP: If a team is short a member then the team may be handicapped one shooter. This shooters score will be calculated at 80% of the average of the other members’ scores on the team. A team can only be handicapped the maximum of one shooter and only on the lowest team entered in the postal for a discipline.
ENTRY FEES: $20.00 per each four person team, plus include $10.00 for NRA (FLAT FEE) registration required for each individual entered from the club to cover all disciplines. If a participant chooses to shoot both rifle and pistol, or both junior and senior rifle only $10.00 is required for that one shooter. (Entry Fee ex: A club enters two teams with 10 shooters on the roster; the entry fee would be $140.00.) Mail entries to: Inland Empire Rifle and Pistol Association, c/o Craig Speirs PO Box 806, Medical Lake, WA 99022. The entry fees must be in the hands of the Match Director no later than December 1st, 2022.
ALL CLUBS MUST INCLUDE A ROSTER OF ALL SHOOTERS: THEIR FULL NAMES, ADDRESSES, BIRTHDATES, and NRA ID NUMBERS for the purpose of submitting the scores to the NRA for classification as this is a registered league. Clubs that do not submit the required information forfeit awards; yet must still pay the $10.00 NRA shooter’s fee. The tentative roster is to be included with the first week’s scores. Clubs which participated in the postal last season may have a roster sheet included with this bulletin, if so, please update and return by snail mail or email, as this list shows the current information in the Association records.
Awards will be given to top junior shooters in both pistol and rifle disciplines. A junior is classified as stated in the Course of Fire section of this bulletin. Please highlight any junior shooter on your roster. Thanks!
All ties in the final AGGREGATE standings will be broken by the scores fired in the tenth weeks match. Remember to report the X count, it is important!
CHALLENGE: Protests must be made within two weeks after the publication of the score that is being challenged. All targets in protest from the challenged team and the protesting team will be reviewed. Challenge fee is $3.00 per week challenged. Only up to three protests will be allowed from any one club or its members per season.
BULLETIN: Results will appear on the association’s web site http://www.ierpa.org. The weekly results can be mailed for an additional $8.00 to cover postage. Also, results can be emailed in Excel.
AWARDS: The winning team will be determined by the total team aggregate for the ten weeks. It is important to not miss a week of firing. Get your scores in on time!!!!
Winning teams name will be engraved on the following challenge trophies; The Inland Empire Rifle & Pistol Association trophy for class AA and class D Rifle; The IER&PA trophy for class A Rifle; The Jensen-Byrd trophy for class B and the Marshall Wells trophy for class C Rifle. Pistol winners challenge trophies are as follows; The IER&PA trophy for class A Pistol; The Bill Hatch trophy for class B; The IER&PA trophy for class C: the Holt Memorial trophy for class D, and the Inland Empire Pistol Trophies for Class E, EE, G, H and possibly I. Other awards will be as follows: each class with 3 through 5 teams will be given 1st and 2nd place awards. Classes with 6 through 11 teams will be given 1st, 2nd and 3rd places. Pistol groups are to be limited to 9 teams per group. (Match director will make judgment call per 2009 minutes) There will also be an award for High man & High lady in Rifle and Pistol. High Junior girl and boy in Rifle and Pistol will also receive awards. Two Perpetual trophies for Junior Rifle Class A and B teams: Bill Havercroft and Warren Ratcliffe. Class F & G pistol trophy to be announced. If over two junior pistol teams participate, top team will be recognized. Challenge trophies are displayed at the Sandpoint Gun Club, Sandpoint, Idaho - sponsors of the Annual Columbia State Match. | Targets:
- Prone
- Sitting
- Kneeling
- Standing
| Organizer Approval Required to ParticipateOpen to teams Individual scores will be derived from team scores 4 person teams. Teams are defined by score - top shooters are the team Fee: $4.00 per person $20.00, per team
This competition is closed | | Details: IER&PA MEMBERSHIP IS REQUIRED TO PARTICIPATE
Please contact Craig Speirs at [email protected] about becoming a member.
79th Annual Pistol Tournament of the IER&PA will begin firing the month of January 2023 and continue firing for ten consecutive weeks.
The tournament is open to any rifle or pistol club in the Inland Empire, or by invitation provided, they are affiliated with the National Rifle Association. Clubs may enter one or more four-person teams. No individual may fire more than the ten matches and may only fire on one team Except for Junior Rifle who may shoot for a Junior and Senior team. Two clubs may combine to form one team. Some clubs have found it to their advantage to have a score or two fired ahead of the due date and into the Secretary in order to take care of unforeseen occurrences such as inclement weather, sickness, holidays, mail delays, non working fax or phone lines complications, etc. (Remember how typical winters can be!)
| | Rules:
ARMS: Any .22 caliber pistol or revolver, NRA rule: 3.4 (no less than 2 lb. trigger).
SIGHTS: Juniors must use iron sights.
COURSE OF FIRE: All firing will be done in the presence of at least one club officer of the participating club. All scores will be certified by such officer as being fired in accordance to the NRA Gallery Rifle & Pistol Rules. Being an NRA regulated Match, once a set of targets is started, they have to be shot at that event not spread out over days or shot randomly for convenience. The club officer in charge may use bullet gauges. Mark every shot on the target where the gauge is used. Targets may not be mailed to a shooter in another city except in the case when two clubs combine to form one team. It is permissible for a team member to take their targets to another range and fire them when they travel to another club for a shoulder to shoulder match.
Senior Rifle: A-17 targets. Ten shots in each of the four positions. Ten minutes for each prone, sitting and kneeling position. Fifteen minutes for standing.
(Juniors exception: If a junior team wishes to shoot with or without a scope and A-17 targets they may enter as a senior rifle team. NRA smallbore rifles rule 3.2 will prevail, which may include hook butt plates and palm rests.
Pistol: B2 and B3 targets. Two five shot strings for each of slow, timed and rapid fire. Ten shots per target. Slow fire timing is ten minutes for ten shots. Timed fire is 20 seconds for each five shot string. Rapid fire is ten seconds for each five shot string.
Junior Rifle: NRA/USA 50 targets. Regulation quarter course of fire, three position. Ten minutes for prone. Fifteen minutes for kneeling. Twenty minutes for standing. NRA rules will apply. Iron sights only.
****Any Person may compete as a Junior through December 31st of the calendar year in which his or her 20th birthday occurs. Any Junior that begins the competition as a Junior may finish as a Junior recognizing that this competition officially begins on January 2nd each year, regardless of when the first targets are shot.****
SIGHTING SHOTS: Sighting shots allowed for rifle, using allotted time for that position. Handguns may use practice targets for sighting. The numbered targets are for record only.
CLASSIFICATION: All teams will be classified after three weeks. This will enable the teams to be classified on their shooting ability this year, as clubs may lose or pick-up shooters during the summer months. The first two weeks the teams will not be broken into classes. The third week the teams will be listed with their classification for the year. This had been discussed and voted on by the membership at the Columbia State meeting held spring of 1996.
TARGETS: ****All****targets must have the (Official NRA Competition Seal” and have the “Official Sticker Label of Inland Empire Rifle & Pistol Association” placed on the backside of the Bull (Pistol) or #1 Bull (rifle). and numbered numerically. Range officers will issue targets in numbered sequence to their teams and any break in the sequence will be subject to question. It is the prerogative of the assigned Association Officer to call any or all targets of a match for inspection.
All labels must be placed on the backside of the targets before they are shot: For Pistol targets place the labels in the center back behind the 10 ring. For rifle targets place the label on the back behind the #1 bull (not the sighter!).
If a club is using official IER&PA labels instead of official IER&PA targets, please follow these guidelines: All labels must be placed on the backside of the targets before they are shot: For Pistol targets place the labels in the center back behind the 10 ring. For rifle targets place the label on the back behind the #1 bull (not the sighter!).
*** "Remember, place the label on the backside before the target is shot at." *** It should be noted that additional care must be exercised to keep the targets in a consecutive numbered order for each week. This is often done in advance by setting up the targets in a block for each week with the names of the individuals and the match numbers filled in to avoid confusion at a later date. All targets must be kept for three weeks after the last Tuesday of the posted scheduled session – see published schedule.
FOR OFFICIAL IER&PA STICKERS CONTACT Scott Lorenz, P.O. Box 2243, Bothell, WA 98041 (tel: 1-425-971-4151, leave message) (e-mail: [email protected]) Stickers: $15 per roll of 500 stickers plus $10.00 USPS Priority shipping. Note: $30 per 1000 sticker roll which fits in the same shipping box, so more cost effective for your team - $30+$10.00. Advance payment is necessary for stickers. NO COD orders will be accepted. (Checks made out to: IER&PA) Turnaround time is about 1 1/2 weeks.
You may order official NRA targets from: American Target CO., 1328 So. Jason St., Denver, CO 80223. (1-303-733-0433) (Fax: 1-303-777-0311) (www.americantargetcompany.com)
SCORING: *****Report All Xs on Score Sheets*****
List the shooters: beginning with the highest score first and continue listing in descending order on the score sheet. Calculate the team score. Fill in the area to report the team name and class. Also, include Extra shooters results as their results will be submitted to the NRA records, but not calculated into a team score. DOUBLE and TRIPLE check your addition for the total team score. If the addition is in error and you have under scored, then your score will remain as reported. If the addition is in error and you have over scored, then the correction will be made. Please report scores for all positions shot so tiebreakers may be determined correctly. "SCORES MUST include the number of Xs for both rifle and pistol." (Scoring X’s refer to NRA Rule 14.3b and Center shots NRA Rule 14.3e)
Scores are now being posted through the web site http://ierpa.postalleague.com/. If assistance is needed, email the Match Director. Scores must be posted to the web site, mailed, or e-mailed to the Match Director (Form provided by the Association). Those scores arriving late will be forfeited. SCORES for the FIRST Week must be in the hands of the Match Director NO LATER THAN NOON TUESDAY, January 17th, 2023. It is "VERY" important that all scores are in on time in order to be published. The Match Director will make NO exceptions. The scores shall continue to be mailed each week thereafter until the ten matches are completed. Scores submitted early are welcome and encouraged. The results begin appearing tentatively January 18, 2023.
(Don’t hesitate to consider shooting and sending results in early.)
HANDICAP: If a team is short a member then the team may be handicapped one shooter. This shooters score will be calculated at 80% of the average of the other members’ scores on the team. A team can only be handicapped the maximum of one shooter and only on the lowest team entered in the postal for a discipline.
ENTRY FEES: $20.00 per each four person team, plus include $10.00 for NRA (FLAT FEE) registration
equired for each individual entered from the club to cover all disciplines. If a participant chooses to shoot both rifle and pistol, or both junior and senior rifle only $10.00 is required for that one shooter. (Entry Fee ex: A club enters two teams with 10 shooters on the roster; the entry fee would be $140.00.) Mail entries to: Inland Empire Rifle and Pistol Association, c/o Craig Speirs PO Box 806, Medical Lake, WA 99022. The entry fees must be in the hands of the Match Director no later than December 1st, 2022.
ALL CLUBS MUST INCLUDE A ROSTER OF ALL SHOOTERS: THEIR FULL NAMES, ADDRESSES, BIRTHDATES, and NRA ID NUMBERS for the purpose of submitting the scores to the NRA for classification as this is a registered league. Clubs that do not submit the required information forfeit awards; yet must still pay the $10.00 NRA shooter’s fee. The tentative roster is to be included with the first week’s scores. Clubs which participated in the postal last season may have a roster sheet included with this bulletin, if so, please update and return by snail mail or email, as this list shows the current information in the Association records.
Awards will be given to top junior shooters in both pistol and rifle disciplines. A junior is classified as stated in the Course of Fire section of this bulletin. Please highlight any junior shooter on your roster. Thanks!
All ties in the final AGGREGATE standings will be broken by the scores fired in the tenth weeks match. Remember to report the X count, it is important!
CHALLENGE: Protests must be made within two weeks after the publication of the score that is being challenged. All targets in protest from the challenged team and the protesting team will be reviewed. Challenge fee is $3.00 per week challenged. Only up to three protests will be allowed from any one club or its members per season.
BULLETIN: Results will appear on the association’s web site http://www.ierpa.org. The weekly results can be mailed for an additional $8.00 to cover postage. Also, results can be emailed in Excel.
AWARDS: The winning team will be determined by the total team aggregate for the ten weeks. It is important to not miss a week of firing. Get your scores in on time!!!!
Winning teams name will be engraved on the following challenge trophies; The Inland Empire Rifle & Pistol Association trophy for class AA and class D Rifle; The IER&PA trophy for class A Rifle; The Jensen-Byrd trophy for class B and the Marshall Wells trophy for class C Rifle. Pistol winners challenge trophies are as follows; The IER&PA trophy for class A Pistol; The Bill Hatch trophy for class B; The IER&PA trophy for class C: the Holt Memorial trophy for class D, and the Inland Empire Pistol Trophies for Class E, EE, G, H and possibly I. Other awards will be as follows: each class with 3 through 5 teams will be given 1st and 2nd place awards. Classes with 6 through 11 teams will be given 1st, 2nd and 3rd places. Pistol groups are to be limited to 9 teams per group. (Match director will make judgment call per 2009 minutes) There will also be an award for High man & High lady in Rifle and Pistol. High Junior girl and boy in Rifle and Pistol will also receive awards. Two Perpetual trophies for Junior Rifle Class A and B teams: Bill Havercroft and Warren Ratcliffe. Class F & G pistol trophy to be announced. If over two junior pistol teams participate, top team will be recognized. Challenge trophies are displayed at the Sandpoint Gun Club, Sandpoint, Idaho - sponsors of the Annual Columbia State Match. | Targets:
| Organizer Approval Required to ParticipateOpen to teams Individual scores will be derived from team scores 4 person teams. Teams are defined by score - top shooters are the team Fee: $4.00 per person $20.00, per team
This competition is closed | | Details: IER&PA MEMBERSHIP IS REQUIRED TO PARTICIPATE
Please contact Craig Speirs at [email protected] about becoming a member.
The Annual Jr. Rifle Postal Tournament of the IER&PA will begin firing the month of January 2023 and continue firing for ten consecutive weeks.
The tournament is open to any rifle or pistol club in the Inland Empire, or by invitation provided, they are affiliated with the National Rifle Association. Clubs may enter one or more four-person teams. No individual may fire more than the ten matches and may only fire on one team Except for Junior Rifle who may shoot for a Junior and Senior team. Two clubs may combine to form one team. Some clubs have found it to their advantage to have a score or two fired ahead of the due date and into the Secretary in order to take care of unforeseen occurrences such as inclement weather, sickness, holidays, mail delays, non working fax or phone lines complications, etc. (Remember how typical winters can be!) | | Rules:
ARMS: Any smallbore .22 caliber rifle, NRA rule 3.2 (any safe trigger). Any .22 caliber pistol or revolver, NRA rule: 3.4 (no less than 2 lb. trigger).
SIGHTS: Any sights for Pistol and Senior Rifle. Juniors must use iron sights for the Junior Rifle Division.
COURSE OF FIRE: All firing will be done in the presence of at least one club officer of the participating club. All scores will be certified by such officer as being fired in accordance to the NRA Gallery Rifle & Pistol Rules. Being an NRA regulated Match, once a set of targets is started, they have to be shot at that event not spread out over days or shot randomly for convenience. The club officer in charge may use bullet gauges. Mark every shot on the target where the gauge is used. Targets may not be mailed to a shooter in another city except in the case when two clubs combine to form one team. It is permissible for a team member to take their targets to another range and fire them when they travel to another club for a shoulder to shoulder match.
Senior Rifle: A-17 targets. Ten shots in each of the four positions. Ten minutes for each prone, sitting and kneeling position. Fifteen minutes for standing.
(Juniors exception: If a junior team wishes to shoot with or without a scope and A-17 targets they may enter as a senior rifle team. NRA smallbore rifles rule 3.2 will prevail, which may include hook butt plates and palm rests.
Pistol: B2 and B3 targets. Two five shot strings for each of slow, timed and rapid fire. Ten shots per target. Slow fire timing is ten minutes for ten shots. Timed fire is 20 seconds for each five shot string. Rapid fire is ten seconds for each five shot string.
Junior Rifle: NRA/USA 50 targets. Regulation quarter course of fire, three position. Ten minutes for prone. Fifteen minutes for kneeling. Twenty minutes for standing. NRA rules will apply. Iron sights only.
****Any Person may compete as a Junior through December 31st of the calendar year in which his or her 20th birthday occurs. Any Junior that begins the competition as a Junior may finish as a Junior recognizing that this competition officially begins on January 2nd each year, regardless of when the first targets are shot.****
SIGHTING SHOTS: Sighting shots allowed for rifle, using allotted time for that position. Handguns may use practice targets for sighting. The numbered targets are for record only.
CLASSIFICATION: All teams will be classified after three weeks. This will enable the teams to be classified on their shooting ability this year, as clubs may lose or pick-up shooters during the summer months. The first two weeks the teams will not be broken into classes. The third week the teams will be listed with their classification for the year. This had been discussed and voted on by the membership at the Columbia State meeting held spring of 1996.
TARGETS: ****All****targets must have the (Official NRA Competition Seal” and have the “Official Sticker Label of Inland Empire Rifle & Pistol Association” placed on the backside of the Bull (Pistol) or #1 Bull (rifle). and numbered numerically. Range officers will issue targets in numbered sequence to their teams and any break in the sequence will be subject to question. It is the prerogative of the assigned Association Officer to call any or all targets of a match for inspection.
All labels must be placed on the backside of the targets before they are shot: For Pistol targets place the labels in the center back behind the 10 ring. For rifle targets place the label on the back behind the #1 bull (not the sighter!).
If a club is using official IER&PA labels instead of official IER&PA targets, please follow these guidelines: All labels must be placed on the backside of the targets before they are shot: For Pistol targets place the labels in the center back behind the 10 ring. For rifle targets place the label on the back behind the #1 bull (not the sighter!).
*** "Remember, place the label on the backside before the target is shot at." *** It should be noted that additional care must be exercised to keep the targets in a consecutive numbered order for each week. This is often done in advance by setting up the targets in a block for each week with the names of the individuals and the match numbers filled in to avoid confusion at a later date. All targets must be kept for three weeks after the last Tuesday of the posted scheduled session – see published schedule.
FOR OFFICIAL IER&PA STICKERS CONTACT Scott Lorenz, P.O. Box 2243, Bothell, WA 98041 (tel: 1-425-971-4151, leave message) (e-mail: [email protected]) Stickers: $15 per roll of 500 stickers plus $10.00 USPS Priority shipping. Note: $30 per 1000 sticker roll which fits in the same shipping box, so more cost effective for your team - $30+$10.00. Advance payment is necessary for stickers. NO COD orders will be accepted. (Checks made out to: IER&PA) Turnaround time is about 1 1/2 weeks.
You may order official NRA targets from: American Target CO., 1328 So. Jason St., Denver, CO 80223. (1-303-733-0433) (Fax: 1-303-777-0311) (www.americantargetcompany.com)
SCORING: *****Report All Xs on Score Sheets*****
List the shooters: beginning with the highest score first and continue listing in descending order on the score sheet. Calculate the team score. Fill in the area to report the team name and class. Also, include Extra shooters results as their results will be submitted to the NRA records, but not calculated into a team score. DOUBLE and TRIPLE check your addition for the total team score. If the addition is in error and you have under scored, then your score will remain as reported. If the addition is in error and you have over scored, then the correction will be made. Please report scores for all positions shot so tiebreakers may be determined correctly. "SCORES MUST include the number of Xs for both rifle and pistol." (Scoring X’s refer to NRA Rule 14.3b and Center shots NRA Rule 14.3e)
Scores are now being posted through the web site http://ierpa.postalleague.com/. If assistance is needed, email the Match Director. Scores must be posted to the web site, mailed, or e-mailed to the Match Director (Form provided by the Association). Those scores arriving late will be forfeited. SCORES for the FIRST Week must be in the hands of the Match Director NO LATER THAN NOON TUESDAY, January 17th, 2023. It is "VERY" important that all scores are in on time in order to be published. The Match Director will make NO exceptions. The scores shall continue to be mailed each week thereafter until the ten matches are completed. Scores submitted early are welcome and encouraged. The results begin appearing tentatively January 18, 2023
(Don’t hesitate to consider shooting and sending results in early.)
HANDICAP: If a team is short a member then the team may be handicapped one shooter. This shooters score will be calculated at 80% of the average of the other members’ scores on the team. A team can only be handicapped the maximum of one shooter and only on the lowest team entered in the postal for a discipline.
ENTRY FEES: $20.00 per each four person team, plus include $10.00 for NRA (FLAT FEE) registration required for each individual entered from the club to cover all disciplines. If a participant chooses to shoot both rifle and pistol, or both junior and senior rifle only $10.00 is required for that one shooter. (Entry Fee ex: A club enters two teams with 10 shooters on the roster; the entry fee would be $140.00.) Mail entries to: Inland Empire Rifle and Pistol Association, c/o Craig Speirs PO Box 806, Medical Lake, WA 99022. The entry fees must be in the hands of the Match Director no later than December 1st, 2022.
ALL CLUBS MUST INCLUDE A ROSTER OF ALL SHOOTERS: THEIR FULL NAMES, ADDRESSES, BIRTHDATES, and NRA ID NUMBERS for the purpose of submitting the scores to the NRA for classification as this is a registered league. Clubs that do not submit the required information forfeit awards; yet must still pay the $10.00 NRA shooter’s fee. The tentative roster is to be included with the first week’s scores. Clubs which participated in the postal last season may have a roster sheet included with this bulletin, if so, please update and return by snail mail or email, as this list shows the current information in the Association records.
Awards will be given to top junior shooters in both pistol and rifle disciplines. A junior is classified as stated in the Course of Fire section of this bulletin. Please highlight any junior shooter on your roster. Thanks!
All ties in the final AGGREGATE standings will be broken by the scores fired in the tenth weeks match. Remember to report the X count, it is important!
CHALLENGE: Protests must be made within two weeks after the publication of the score that is being challenged. All targets in protest from the challenged team and the protesting team will be reviewed. Challenge fee is $3.00 per week challenged. Only up to three protests will be allowed from any one club or its members per season.
BULLETIN: Results will appear on the association’s web site http://www.ierpa.org. The weekly results can be mailed for an additional $8.00 to cover postage. Also, results can be emailed in Excel.
AWARDS: The winning team will be determined by the total team aggregate for the ten weeks. It is important to not miss a week of firing. Get your scores in on time!!!!
Winning teams name will be engraved on the following challenge trophies; The Inland Empire Rifle & Pistol Association trophy for class AA and class D Rifle; The IER&PA trophy for class A Rifle; The Jensen-Byrd trophy for class B and the Marshall Wells trophy for class C Rifle. Pistol winners challenge trophies are as follows; The IER&PA trophy for class A Pistol; The Bill Hatch trophy for class B; The IER&PA trophy for class C: the Holt Memorial trophy for class D, and the Inland Empire Pistol Trophies for Class E, EE, G, H and possibly I. Other awards will be as follows: each class with 3 through 5 teams will be given 1st and 2nd place awards. Classes with 6 through 11 teams will be given 1st, 2nd and 3rd places. Pistol groups are to be limited to 9 teams per group. (Match director will make judgment call per 2009 minutes) There will also be an award for High man & High lady in Rifle and Pistol. High Junior girl and boy in Rifle and Pistol will also receive awards. Two Perpetual trophies for Junior Rifle Class A and B teams: Bill Havercroft and Warren Ratcliffe. Class F & G pistol trophy to be announced. If over two junior pistol teams participate, top team will be recognized. Challenge trophies are displayed at the Sandpoint Gun Club, Sandpoint, Idaho - sponsors of the Annual Columbia State Match. | Targets:
| Organizer Approval Required to ParticipateOpen to teams Individual scores will be derived from team scores 4 person teams. Teams are defined by score - top shooters are the team Fee: $4.00 per person $20.00, per team
This competition is closed | | Details: IER&PA MEMBERSHIP IS REQUIRED TO PARTICIPATE
Please contact Craig Speirs at [email protected] about becoming a member.
The 103rd Annual Rifle Postal Tournament and the 80th Annual Pistol Tournament of the IER&PA will begin firing the month of January 2024 and continue firing for ten consecutive weeks.
The tournament is open to any rifle or pistol club in the Inland Empire, or by invitation provided, they are affiliated with the National Rifle Association. Clubs may enter one or more four-person teams. No individual may fire more than the ten matches and may only fire on one team Except for Junior Rifle who may shoot for a Junior and Senior team. Two clubs may combine to form one team. Some clubs have found it to their advantage to have a score or two fired ahead of the due date and into the Secretary in order to take care of unforeseen occurrences such as inclement weather, sickness, holidays, mail delays, non working fax or phone lines complications, etc. (Remember how typical winters can be!)
| | Rules:
ARMS: Any smallbore .22 caliber rifle, NRA rule 3.2 (any safe trigger). Any .22 caliber pistol or revolver, NRA rule: 3.4 (no less than 2 lb. trigger). SIGHTS: Any sights for Pistol and Senior Rifle. Juniors must use iron sights for the Junior Rifle Division.
COURSE OF FIRE: All firing will be done in the presence of at least one club officer of the participating club. All scores will be certified by such officer as being fired in accordance to the NRA Gallery Rifle & Pistol Rules. Being an NRA regulated Match, once a set of targets is started, they have to be shot at that event not spread out over days or shot randomly for convenience. The club officer in charge may use bullet gauges. Mark every shot on the target where the gauge is used. Targets may not be mailed to a shooter in another city except in the case when two clubs combine to form one team. It is permissible for a team member to take their targets to another range and fire them when they travel to another club for a shoulder to shoulder match.
Senior Rifle: A-17 targets. Ten shots in each of the four positions. Ten minutes for each prone, sitting and kneeling position. Fifteen minutes for standing. (Juniors exception: If a junior team wishes to shoot with or without a scope and A-17 targets they may enter as a senior rifle team. NRA smallbore rifles rule 3.2 will prevail, which may include hook butt plates and palm rests. Additionally, the Orion system and targets are allowed.
Pistol: B2 and B3 targets. Two five shot strings for each of slow, timed and rapid fire. Ten shots per target. Slow fire timing is ten minutes for ten shots. Timed fire is 20 seconds for each five shot string. Rapid fire is ten seconds for each five shot string.
Junior Rifle: NRA/USA 50 targets. Regulation quarter course of fire, three position. Ten minutes for prone. Fifteen minutes for kneeling. Twenty minutes for standing. NRA rules will apply. Iron sights only. Additionally, the Orion system and targets are allowed for Junior and Seniors
****Any Person may compete as a Junior through December 31st of the calendar year in which his or her 20th birthday occurs. Any Junior that begins the competition as a Junior may finish as a Junior recognizing that this competition officially begins on January 2nd each year, regardless of when the first targets are shot.****
SIGHTING SHOTS: Sighting shots allowed for rifle, using allotted time for that position. Handguns may use practice targets for sighting. The numbered targets are for record only.
CLASSIFICATION: All teams will be classified after three weeks. This will enable the teams to be classified on their shooting ability this year, as clubs may lose or pick-up shooters during the summer months. The first two weeks the teams will not be broken into classes. The third week the teams will be listed with their classification for the year. This had been discussed and voted on by the membership at the Columbia State meeting held spring of 1996.
TARGETS: ****All****targets must have the (Official NRA Competition Seal” and have the “Official Sticker Label of Inland Empire Rifle & Pistol Association” placed on the backside of the Bull (Pistol) or #1 Bull (rifle). and numbered numerically. Range officers will issue targets in numbered sequence to their teams and any break in the sequence will be subject to question. It is the prerogative of the assigned Association Officer to call any or all targets of a match for inspection. All labels must be placed on the backside of the targets before they are shot: For Pistol targets place the labels in the center back behind the 10 ring. For rifle targets place the label on the back behind the #1 bull (not the sighter!).
If a club is using official IER&PA labels instead of official IER&PA targets, please follow these guidelines: All labels must be placed on the backside of the targets before they are shot: For Pistol targets place the labels in the center back behind the 10 ring. For rifle targets place the label on the back behind the #1 bull (not the sighter!).
*** "Remember, place the label on the backside before the target is shot at." ***
It should be noted that additional care must be exercised to keep the targets in a consecutive numbered order for each week. This is often done in advance by setting up the targets in a block for each week with the names of the individuals and the match numbers filled in to avoid confusion at a later date. All targets must be kept for three weeks after the last Tuesday of the posted scheduled session – see published schedule.
FOR OFFICIAL IER&PA STICKERS CONTACT: Roger McRoberts 1618 S. Deep Creek Ct, Medical Lake, WA 99022 ( tel: 1-509-998-1513,leave message) (e-mail: [email protected])
Stickers: $15 per roll of 500 stickers plus $10.20 USPS Priority shipping. Note: $30 per 1000 sticker roll which fits in the same shipping box, so more cost effective for your team- $30 + $10.20. Advance payment is necessary for stickers. NO COD orders will be accepted. (Checks made out to: IER&PA) Turnaround time is about 1 1⁄2 weeks. You may order official NRA targets from: American Target CO., 1328 So. Jason St., Denver, CO 80223. (1-303-733- 0433) (Fax: 1-303-777-0311) (www.americantargetcompany.com)
SCORING: *****Report All X's on Score Sheets*****
List the shooters: beginning with the highest score first and continue listing in descending order on the score sheet. Calculate the team score. Fill in the area to report the team name and class. Also, include Extra shooters results as their results will be submitted to the NRA records, but not calculated into a team score. DOUBLE and TRIPLE check your addition for the total team score. If the addition is in error and you have under scored, then your score will remain as reported. If the addition is in error and you have over scored, then the correction will be made. Please report scores for all positions shot so tiebreakers may be determined correctly. "SCORES MUST include the number of X's for both rifle and pistol." (Scoring X’s refer to NRA Rule 14.3b and Center shots NRA Rule 14.3e)
Scores are now being posted through the web site www.ierpa.com or http://www.netcompetitor.com. The test log in and password should be current. If assistance is needed, email the Match Director. Scores must be posted to the web site, mailed, or e-mailed to the Match Director (Form provided by the Association). Those scores arriving late will be forfeited. SCORES for the FIRST Week must be in the hands of the Match Director NO LATER THAN NOON TUESDAY, January 17th, 2024. It is "VERY" important that all scores are in on time in order to be published. The Match Director will make NO exceptions. The scores shall continue to be mailed each week thereafter until the ten matches are completed. Scores submitted early are welcome and encouraged. The results begin appearing tentatively January 11, 2023 on the leagues’ web site: www.ierpa.com.
(Don’t hesitate to consider shooting and sending results in early.)
HANDICAP: If a team is short a member then the team may be handicapped one shooter. This shooters score will be calculated at 80% of the average of the other members’ scores on the team. A team can only be handicapped the maximum of one shooter and only on the lowest team entered in the postal for a discipline.
ENTRY FEES: $20.00 per each four person team, plus include $10.00 for NRA (FLAT FEE) registration and awards required for each individual entered from the club to cover all disciplines. If a participant chooses to shoot both rifle and pistol, or both junior and senior rifle only $10.00 is required for that one shooter. (Entry Fee ex: A club enters two teams with 10 shooters on the roster; the entry fee would be $140.00.) Mail entries to: Inland Empire Rifle and Pistol Association, c/o Craig Speirs, 3311 Prairie St, Gillette, WY 82718 (NEW ADDRESS). The entry fees must be in the hands of the Match Director no later than December 5th, 2023.
ALL CLUBS MUST INCLUDE A ROSTER OF ALL SHOOTERS: THEIR FULL NAMES, ADDRESSES, BIRTHDATES, and NRA ID NUMBERS for the purpose of submitting the scores to the NRA for classification as this is a registered league. Clubs that do not submit the required information forfeit awards; yet must still pay the $4.00 NRA shooter’s fee. The tentative roster is to be included with the first week’s scores. Clubs which participated in the postal last season may have a roster sheet included with this bulletin, if so, please update and return by snail mail or email, as this list shows the current information in the Association records.
Awards will be given to top junior shooters in both pistol and rifle disciplines. A junior is classified as stated in the Course of Fire section of this bulletin. Please highlight any junior shooter on your roster. Thanks!
All ties in the final AGGREGATE standings will be broken by the scores fired in the tenth weeks match. Remember to report the 'X' count, it is important!
CHALLENGE: Protests must be made within two weeks after the publication of the score that is being challenged. All targets in protest from the challenged team and the protesting team will be reviewed. Challenge fee is $3.00 per week challenged. Only up to three protests will be allowed from any one club or its members per season.
BULLETIN: Because the Spokesman-Review is the sponsor of this tournament, the publication of the weekly results on the Spokesman-Review web site is the official bulletin. Sometimes printing errors do occur, because of this, the scores turned into the Spokesman by the Secretary will hold the final decision in any dispute. Results will appear on the www.spokesman.com website and the association’s web site http://www.ierpa.org. The weekly results can be mailed for an additional $8.00 to cover postage. Also, results can be emailed in Excel.
AWARDS: The winning team will be determined by the total team aggregate for the ten weeks. It is important to not miss a week of firing. Get your scores in on time!!!!
Winning teams name will be engraved on the following challenge trophies; The Inland Empire Rifle & Pistol Association trophy for class AA and class D Rifle; The IER&PA trophy for class A Rifle; The Jensen-Byrd trophy for class B and the Marshall Wells trophy for class C Rifle. Pistol winners challenge trophies are as follows; The IER&PA trophy for class A Pistol; The Bill Hatch trophy for class B; The IER&PA trophy for class C: the Holt Memorial trophy for class D, and the Inland Empire Pistol Trophies for Class E, EE, G, H and possibly I. Other awards will be as follows: each class with 3 through 5 teams will be given 1st and 2nd place awards. Classes with 6 through 11 teams will be given 1st, 2nd and 3rd places. Pistol groups are to be limited to 9 teams per group. (Match director will make judgment call per 2009 minutes) There will also be an award for High man & High lady in Rifle and Pistol. High Junior girl and boy in Rifle and Pistol will also receive awards. Two Perpetual trophies for Junior Rifle Class A and B teams: Bill Havercroft and Warren Ratcliff. Class F & G pistol trophy to be announced. If over two junior pistol teams participate, top team will be recognized. Challenge trophies are displayed at the Sandpoint Gun Club, Sandpoint, Idaho - sponsors of the Annual Columbia State Match. | Targets:
- Prone
- Sitting
- Kneeling
- Standing
| Organizer Approval Required to ParticipateOpen to teams Individual scores will be derived from team scores 4 person teams. Teams are defined by score - top shooters are the team Fee: $4.00 per person $20.00, per team
This competition is closed | | Details: IER&PA MEMBERSHIP IS REQUIRED TO PARTICIPATE
Please contact Craig Speirs at [email protected] about becoming a member.
The 103rd Annual Rifle Postal Tournament and the 80th Annual Pistol Tournament of the IER&PA will begin firing the month of January 2024 and continue firing for ten consecutive weeks.
The tournament is open to any rifle or pistol club in the Inland Empire, or by invitation provided, they are affiliated with the National Rifle Association. Clubs may enter one or more four-person teams. No individual may fire more than the ten matches and may only fire on one team Except for Junior Rifle who may shoot for a Junior and Senior team. Two clubs may combine to form one team. Some clubs have found it to their advantage to have a score or two fired ahead of the due date and into the Secretary in order to take care of unforeseen occurrences such as inclement weather, sickness, holidays, mail delays, non working fax or phone lines complications, etc. (Remember how typical winters can be!)
| | Rules:
ARMS: Any smallbore .22 caliber rifle, NRA rule 3.2 (any safe trigger). Any .22 caliber pistol or revolver, NRA rule: 3.4 (no less than 2 lb. trigger). SIGHTS: Any sights for Pistol and Senior Rifle. Juniors must use iron sights for the Junior Rifle Division.
COURSE OF FIRE: All firing will be done in the presence of at least one club officer of the participating club. All scores will be certified by such officer as being fired in accordance to the NRA Gallery Rifle & Pistol Rules. Being an NRA regulated Match, once a set of targets is started, they have to be shot at that event not spread out over days or shot randomly for convenience. The club officer in charge may use bullet gauges. Mark every shot on the target where the gauge is used. Targets may not be mailed to a shooter in another city except in the case when two clubs combine to form one team. It is permissible for a team member to take their targets to another range and fire them when they travel to another club for a shoulder to shoulder match.
Senior Rifle: A-17 targets. Ten shots in each of the four positions. Ten minutes for each prone, sitting and kneeling position. Fifteen minutes for standing. (Juniors exception: If a junior team wishes to shoot with or without a scope and A-17 targets they may enter as a senior rifle team. NRA smallbore rifles rule 3.2 will prevail, which may include hook butt plates and palm rests. Additionally, the Orion system and targets are allowed.
Pistol: B2 and B3 targets. Two five shot strings for each of slow, timed and rapid fire. Ten shots per target. Slow fire timing is ten minutes for ten shots. Timed fire is 20 seconds for each five shot string. Rapid fire is ten seconds for each five shot string.
Junior Rifle: NRA/USA 50 targets. Regulation quarter course of fire, three position. Ten minutes for prone. Fifteen minutes for kneeling. Twenty minutes for standing. NRA rules will apply. Iron sights only. Additionally, the Orion system and targets are allowed for Junior and Seniors
****Any Person may compete as a Junior through December 31st of the calendar year in which his or her 20th birthday occurs. Any Junior that begins the competition as a Junior may finish as a Junior recognizing that this competition officially begins on January 2nd each year, regardless of when the first targets are shot.****
SIGHTING SHOTS: Sighting shots allowed for rifle, using allotted time for that position. Handguns may use practice targets for sighting. The numbered targets are for record only.
CLASSIFICATION: All teams will be classified after three weeks. This will enable the teams to be classified on their shooting ability this year, as clubs may lose or pick-up shooters during the summer months. The first two weeks the teams will not be broken into classes. The third week the teams will be listed with their classification for the year. This had been discussed and voted on by the membership at the Columbia State meeting held spring of 1996.
TARGETS: ****All****targets must have the (Official NRA Competition Seal” and have the “Official Sticker Label of Inland Empire Rifle & Pistol Association” placed on the backside of the Bull (Pistol) or #1 Bull (rifle). and numbered numerically. Range officers will issue targets in numbered sequence to their teams and any break in the sequence will be subject to question. It is the prerogative of the assigned Association Officer to call any or all targets of a match for inspection. All labels must be placed on the backside of the targets before they are shot: For Pistol targets place the labels in the center back behind the 10 ring. For rifle targets place the label on the back behind the #1 bull (not the sighter!).
If a club is using official IER&PA labels instead of official IER&PA targets, please follow these guidelines: All labels must be placed on the backside of the targets before they are shot: For Pistol targets place the labels in the center back behind the 10 ring. For rifle targets place the label on the back behind the #1 bull (not the sighter!).
*** "Remember, place the label on the backside before the target is shot at." ***
It should be noted that additional care must be exercised to keep the targets in a consecutive numbered order for each week. This is often done in advance by setting up the targets in a block for each week with the names of the individuals and the match numbers filled in to avoid confusion at a later date. All targets must be kept for three weeks after the last Tuesday of the posted scheduled session – see published schedule.
FOR OFFICIAL IER&PA STICKERS CONTACT: Roger McRoberts 1618 S. Deep Creek Ct, Medical Lake, WA 99022 ( tel: 1-509-998-1513,leave message) (e-mail: [email protected])
Stickers: $15 per roll of 500 stickers plus $10.20 USPS Priority shipping. Note: $30 per 1000 sticker roll which fits in the same shipping box, so more cost effective for your team- $30 + $10.20. Advance payment is necessary for stickers. NO COD orders will be accepted. (Checks made out to: IER&PA) Turnaround time is about 1 1⁄2 weeks. You may order official NRA targets from: American Target CO., 1328 So. Jason St., Denver, CO 80223. (1-303-733- 0433) (Fax: 1-303-777-0311) (www.americantargetcompany.com)
SCORING: *****Report All X's on Score Sheets*****
List the shooters: beginning with the highest score first and continue listing in descending order on the score sheet. Calculate the team score. Fill in the area to report the team name and class. Also, include Extra shooters results as their results will be submitted to the NRA records, but not calculated into a team score. DOUBLE and TRIPLE check your addition for the total team score. If the addition is in error and you have under scored, then your score will remain as reported. If the addition is in error and you have over scored, then the correction will be made. Please report scores for all positions shot so tiebreakers may be determined correctly. "SCORES MUST include the number of X's for both rifle and pistol." (Scoring X’s refer to NRA Rule 14.3b and Center shots NRA Rule 14.3e)
Scores are now being posted through the web site www.ierpa.com or http://www.netcompetitor.com. The test log in and password should be current. If assistance is needed, email the Match Director. Scores must be posted to the web site, mailed, or e-mailed to the Match Director (Form provided by the Association). Those scores arriving late will be forfeited. SCORES for the FIRST Week must be in the hands of the Match Director NO LATER THAN NOON TUESDAY, January 17th, 2024. It is "VERY" important that all scores are in on time in order to be published. The Match Director will make NO exceptions. The scores shall continue to be mailed each week thereafter until the ten matches are completed. Scores submitted early are welcome and encouraged. The results begin appearing tentatively January 11, 2023 on the leagues’ web site: www.ierpa.com.
(Don’t hesitate to consider shooting and sending results in early.)
HANDICAP: If a team is short a member then the team may be handicapped one shooter. This shooters score will be calculated at 80% of the average of the other members’ scores on the team. A team can only be handicapped the maximum of one shooter and only on the lowest team entered in the postal for a discipline.
ENTRY FEES: $20.00 per each four person team, plus include $10.00 for NRA (FLAT FEE) registration and awards required for each individual entered from the club to cover all disciplines. If a participant chooses to shoot both rifle and pistol, or both junior and senior rifle only $10.00 is required for that one shooter. (Entry Fee ex: A club enters two teams with 10 shooters on the roster; the entry fee would be $140.00.) Mail entries to: Inland Empire Rifle and Pistol Association, c/o Craig Speirs, 3311 Prairie St, Gillette, WY 82718 (NEW ADDRESS). The entry fees must be in the hands of the Match Director no later than December 5th, 2023.
ALL CLUBS MUST INCLUDE A ROSTER OF ALL SHOOTERS: THEIR FULL NAMES, ADDRESSES, BIRTHDATES, and NRA ID NUMBERS for the purpose of submitting the scores to the NRA for classification as this is a registered league. Clubs that do not submit the required information forfeit awards; yet must still pay the $4.00 NRA shooter’s fee. The tentative roster is to be included with the first week’s scores. Clubs which participated in the postal last season may have a roster sheet included with this bulletin, if so, please update and return by snail mail or email, as this list shows the current information in the Association records.
Awards will be given to top junior shooters in both pistol and rifle disciplines. A junior is classified as stated in the Course of Fire section of this bulletin. Please highlight any junior shooter on your roster. Thanks!
All ties in the final AGGREGATE standings will be broken by the scores fired in the tenth weeks match. Remember to report the 'X' count, it is important!
CHALLENGE: Protests must be made within two weeks after the publication of the score that is being challenged. All targets in protest from the challenged team and the protesting team will be reviewed. Challenge fee is $3.00 per week challenged. Only up to three protests will be allowed from any one club or its members per season.
BULLETIN: Because the Spokesman-Review is the sponsor of this tournament, the publication of the weekly results on the Spokesman-Review web site is the official bulletin. Sometimes printing errors do occur, because of this, the scores turned into the Spokesman by the Secretary will hold the final decision in any dispute. Results will appear on the www.spokesman.com website and the association’s web site http://www.ierpa.org. The weekly results can be mailed for an additional $8.00 to cover postage. Also, results can be emailed in Excel.
AWARDS: The winning team will be determined by the total team aggregate for the ten weeks. It is important to not miss a week of firing. Get your scores in on time!!!!
Winning teams name will be engraved on the following challenge trophies; The Inland Empire Rifle & Pistol Association trophy for class AA and class D Rifle; The IER&PA trophy for class A Rifle; The Jensen-Byrd trophy for class B and the Marshall Wells trophy for class C Rifle. Pistol winners challenge trophies are as follows; The IER&PA trophy for class A Pistol; The Bill Hatch trophy for class B; The IER&PA trophy for class C: the Holt Memorial trophy for class D, and the Inland Empire Pistol Trophies for Class E, EE, G, H and possibly I. Other awards will be as follows: each class with 3 through 5 teams will be given 1st and 2nd place awards. Classes with 6 through 11 teams will be given 1st, 2nd and 3rd places. Pistol groups are to be limited to 9 teams per group. (Match director will make judgment call per 2009 minutes) There will also be an award for High man & High lady in Rifle and Pistol. High Junior girl and boy in Rifle and Pistol will also receive awards. Two Perpetual trophies for Junior Rifle Class A and B teams: Bill Havercroft and Warren Ratcliff. Class F & G pistol trophy to be announced. If over two junior pistol teams participate, top team will be recognized. Challenge trophies are displayed at the Sandpoint Gun Club, Sandpoint, Idaho - sponsors of the Annual Columbia State Match. | Targets:
| Organizer Approval Required to ParticipateOpen to teams Individual scores will be derived from team scores 4 person teams. Teams are defined by score - top shooters are the team Fee: $4.00 per person $20.00, per team
This competition is closed | | Details: IER&PA MEMBERSHIP IS REQUIRED TO PARTICIPATE
Please contact Craig Speirs at [email protected] about becoming a member.
The 103rd Annual Rifle Postal Tournament and the 80th Annual Pistol Tournament of the IER&PA will begin firing the month of January 2024 and continue firing for ten consecutive weeks.
The tournament is open to any rifle or pistol club in the Inland Empire, or by invitation provided, they are affiliated with the National Rifle Association. Clubs may enter one or more four-person teams. No individual may fire more than the ten matches and may only fire on one team Except for Junior Rifle who may shoot for a Junior and Senior team. Two clubs may combine to form one team. Some clubs have found it to their advantage to have a score or two fired ahead of the due date and into the Secretary in order to take care of unforeseen occurrences such as inclement weather, sickness, holidays, mail delays, non working fax or phone lines complications, etc. (Remember how typical winters can be!) | | Rules:
ARMS: Any smallbore .22 caliber rifle, NRA rule 3.2 (any safe trigger). Any .22 caliber pistol or revolver, NRA rule: 3.4 (no less than 2 lb. trigger). SIGHTS: Any sights for Pistol and Senior Rifle. Juniors must use iron sights for the Junior Rifle Division.
COURSE OF FIRE: All firing will be done in the presence of at least one club officer of the participating club. All scores will be certified by such officer as being fired in accordance to the NRA Gallery Rifle & Pistol Rules. Being an NRA regulated Match, once a set of targets is started, they have to be shot at that event not spread out over days or shot randomly for convenience. The club officer in charge may use bullet gauges. Mark every shot on the target where the gauge is used. Targets may not be mailed to a shooter in another city except in the case when two clubs combine to form one team. It is permissible for a team member to take their targets to another range and fire them when they travel to another club for a shoulder to shoulder match.
Senior Rifle: A-17 targets. Ten shots in each of the four positions. Ten minutes for each prone, sitting and kneeling position. Fifteen minutes for standing. (Juniors exception: If a junior team wishes to shoot with or without a scope and A-17 targets they may enter as a senior rifle team. NRA smallbore rifles rule 3.2 will prevail, which may include hook butt plates and palm rests. Additionally, the Orion system and targets are allowed.
Pistol: B2 and B3 targets. Two five shot strings for each of slow, timed and rapid fire. Ten shots per target. Slow fire timing is ten minutes for ten shots. Timed fire is 20 seconds for each five shot string. Rapid fire is ten seconds for each five shot string.
Junior Rifle: NRA/USA 50 targets. Regulation quarter course of fire, three position. Ten minutes for prone. Fifteen minutes for kneeling. Twenty minutes for standing. NRA rules will apply. Iron sights only. Additionally, the Orion system and targets are allowed for Junior and Seniors
****Any Person may compete as a Junior through December 31st of the calendar year in which his or her 20th birthday occurs. Any Junior that begins the competition as a Junior may finish as a Junior recognizing that this competition officially begins on January 2nd each year, regardless of when the first targets are shot.****
SIGHTING SHOTS: Sighting shots allowed for rifle, using allotted time for that position. Handguns may use practice targets for sighting. The numbered targets are for record only.
CLASSIFICATION: All teams will be classified after three weeks. This will enable the teams to be classified on their shooting ability this year, as clubs may lose or pick-up shooters during the summer months. The first two weeks the teams will not be broken into classes. The third week the teams will be listed with their classification for the year. This had been discussed and voted on by the membership at the Columbia State meeting held spring of 1996.
TARGETS: ****All****targets must have the (Official NRA Competition Seal” and have the “Official Sticker Label of Inland Empire Rifle & Pistol Association” placed on the backside of the Bull (Pistol) or #1 Bull (rifle). and numbered numerically. Range officers will issue targets in numbered sequence to their teams and any break in the sequence will be subject to question. It is the prerogative of the assigned Association Officer to call any or all targets of a match for inspection. All labels must be placed on the backside of the targets before they are shot: For Pistol targets place the labels in the center back behind the 10 ring. For rifle targets place the label on the back behind the #1 bull (not the sighter!).
If a club is using official IER&PA labels instead of official IER&PA targets, please follow these guidelines: All labels must be placed on the backside of the targets before they are shot: For Pistol targets place the labels in the center back behind the 10 ring. For rifle targets place the label on the back behind the #1 bull (not the sighter!).
*** "Remember, place the label on the backside before the target is shot at." ***
It should be noted that additional care must be exercised to keep the targets in a consecutive numbered order for each week. This is often done in advance by setting up the targets in a block for each week with the names of the individuals and the match numbers filled in to avoid confusion at a later date. All targets must be kept for three weeks after the last Tuesday of the posted scheduled session – see published schedule.
FOR OFFICIAL IER&PA STICKERS CONTACT: Roger McRoberts 1618 S. Deep Creek Ct, Medical Lake, WA 99022 ( tel: 1-509-998-1513,leave message) (e-mail: [email protected])
Stickers: $15 per roll of 500 stickers plus $10.20 USPS Priority shipping. Note: $30 per 1000 sticker roll which fits in the same shipping box, so more cost effective for your team- $30 + $10.20. Advance payment is necessary for stickers. NO COD orders will be accepted. (Checks made out to: IER&PA) Turnaround time is about 1 1⁄2 weeks. You may order official NRA targets from: American Target CO., 1328 So. Jason St., Denver, CO 80223. (1-303-733- 0433) (Fax: 1-303-777-0311) (www.americantargetcompany.com)
SCORING: *****Report All X's on Score Sheets*****
List the shooters: beginning with the highest score first and continue listing in descending order on the score sheet. Calculate the team score. Fill in the area to report the team name and class. Also, include Extra shooters results as their results will be submitted to the NRA records, but not calculated into a team score. DOUBLE and TRIPLE check your addition for the total team score. If the addition is in error and you have under scored, then your score will remain as reported. If the addition is in error and you have over scored, then the correction will be made. Please report scores for all positions shot so tiebreakers may be determined correctly. "SCORES MUST include the number of X's for both rifle and pistol." (Scoring X’s refer to NRA Rule 14.3b and Center shots NRA Rule 14.3e)
Scores are now being posted through the web site www.ierpa.com or http://www.netcompetitor.com. The test log in and password should be current. If assistance is needed, email the Match Director. Scores must be posted to the web site, mailed, or e-mailed to the Match Director (Form provided by the Association). Those scores arriving late will be forfeited. SCORES for the FIRST Week must be in the hands of the Match Director NO LATER THAN NOON TUESDAY, January 17th, 2024. It is "VERY" important that all scores are in on time in order to be published. The Match Director will make NO exceptions. The scores shall continue to be mailed each week thereafter until the ten matches are completed. Scores submitted early are welcome and encouraged. The results begin appearing tentatively January 11, 2023 on the leagues’ web site: www.ierpa.com.
(Don’t hesitate to consider shooting and sending results in early.)
HANDICAP: If a team is short a member then the team may be handicapped one shooter. This shooters score will be calculated at 80% of the average of the other members’ scores on the team. A team can only be handicapped the maximum of one shooter and only on the lowest team entered in the postal for a discipline.
ENTRY FEES: $20.00 per each four person team, plus include $10.00 for NRA (FLAT FEE) registration and awards required for each individual entered from the club to cover all disciplines. If a participant chooses to shoot both rifle and pistol, or both junior and senior rifle only $10.00 is required for that one shooter. (Entry Fee ex: A club enters two teams with 10 shooters on the roster; the entry fee would be $140.00.) Mail entries to: Inland Empire Rifle and Pistol Association, c/o Craig Speirs, 3311 Prairie St, Gillette, WY 82718 (NEW ADDRESS). The entry fees must be in the hands of the Match Director no later than December 5th, 2023.
ALL CLUBS MUST INCLUDE A ROSTER OF ALL SHOOTERS: THEIR FULL NAMES, ADDRESSES, BIRTHDATES, and NRA ID NUMBERS for the purpose of submitting the scores to the NRA for classification as this is a registered league. Clubs that do not submit the required information forfeit awards; yet must still pay the $4.00 NRA shooter’s fee. The tentative roster is to be included with the first week’s scores. Clubs which participated in the postal last season may have a roster sheet included with this bulletin, if so, please update and return by snail mail or email, as this list shows the current information in the Association records.
Awards will be given to top junior shooters in both pistol and rifle disciplines. A junior is classified as stated in the Course of Fire section of this bulletin. Please highlight any junior shooter on your roster. Thanks!
All ties in the final AGGREGATE standings will be broken by the scores fired in the tenth weeks match. Remember to report the 'X' count, it is important!
CHALLENGE: Protests must be made within two weeks after the publication of the score that is being challenged. All targets in protest from the challenged team and the protesting team will be reviewed. Challenge fee is $3.00 per week challenged. Only up to three protests will be allowed from any one club or its members per season.
BULLETIN: Because the Spokesman-Review is the sponsor of this tournament, the publication of the weekly results on the Spokesman-Review web site is the official bulletin. Sometimes printing errors do occur, because of this, the scores turned into the Spokesman by the Secretary will hold the final decision in any dispute. Results will appear on the www.spokesman.com website and the association’s web site http://www.ierpa.org. The weekly results can be mailed for an additional $8.00 to cover postage. Also, results can be emailed in Excel.
AWARDS: The winning team will be determined by the total team aggregate for the ten weeks. It is important to not miss a week of firing. Get your scores in on time!!!!
Winning teams name will be engraved on the following challenge trophies; The Inland Empire Rifle & Pistol Association trophy for class AA and class D Rifle; The IER&PA trophy for class A Rifle; The Jensen-Byrd trophy for class B and the Marshall Wells trophy for class C Rifle. Pistol winners challenge trophies are as follows; The IER&PA trophy for class A Pistol; The Bill Hatch trophy for class B; The IER&PA trophy for class C: the Holt Memorial trophy for class D, and the Inland Empire Pistol Trophies for Class E, EE, G, H and possibly I. Other awards will be as follows: each class with 3 through 5 teams will be given 1st and 2nd place awards. Classes with 6 through 11 teams will be given 1st, 2nd and 3rd places. Pistol groups are to be limited to 9 teams per group. (Match director will make judgment call per 2009 minutes) There will also be an award for High man & High lady in Rifle and Pistol. High Junior girl and boy in Rifle and Pistol will also receive awards. Two Perpetual trophies for Junior Rifle Class A and B teams: Bill Havercroft and Warren Ratcliff. Class F & G pistol trophy to be announced. If over two junior pistol teams participate, top team will be recognized. Challenge trophies are displayed at the Sandpoint Gun Club, Sandpoint, Idaho - sponsors of the Annual Columbia State Match. | Targets:
| Organizer Approval Required to ParticipateOpen to teams Individual scores will be derived from team scores 4 person teams. Teams are defined by score - top shooters are the team Fee: $4.00 per person $20.00, per team
This competition is currently in progressREGISTER | | Details: IER&PA MEMBERSHIP IS REQUIRED TO PARTICIPATE
Please contact Craig Speirs at [email protected] about becoming a member.
The 104th Annual Rifle Postal Tournament of the IER&PA will begin firing the month of January 2025 and continue firing for ten consecutive weeks.
The tournament is open to any rifle or pistol club in the Inland Empire, or by invitation provided, they are affiliated with the National Rifle Association. Clubs may enter one or more four-person teams. No individual may fire more than the ten matches and may only fire on one team Except for Junior Rifle who may shoot for a Junior and Senior team. Two clubs may combine to form one team. Some clubs have found it to their advantage to have a score or two fired ahead of the due date and into the Secretary in order to take care of unforeseen occurrences such as inclement weather, sickness, holidays, mail delays, non working fax or phone lines complications, etc. (Remember how typical winters can be!)
| | Rules:
ARMS: Any smallbore .22 caliber rifle, NRA rule 3.2 (any safe trigger). SIGHTS: Any sights for Senior Rifle. Juniors must use iron sights for the Junior Rifle Division.
COURSE OF FIRE: All firing will be done in the presence of at least one club officer of the participating club. All scores will be certified by such officer as being fired in accordance to the NRA Gallery Rifle Rules. Being an NRA regulated Match, once a set of targets is started, they have to be shot at that event not spread out over days or shot randomly for convenience. The club officer in charge may use bullet gauges. Mark every shot on the target where the gauge is used. Targets may not be mailed to a shooter in another city except in the case when two clubs combine to form one team. It is permissible for a team member to take their targets to another range and fire them when they travel to another club for a shoulder to shoulder match.
Senior Rifle: A-17 targets. Ten shots in each of the four positions. Ten minutes for each prone, sitting and kneeling position. Fifteen minutes for standing. (Juniors exception: If a junior team wishes to shoot with or without a scope and A-17 targets they may enter as a senior rifle team. NRA smallbore rifles rule 3.2 will prevail, which may include hook butt plates and palm rests. Additionally, the Orion system and targets are allowed.
****Any Person may compete as a Junior through December 31st of the calendar year in which his or her 20th birthday occurs. Any Junior that begins the competition as a Junior may finish as a Junior recognizing that this competition officially begins on January 2nd each year, regardless of when the first targets are shot.****
SIGHTING SHOTS: Sighting shots allowed for rifle, using allotted time for that position.
CLASSIFICATION: All teams will be classified after three weeks. This will enable the teams to be classified on their shooting ability this year, as clubs may lose or pick-up shooters during the summer months. The first two weeks the teams will not be broken into classes. The third week the teams will be listed with their classification for the year. This had been discussed and voted on by the membership at the Columbia State meeting held spring of 1996.
TARGETS: ****All****targets must have the (Official NRA Competition Seal and have the Official Sticker Label of Inland Empire Rifle & Pistol Association placed on the backside of the Bull (Pistol) or #1 Bull (rifle). and numbered numerically. Range officers will issue targets in numbered sequence to their teams and any break in the sequence will be subject to question. It is the prerogative of the assigned Association Officer to call any or all targets of a match for inspection. All labels must be placed on the backside of the targets before they are shot.
If a club is using official IER&PA labels instead of official IER&PA targets, please follow these guidelines: All labels must be placed on the backside of the targets before they are shot.
*** "Remember, place the label on the backside before the target is shot at." ***
It should be noted that additional care must be exercised to keep the targets in a consecutive numbered order for each week. This is often done in advance by setting up the targets in a block for each week with the names of the individuals and the match numbers filled in to avoid confusion at a later date. All targets must be kept for three weeks after the last Tuesday of the posted scheduled session see published schedule.
FOR OFFICIAL IER&PA STICKERS CONTACT: ASAP Tax & Accounting Service Attn Kevin Klunder 102 Superior Street Ste 1, Sandpoint, ID 82864 (tel: 1-208-263-1040 cell 208-255-6925, leave message) (e-mail: [email protected]).
Stickers: $15 per roll of 500 stickers plus $10.20 USPS Priority shipping. Note: $30 per 1000 sticker roll which fits in the same shipping box, so more cost effective for your team- $30 + $10.20. Advance payment is necessary for stickers. NO COD orders will be accepted. (Checks made out to: IER&PA) Turnaround time is about 1 1⁄2 weeks. You may order official NRA targets from: American Target CO., 1328 So. Jason St., Denver, CO 80223. (1-303-733- 0433) (Fax: 1-303-777-0311) (www.americantargetcompany.com)
SCORING: *****Report All X's on Score Sheets*****
List the shooters: beginning with the highest score first and continue listing in descending order on the score sheet. Calculate the team score. Fill in the area to report the team name and class. Also, include Extra shooters results as their results will be submitted to the NRA records, but not calculated into a team score. DOUBLE and TRIPLE check your addition for the total team score. If the addition is in error and you have under scored, then your score will remain as reported. If the addition is in error and you have over scored, then the correction will be made. Please report scores for all positions shot so tiebreakers may be determined correctly. "SCORES MUST include the number of X's for both rifle and pistol." (Scoring X's refer to NRA Rule 14.3b and Center shots NRA Rule 14.3e)
Scores are now being posted through the web site www.ierpa.com or http://www.netcompetitor.com. The test log in and password should be current. If assistance is needed, email the Match Director. Scores must be posted to the web site, mailed, or e-mailed to the Match Director (Form provided by the Association). Those scores arriving late will be forfeited. SCORES for the FIRST Week must be in the hands of the Match Director NO LATER THAN NOON TUESDAY, January 14th, 2025. It is "VERY" important that all scores are in on time in order to be published. The Match Director will make NO exceptions. The scores shall continue to be mailed each week thereafter until the ten matches are completed. Scores submitted early are welcome and encouraged. The results begin appearing tentatively January 15, 2025 on the league web site: www.ierpa.com.
(Don't hesitate to consider shooting and sending results in early.)
HANDICAP: If a team is short a member then the team may be handicapped one shooter. This shooters score will be calculated at 80% of the average of the other members scores on the team. A team can only be handicapped the maximum of one shooter and only on the lowest team entered in the postal for a discipline.
ENTRY FEES: $20.00 per each four person team, plus include $10.00 for NRA (FLAT FEE) registration and awards required for each individual entered from the club to cover all disciplines. If a participant chooses to shoot both rifle and pistol, or both junior and senior rifle only $10.00 is required for that one shooter. (Entry Fee ex: A club enters two teams with 10 shooters on the roster; the entry fee would be $140.00.) Mail entries to: Inland Empire Rifle and Pistol Association, c/o Craig Speirs, 3311 Prairie St, Gillette, WY 82718 (NEW ADDRESS). The entry fees must be in the hands of the Match Director no later than December 5th, 2023.
ALL CLUBS MUST INCLUDE A ROSTER OF ALL SHOOTERS: THEIR FULL NAMES, ADDRESSES, BIRTHDATES, and NRA ID NUMBERS for the purpose of submitting the scores to the NRA for classification as this is a registered league. Clubs that do not submit the required information forfeit awards; yet must still pay the $4.00 NRA shooter's fee. The tentative roster is to be included with the first week's scores. Clubs which participated in the postal last season may have a roster sheet included with this bulletin, if so, please update and return by snail mail or email, as this list shows the current information in the Association records.
Awards will be given to top junior shooters in both pistol and rifle disciplines. A junior is classified as stated in the Course of Fire section of this bulletin. Please highlight any junior shooter on your roster. Thanks!
All ties in the final AGGREGATE standings will be broken by the scores fired in the tenth weeks match. Remember to report the 'X' count, it is important!
CHALLENGE: Protests must be made within two weeks after the publication of the score that is being challenged. All targets in protest from the challenged team and the protesting team will be reviewed. Challenge fee is $3.00 per week challenged. Only up to three protests will be allowed from any one club or its members per season.
BULLETIN: Because the Spokesman-Review is the sponsor of this tournament, the publication of the weekly results on the Spokesman-Review web site is the official bulletin. Sometimes printing errors do occur, because of this, the scores turned into the Spokesman by the Secretary will hold the final decision in any dispute. Results will appear on the www.spokesman.com website and the association's web site http://www.ierpa.org. The weekly results can be mailed for an additional $8.00 to cover postage. Also, results can be emailed in Excel.
AWARDS: The winning team will be determined by the total team aggregate for the ten weeks. It is important to not miss a week of firing. Get your scores in on time!!!!
Winning teams name will be engraved on the following challenge trophies; The Inland Empire Rifle & Pistol Association trophy for class AA and class D Rifle; The IER&PA trophy for class A Rifle; The Jensen-Byrd trophy for class B and the Marshall Wells trophy for class C Rifle. Pistol winners challenge trophies are as follows; The IER&PA trophy for class A Pistol; The Bill Hatch trophy for class B; The IER&PA trophy for class C: the Holt Memorial trophy for class D, and the Inland Empire Pistol Trophies for Class E, EE, G, H and possibly I. Other awards will be as follows: each class with 3 through 5 teams will be given 1st and 2nd place awards. Classes with 6 through 11 teams will be given 1st, 2nd and 3rd places. Pistol groups are to be limited to 9 teams per group. (Match director will make judgment call per 2009 minutes) There will also be an award for High man & High lady in Rifle and Pistol. High Junior girl and boy in Rifle and Pistol will also receive awards. Two Perpetual trophies for Junior Rifle Class A and B teams: Bill Havercroft and Warren Ratcliff. Class F & G pistol trophy to be announced. If over two junior pistol teams participate, top team will be recognized. Challenge trophies are displayed at the Sandpoint Gun Club, Sandpoint, Idaho - sponsors of the Annual Columbia State Match. | Targets:
- Prone
- Sitting
- Kneeling
- Standing
| Organizer Approval Required to ParticipateOpen to teams Individual scores will be derived from team scores 4 person teams. Teams are defined by score - top shooters are the team Fee: $4.00 per person $20.00, per team
This competition is currently in progressREGISTER | | Details: IER&PA MEMBERSHIP IS REQUIRED TO PARTICIPATE
Please contact Craig Speirs at [email protected] about becoming a member.
The 81st Annual Pistol Tournament of the IER&PA will begin firing the month of January 2025 and continue firing for ten consecutive weeks.
The tournament is open to any rifle or pistol club in the Inland Empire, or by invitation provided, they are affiliated with the National Rifle Association. Clubs may enter one or more four-person teams. No individual may fire more than the ten matches and may only fire on one team Except for Junior Rifle who may shoot for a Junior and Senior team. Two clubs may combine to form one team. Some clubs have found it to their advantage to have a score or two fired ahead of the due date and into the Secretary in order to take care of unforeseen occurrences such as inclement weather, sickness, holidays, mail delays, non working fax or phone lines complications, etc. (Remember how typical winters can be!)
| | Rules:
ARMS: Any .22 caliber pistol or revolver, NRA rule: 3.4 (no less than 2 lb. trigger). SIGHTS: Any sights for Pistol and Senior Rifle.
COURSE OF FIRE: All firing will be done in the presence of at least one club officer of the participating club. All scores will be certified by such officer as being fired in accordance to the NRA Gallery Pistol Rules. Being an NRA regulated Match, once a set of targets is started, they have to be shot at that event not spread out over days or shot randomly for convenience. The club officer in charge may use bullet gauges. Mark every shot on the target where the gauge is used. Targets may not be mailed to a shooter in another city except in the case when two clubs combine to form one team. It is permissible for a team member to take their targets to another range and fire them when they travel to another club for a shoulder to shoulder match.
B2 and B3 targets. Two five shot strings for each of slow, timed and rapid fire. Ten shots per target. Slow fire timing is ten minutes for ten shots. Timed fire is 20 seconds for each five shot string. Rapid fire is ten seconds for each five shot string.
****Any Person may compete as a Junior through December 31st of the calendar year in which his or her 20th birthday occurs. Any Junior that begins the competition as a Junior may finish as a Junior recognizing that this competition officially begins on January 2nd each year, regardless of when the first targets are shot.****
SIGHTING SHOTS: Handguns may use practice targets for sighting. The numbered targets are for record only.
CLASSIFICATION: All teams will be classified after three weeks. This will enable the teams to be classified on their shooting ability this year, as clubs may lose or pick-up shooters during the summer months. The first two weeks the teams will not be broken into classes. The third week the teams will be listed with their classification for the year. This had been discussed and voted on by the membership at the Columbia State meeting held spring of 1996.
TARGETS: ****All****targets must have the (Official NRA Competition Seal and have the Official Sticker Label of Inland Empire Rifle & Pistol Association placed on the backside of the Bull (Pistol). and numbered numerically. Range officers will issue targets in numbered sequence to their teams and any break in the sequence will be subject to question. It is the prerogative of the assigned Association Officer to call any or all targets of a match for inspection. All labels must be placed on the backside of the targets before they are shot: For Pistol targets place the labels in the center back behind the 10 ring. For rifle targets place the label on the back behind the #1 bull (not the sighter!).
If a club is using official IER&PA labels instead of official IER&PA targets, please follow these guidelines: All labels must be placed on the backside of the targets before they are shot: For Pistol targets place the labels in the center back behind the 10 ring. For rifle targets place the label on the back behind the #1 bull (not the sighter!).
*** "Remember, place the label on the backside before the target is shot at." ***
It should be noted that additional care must be exercised to keep the targets in a consecutive numbered order for each week. This is often done in advance by setting up the targets in a block for each week with the names of the individuals and the match numbers filled in to avoid confusion at a later date. All targets must be kept for three weeks after the last Tuesday of the posted scheduled session see published schedule.
FOR OFFICIAL IER&PA STICKERS CONTACT: ASAP Tax & Accounting Service Attn Kevin Klunder 102 Superior Street Ste 1, Sandpoint, ID 82864 (tel: 1-208-263-1040 cell 208-255-6925, leave message) (e-mail: [email protected]).
Stickers: $15 per roll of 500 stickers plus $10.20 USPS Priority shipping. Note: $30 per 1000 sticker roll which fits in the same shipping box, so more cost effective for your team- $30 + $10.20. Advance payment is necessary for stickers. NO COD orders will be accepted. (Checks made out to: IER&PA) Turnaround time is about 1 1⁄2 weeks. You may order official NRA targets from: American Target CO., 1328 So. Jason St., Denver, CO 80223. (1-303-733- 0433) (Fax: 1-303-777-0311) (www.americantargetcompany.com)
SCORING: *****Report All X's on Score Sheets*****
List the shooters: beginning with the highest score first and continue listing in descending order on the score sheet. Calculate the team score. Fill in the area to report the team name and class. Also, include Extra shooters results as their results will be submitted to the NRA records, but not calculated into a team score. DOUBLE and TRIPLE check your addition for the total team score. If the addition is in error and you have under scored, then your score will remain as reported. If the addition is in error and you have over scored, then the correction will be made. Please report scores for all positions shot so tiebreakers may be determined correctly. "SCORES MUST include the number of X's for both rifle and pistol." (Scoring X's refer to NRA Rule 14.3b and Center shots NRA Rule 14.3e)
Scores are now being posted through the web site www.ierpa.com or http://www.netcompetitor.com. The test log in and password should be current. If assistance is needed, email the Match Director. Scores must be posted to the web site, mailed, or e-mailed to the Match Director (Form provided by the Association). Those scores arriving late will be forfeited. SCORES for the FIRST Week must be in the hands of the Match Director NO LATER THAN NOON TUESDAY, January 14th, 2025. It is "VERY" important that all scores are in on time in order to be published. The Match Director will make NO exceptions. The scores shall continue to be mailed each week thereafter until the ten matches are completed. Scores submitted early are welcome and encouraged. The results begin appearing tentatively January 15, 2025 on the league web site: www.ierpa.com.
(Don't hesitate to consider shooting and sending results in early.)
HANDICAP: If a team is short a member then the team may be handicapped one shooter. This shooters score will be calculated at 80% of the average of the other members scores on the team. A team can only be handicapped the maximum of one shooter and only on the lowest team entered in the postal for a discipline.
ENTRY FEES: $20.00 per each four person team, plus include $10.00 for NRA (FLAT FEE) registration and awards required for each individual entered from the club to cover all disciplines. If a participant chooses to shoot both rifle and pistol, or both junior and senior rifle only $10.00 is required for that one shooter. (Entry Fee ex: A club enters two teams with 10 shooters on the roster; the entry fee would be $140.00.) Mail entries to: Inland Empire Rifle and Pistol Association, c/o Craig Speirs, 3311 Prairie St, Gillette, WY 82718 (NEW ADDRESS). The entry fees must be in the hands of the Match Director no later than December 5th, 2023.
ALL CLUBS MUST INCLUDE A ROSTER OF ALL SHOOTERS: THEIR FULL NAMES, ADDRESSES, BIRTHDATES, and NRA ID NUMBERS for the purpose of submitting the scores to the NRA for classification as this is a registered league. Clubs that do not submit the required information forfeit awards; yet must still pay the $4.00 NRA shooter's fee. The tentative roster is to be included with the first week's scores. Clubs which participated in the postal last season may have a roster sheet included with this bulletin, if so, please update and return by snail mail or email, as this list shows the current information in the Association records.
Awards will be given to top junior shooters in both pistol and rifle disciplines. A junior is classified as stated in the Course of Fire section of this bulletin. Please highlight any junior shooter on your roster. Thanks!
All ties in the final AGGREGATE standings will be broken by the scores fired in the tenth weeks match. Remember to report the 'X' count, it is important!
CHALLENGE: Protests must be made within two weeks after the publication of the score that is being challenged. All targets in protest from the challenged team and the protesting team will be reviewed. Challenge fee is $3.00 per week challenged. Only up to three protests will be allowed from any one club or its members per season.
BULLETIN: Because the Spokesman-Review is the sponsor of this tournament, the publication of the weekly results on the Spokesman-Review web site is the official bulletin. Sometimes printing errors do occur, because of this, the scores turned into the Spokesman by the Secretary will hold the final decision in any dispute. Results will appear on the www.spokesman.com website and the association's web site http://www.ierpa.org. The weekly results can be mailed for an additional $8.00 to cover postage. Also, results can be emailed in Excel.
AWARDS: The winning team will be determined by the total team aggregate for the ten weeks. It is important to not miss a week of firing. Get your scores in on time!!!!
Winning teams name will be engraved on the following challenge trophies; The Inland Empire Rifle & Pistol Association trophy for class AA and class D Rifle; The IER&PA trophy for class A Rifle; The Jensen-Byrd trophy for class B and the Marshall Wells trophy for class C Rifle. Pistol winners challenge trophies are as follows; The IER&PA trophy for class A Pistol; The Bill Hatch trophy for class B; The IER&PA trophy for class C: the Holt Memorial trophy for class D, and the Inland Empire Pistol Trophies for Class E, EE, G, H and possibly I. Other awards will be as follows: each class with 3 through 5 teams will be given 1st and 2nd place awards. Classes with 6 through 11 teams will be given 1st, 2nd and 3rd places. Pistol groups are to be limited to 9 teams per group. (Match director will make judgment call per 2009 minutes) There will also be an award for High man & High lady in Rifle and Pistol. High Junior girl and boy in Rifle and Pistol will also receive awards. Two Perpetual trophies for Junior Rifle Class A and B teams: Bill Havercroft and Warren Ratcliff. Class F & G pistol trophy to be announced. If over two junior pistol teams participate, top team will be recognized. Challenge trophies are displayed at the Sandpoint Gun Club, Sandpoint, Idaho - sponsors of the Annual Columbia State Match. | Targets:
| Organizer Approval Required to ParticipateOpen to teams Individual scores will be derived from team scores 4 person teams. Teams are defined by score - top shooters are the team Fee: $4.00 per person $20.00, per team
This competition is currently in progressREGISTER | | Details: IER&PA MEMBERSHIP IS REQUIRED TO PARTICIPATE
Please contact Craig Speirs at [email protected] about becoming a member.
The 2025 Jr Rifle Tournament of the IER&PA will begin firing the month of January 2025 and continue firing for ten consecutive weeks.
The tournament is open to any rifle or pistol club in the Inland Empire, or by invitation provided, they are affiliated with the National Rifle Association. Clubs may enter one or more four-person teams. No individual may fire more than the ten matches and may only fire on one team Except for Junior Rifle who may shoot for a Junior and Senior team. Two clubs may combine to form one team. Some clubs have found it to their advantage to have a score or two fired ahead of the due date and into the Secretary in order to take care of unforeseen occurrences such as inclement weather, sickness, holidays, mail delays, non working fax or phone lines complications, etc. (Remember how typical winters can be!) | | Rules:
ARMS: Any smallbore .22 caliber rifle, NRA rule 3.2 (any safe trigger).
SIGHTS: Juniors must use iron sights for the Junior Rifle Division.
COURSE OF FIRE: All firing will be done in the presence of at least one club officer of the participating club. All scores will be certified by such officer as being fired in accordance to the NRA Gallery Rifle Rules. Being an NRA regulated Match, once a set of targets is started, they have to be shot at that event not spread out over days or shot randomly for convenience. The club officer in charge may use bullet gauges. Mark every shot on the target where the gauge is used. Targets may not be mailed to a shooter in another city except in the case when two clubs combine to form one team. It is permissible for a team member to take their targets to another range and fire them when they travel to another club for a shoulder to shoulder match.
NRA/USA 50 targets. Regulation quarter course of fire, three position. Ten minutes for prone. Fifteen minutes for kneeling. Twenty minutes for standing. NRA rules will apply. Iron sights only. Additionally, the Orion system and targets are allowed for Junior and Seniors
****Any Person may compete as a Junior through December 31st of the calendar year in which his or her 20th birthday occurs. Any Junior that begins the competition as a Junior may finish as a Junior recognizing that this competition officially begins on January 2nd each year, regardless of when the first targets are shot.****
SIGHTING SHOTS: Sighting shots allowed for rifle, using allotted time for that position. The numbered targets are for record only.
CLASSIFICATION: All teams will be classified after three weeks. This will enable the teams to be classified on their shooting ability this year, as clubs may lose or pick-up shooters during the summer months. The first two weeks the teams will not be broken into classes. The third week the teams will be listed with their classification for the year. This had been discussed and voted on by the membership at the Columbia State meeting held spring of 1996.
TARGETS: ****All****targets must have the (Official NRA Competition Seal and have the Official Sticker Label of Inland Empire Rifle & Pistol Association placed on the backside of the Bull (Pistol) or #1 Bull (rifle). and numbered numerically. Range officers will issue targets in numbered sequence to their teams and any break in the sequence will be subject to question. It is the prerogative of the assigned Association Officer to call any or all targets of a match for inspection. All labels must be placed on the backside of the targets before they are shot.
If a club is using official IER&PA labels instead of official IER&PA targets, please follow these guidelines: All labels must be placed on the backside of the targets before they are shot.
*** "Remember, place the label on the backside before the target is shot at." ***
It should be noted that additional care must be exercised to keep the targets in a consecutive numbered order for each week. This is often done in advance by setting up the targets in a block for each week with the names of the individuals and the match numbers filled in to avoid confusion at a later date. All targets must be kept for three weeks after the last Tuesday of the posted scheduled session see published schedule.
FOR OFFICIAL IER&PA STICKERS CONTACT: ASAP Tax & Accounting Service Attn Kevin Klunder 102 Superior Street Ste 1, Sandpoint, ID 82864 (tel: 1-208-263-1040 cell 208-255-6925, leave message) (e-mail: [email protected]).
Stickers: $15 per roll of 500 stickers plus $10.20 USPS Priority shipping. Note: $30 per 1000 sticker roll which fits in the same shipping box, so more cost effective for your team- $30 + $10.20. Advance payment is necessary for stickers. NO COD orders will be accepted. (Checks made out to: IER&PA) Turnaround time is about 1 1⁄2 weeks. You may order official NRA targets from: American Target CO., 1328 So. Jason St., Denver, CO 80223. (1-303-733- 0433) (Fax: 1-303-777-0311) (www.americantargetcompany.com)
SCORING: *****Report All X's on Score Sheets*****
List the shooters: beginning with the highest score first and continue listing in descending order on the score sheet. Calculate the team score. Fill in the area to report the team name and class. Also, include Extra shooters results as their results will be submitted to the NRA records, but not calculated into a team score. DOUBLE and TRIPLE check your addition for the total team score. If the addition is in error and you have under scored, then your score will remain as reported. If the addition is in error and you have over scored, then the correction will be made. Please report scores for all positions shot so tiebreakers may be determined correctly. "SCORES MUST include the number of X's for both rifle and pistol." (Scoring X's refer to NRA Rule 14.3b and Center shots NRA Rule 14.3e)
Scores are now being posted through the web site www.ierpa.com or http://www.netcompetitor.com. The test log in and password should be current. If assistance is needed, email the Match Director. Scores must be posted to the web site, mailed, or e-mailed to the Match Director (Form provided by the Association). Those scores arriving late will be forfeited. SCORES for the FIRST Week must be in the hands of the Match Director NO LATER THAN NOON TUESDAY, January 14th, 2025. It is "VERY" important that all scores are in on time in order to be published. The Match Director will make NO exceptions. The scores shall continue to be mailed each week thereafter until the ten matches are completed. Scores submitted early are welcome and encouraged. The results begin appearing tentatively January 15, 2025 on the league web site: www.ierpa.com.
(Don't hesitate to consider shooting and sending results in early.)
HANDICAP: If a team is short a member then the team may be handicapped one shooter. This shooters score will be calculated at 80% of the average of the other member's scores on the team. A team can only be handicapped the maximum of one shooter and only on the lowest team entered in the postal for a discipline.
ENTRY FEES: $20.00 per each four person team, plus include $10.00 for NRA (FLAT FEE) registration and awards required for each individual entered from the club to cover all disciplines. If a participant chooses to shoot both rifle and pistol, or both junior and senior rifle only $10.00 is required for that one shooter. (Entry Fee ex: A club enters two teams with 10 shooters on the roster; the entry fee would be $140.00.) Mail entries to: Inland Empire Rifle and Pistol Association, c/o Craig Speirs, 3311 Prairie St, Gillette, WY 82718 (NEW ADDRESS). The entry fees must be in the hands of the Match Director no later than December 5th, 2023.
ALL CLUBS MUST INCLUDE A ROSTER OF ALL SHOOTERS: THEIR FULL NAMES, ADDRESSES, BIRTHDATES, and NRA ID NUMBERS for the purpose of submitting the scores to the NRA for classification as this is a registered league. Clubs that do not submit the required information forfeit awards; yet must still pay the $4.00 NRA shooter's fee. The tentative roster is to be included with the first week's scores. Clubs which participated in the postal last season may have a roster sheet included with this bulletin, if so, please update and return by snail mail or email, as this list shows the current information in the Association records.
Awards will be given to top junior shooters in both pistol and rifle disciplines. A junior is classified as stated in the Course of Fire section of this bulletin. Please highlight any junior shooter on your roster. Thanks!
All ties in the final AGGREGATE standings will be broken by the scores fired in the tenth weeks match. Remember to report the 'X' count, it is important!
CHALLENGE: Protests must be made within two weeks after the publication of the score that is being challenged. All targets in protest from the challenged team and the protesting team will be reviewed. Challenge fee is $3.00 per week challenged. Only up to three protests will be allowed from any one club or its members per season.
BULLETIN: Because the Spokesman-Review is the sponsor of this tournament, the publication of the weekly results on the Spokesman-Review web site is the official bulletin. Sometimes printing errors do occur, because of this, the scores turned into the Spokesman by the Secretary will hold the final decision in any dispute. Results will appear on the www.spokesman.com website and the association's web site http://www.ierpa.org. The weekly results can be mailed for an additional $8.00 to cover postage. Also, results can be emailed in Excel.
AWARDS: The winning team will be determined by the total team aggregate for the ten weeks. It is important to not miss a week of firing. Get your scores in on time!!!!
Winning teams name will be engraved on the following challenge trophies; The Inland Empire Rifle & Pistol Association trophy for class AA and class D Rifle; The IER&PA trophy for class A Rifle; The Jensen-Byrd trophy for class B and the Marshall Wells trophy for class C Rifle. Pistol winners challenge trophies are as follows; The IER&PA trophy for class A Pistol; The Bill Hatch trophy for class B; The IER&PA trophy for class C: the Holt Memorial trophy for class D, and the Inland Empire Pistol Trophies for Class E, EE, G, H and possibly I. Other awards will be as follows: each class with 3 through 5 teams will be given 1st and 2nd place awards. Classes with 6 through 11 teams will be given 1st, 2nd and 3rd places. Pistol groups are to be limited to 9 teams per group. (Match director will make judgment call per 2009 minutes) There will also be an award for High man & High lady in Rifle and Pistol. High Junior girl and boy in Rifle and Pistol will also receive awards. Two Perpetual trophies for Junior Rifle Class A and B teams: Bill Havercroft and Warren Ratcliff. Class F & G pistol trophy to be announced. If over two junior pistol teams participate, top team will be recognized. Challenge trophies are displayed at the Sandpoint Gun Club, Sandpoint, Idaho - sponsors of the Annual Columbia State Match. | Targets: